Unveiling Hearthstone's Game-Changing Twist: A Complete Revamp!

Unveiling Hearthstone's Game-Changing Twist: A Complete Revamp!

Hearthstone's Twist format: an interview with developers Matt London and Chadd Nervig reveals how this innovative addition is revolutionizing the game by introducing exciting changes to the traditional Wild and Standard formats

Hearthstone offers a wide range of game modes for its players, but the traditional ladder formats remain at the core of the game. In addition to Classic, Wild, and Standard, Hearthstone introduces a new ladder format called Twist, which sets itself apart with its ever-changing rules.

Game Rant had the opportunity to participate in a group interview with Matt London, the lead modes designer of Hearthstone, and Chadd Nervig, the features lead. They discussed the unique aspects of Twist in comparison to Standard and Wild, as well as how players can leverage this new format to enrich their collections.

A Twist on Hearthstone's Wild and Standard Formats

Unveiling Hearthstone's Game-Changing Twist: A Complete Revamp!

In New Age, the first Twist format, players have the freedom to construct decks using cards from the Year of the Phoenix onwards, excluding neutrals. This format strikes a balance between the Standard and Wild modes in Hearthstone, offering more powerful synergies, faster gameplay, and a greater emphasis on the value of mana crystals. However, Twist differs from Wild in that it does not have the same density of powerful cards that often lead to combo-based strategies.

It is important to note that the rules of Twist are subject to constant change, meaning that the power level may vary. London further explained that other Twist formats may have a significantly lower power level, particularly those that focus on older sets, evoking a sense of nostalgia for a simpler time. Regardless of the specific rules in place, Twist provides players with the opportunity to explore their card collections in a more profound way compared to Standard, albeit with certain limitations when compared to Wild.

Twist aims to cater to players who enjoy creating decks focused on fun and nostalgia, as well as those who strive for domination through ruthless efficiency. Unlike Wild, which allows players to use any card from Hearthstone's near-ten years of history, Twist introduces regular changes to the rules and imposes more restrictions. This prevents decks from becoming complacent and ensures that no singular strategies dominate the meta.

“The Wild card pool does not cater perfectly to both audiences. Twist presents an opportunity for us to offer tailored experiences that allow players to fully indulge in their preferred style of playing Hearthstone.”

The unpredictability of its rules is a major advantage of Twist. While New Age will serve as a balanced compromise between Standard and Wild, upcoming formats are expected to introduce exciting and nostalgic Twists to Hearthstone. London anticipates that, instead of attempting to create a single format that appeals to every player, the rotation of formats will enable individuals to discover the elements that truly resonate with them.

The Twist aims to prevent stagnation and offer players a wide array of options to enjoy Hearthstone beyond popular modes such as Battlegrounds and Standard. According to Nervig, the novelty factor of Twist is intentional, encouraging players to try out the new format each month. Even if players eventually go back to Standard or Wild, it's not an issue as a new Twist format will be introduced in a few weeks. While not every Twist may appeal to every player, the frequent introduction of new formats ensures that the next one is just around the corner.

What Hearthstone Twist Brings to the Table

One of the downsides of Hearthstone Twist is that certain players may encounter difficulties when trying to construct legal decks in specific formats. While players are allowed to use their Standard decks in the New Age Twist, they must remove their neutral cards. However, future Twist rules may incorporate cards from older expansions that newer players may not possess. Fortunately, Hearthstone is addressing this issue by introducing Battle-Ready Decks. London has confirmed that these pre-built decks are being planned for most Twist formats and will include cards that align with the strategies within the rules set. For instance, one of these decks could be a Druid deck that combines the Hero Power synergies from Festival of Legends, armor cards from Rise of the Lich King, and the Questline from United in Stormwind.

We aim to create a seamless experience for players to easily join and play Twist by offering a balance of bundles and Battle-Ready Decks. Our goal is to cater to both players with limited collections and those with established ones by providing valuable opportunities. Twist's ladder offers a dynamic approach for players to earn monthly rewards, progress through quests, and engage in in-game events. As Hearthstone approaches its double-digit years as a live-service game, Twist appears to be the refreshing addition it needs to keep things exciting.

Hearthstone is available now for Mobile and PC.