Unveiling Destiny 2's Ultimate Emblem: Meet the Community's Champion!

Unveiling Destiny 2's Ultimate Emblem: Meet the Community's Champion!

Destiny 2 unveils the winner of their community contest, showcasing a distinct and original emblem design Players were given the opportunity to create a brand new emblem, resulting in a uniquely captivating design


The latest community contest in Destiny 2 gave players the opportunity to create a new emblem for the game, which became known as "A Guardian's Notebook."

Bungie expressed their appreciation to all the participants in the contest and highlighted the significance of displaying the community's comprehension of the essence of Destiny.

No further details were provided about other submissions or future community contests in the post. However, Bungie has a track record of involving players in decision-making processes, such as designing weapon ornaments.

Destiny 2 players regularly participate in contests, often centered around the game's fashion and customization elements. Bungie recently announced the winner of its latest contest, in which the community was tasked with creating a new emblem for the game. The studio has previously released custom emblems as rewards for supporting charitable causes such as Black Lives Matter and disaster relief efforts. The current contest is being organized by the Bungie Foundation, which is carefully reviewing numerous submissions before selecting a winner.

Destiny 2 is currently in the latter half of its latest season, the Season of the Deep. During this season, players were sent back to Titan to assist Deputy Commander Sloane, who discovered a mysterious creature in the moon's methane oceans that could potentially help in the battle against The Witness and provide valuable knowledge about its origins. However, guardians also had to face off against the Hive god Xivu Arath.

In a recent This Week in Destiny post, Bungie discussed the emblem community contest and expressed gratitude to all the participants. The winning design, entitled "A Guardian's Notebook" by Twitter user Alex@a_w_mont, was reminiscent of a page torn from a high school student's notebook. The emblem showcased sketches of various elements from the game, including Saint-14, Gjallarhorn, a ghost, and the Traveler.

Bungie did not delve into the contest or the submissions it received during the two-week period, aside from acknowledging the winning design. The studio received "dozens" of submissions for the team to vote on, ultimately selecting "A Guardian's Notebook" as the winner. The post expresses gratitude to all participants in the Bungie Day celebration and contest, recognizing their understanding of the game Destiny.

The next community contest is still undecided, as Bungie has various options to choose from for its next run. A common contest in recent memory allowed players to determine a new weapon ornament created by a community artist chosen by the studio. The most recent contest concluded with Witherhoard as the winner, earning an ornament fitting for the Season of the Deep.

Destiny 2 is currently available for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

Source: Bungie