![Unveiling Destiny 2's Enigmatic Alien Frog: The HELM's Unprecedented Obsession](https://cdn.cloudtek.vn/images/2023/07/03/hocmarketing-org-og-19531-unveiling-destiny-2s-enigmatic-alien-frog-the-helms-unprecedented-obsession.jpg?tr=w-770,h-433)
Unveiling Destiny 2's Enigmatic Alien Frog: The HELM's Unprecedented Obsession
![Unveiling Destiny 2's Enigmatic Alien Frog: The HELM's Unprecedented Obsession](https://cdn.cloudtek.vn/images/2023/07/03/hocmarketing-org-og-19531-unveiling-destiny-2s-enigmatic-alien-frog-the-helms-unprecedented-obsession.jpg?tr=w-770,h-433)
Destiny 2 introduces an exciting fishing mini-game that surpasses expectations, featuring an array of unique aquatic life Among them, the captivating and vibrant alien frog has become a beloved favorite among players
In a first for the franchise, Destiny 2's Season of the Deep introduced an exciting fishing mini-game for Guardians to enjoy. Among the diverse range of creatures encountered, one standout favorite in the community is a vibrant frog. Despite the challenges faced by Destiny 2, such as criticisms over Bungie's monetization and content scheduling, Season of the Deep has received praise for providing players with a lighthearted and enjoyable activity to relax and unwind.
Amidst the criticism surrounding Destiny 2's Lightfall DLC, fans have found solace in the impressive fishing feature introduced in the Season of the Deep. One highlight, in particular, is the vibrant neon-pink frog creature, unofficially dubbed the Ignition Toad. The Destiny 2 subreddit has seen discussions regarding potential alternative names such as "Glormp," "Kermy," and "Lance Ribbit," showcasing the frog's popularity. Despite the abundance of new creatures added to the game, Glormp seems to have taken the spotlight and might become the unofficial mascot of the fishing feature.
Players interested in witnessing the magnificence of the Ignition Toad should refer to a Destiny 2 fishing guide for a detailed explanation on how to include it in their HELM aquarium display. After successfully fishing out a new creature, Guardians can easily add it to their collection by interacting with the appropriate console on HELM. This capability to collect and display creatures is likely the reason behind the fans' strong admiration for this feature.
The future of Destiny 2's fishing mini-game is uncertain at the moment. If you want to collect the game's version of pocket monsters, it's recommended to do so before Season of the Deep ends. While it's likely that fishing will become a permanent feature in Destiny, there's no confirmation from Bungie yet, so it's uncertain if it will stay after The Final Shape DLC is released.
Although the fishing mini-game is enjoyable, there are some drawbacks. Destiny 2's Fishing Rally quest has been criticized for its frustrating gameplay and underwhelming rewards. Despite this, Glormp and his companions are quite popular, which indicates that Bungie has made some positive decisions during Season of the Deep.
Destiny 2 is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.