Unlocking the Hidden Secrets: Mastering the Unwritten Rules of Pokemon GO

Unlocking the Hidden Secrets: Mastering the Unwritten Rules of Pokemon GO

Discover the hidden guidelines of Pokemon GO! Join the dedicated community that upholds these unspoken rules, including raid etiquette, respectful gym play, and showing support for local businesses Embark on a journey to become a true Pokemon trainer and earn the respect of your fellow players!


Better Version: Unwritten Rule #1 for Pokemon GO: Show Respect for Raid Etiquette - Stay until the end of a raid when there's only a short amount of time left to prevent inconveniencing others.

Unwritten Rule #2 for Pokemon GO: Be Courteous at Gyms - Refrain from taking over gyms that others are currently battling to clear and avoid immediately ejecting a player from a gym they have recently conquered.

Unwritten Rule #3 for Pokemon GO: Patronize Local Establishments - While exploring areas with PokeStops and gyms, strive to support nearby businesses instead of solely benefiting from the content provided by Pokemon GO.

In the realm of the mobile sensation Pokemon GO, various official rules and regulations have emerged due to the game's massive launch in 2016. The game's unprecedented success during that time left Niantic unsure of where to prioritize their attention, resulting in communities grappling with major issues stemming from the large player base engaging in troublesome behavior.

However, it is crucial for new players not only to adhere to the official rules set by Niantic, but also to be aware of certain unwritten rules that the community holds dear. It would be prudent for newcomers entering the Pokemon GO world in the present year to familiarize themselves with these unspoken rules, as they can help prevent any early frustrations that may arise from interactions with other players.

Unwritten Pokemon GO Rule #1: Remember Raid Etiquette

Unlocking the Hidden Secrets: Mastering the Unwritten Rules of Pokemon GO

Raids play a vital role in the Pokemon GO experience, allowing players to gain experience, obtain rare items, and capture elusive Pokemon, such as the recent Yveltal. However, it is important for new players to approach raids with consideration for the other participants involved.

While it is now possible to participate in raids without physically interacting with other players, it is crucial not to overlook their presence. It is customary to adhere to certain etiquette during raids, such as refraining from leaving a raid with only 20 seconds left on the timer before the battle begins. In higher-level raids, the number of trainers in the lobby can determine the success or failure of defeating the raid Pokemon. Thus, abruptly leaving a raid at the last moment can disrupt the entire endeavor, wasting everyone's time and resources. Therefore, players who wish to join a raid should ensure their commitment to staying throughout the entire battle before joining.

Unwritten Pokemon GO Rule #2: Play Nice with Gyms

One of the important raid etiquette rules that players often emphasize is to leave when it appears that the raid is unlikely to succeed. It is not entirely unreasonable to withdraw from a raid if it seems that the entire group is overwhelmed. After all, there is no point in wasting time on a venture that will only result in depleted Pokemon. However, some players may be too hasty in pressing the exit button. It is worth noting that a raid can be turned around and potentially won by simply swapping teams with one or two other players. Unfortunately, this potential solution can be negated if another player loses hope prematurely and decides to abandon the raid. Therefore, the unspoken rule in Pokemon GO is to wait until at least half of the raid is completed before determining if it is truly winnable or simply a waste of time.

Unlocking the Hidden Secrets: Mastering the Unwritten Rules of Pokemon GO

One of the notable aspects of Pokemon GO involves the intense competition to dominate the numerous gyms scattered throughout towns and cities. Often, new players unintentionally disregard the unwritten yet essential guidelines governing these gyms, which can be highly frustrating for experienced players. According to this unspoken rule, it is important to refrain from overtaking a gym while another player is in the process of clearing it.

Clearing a gym can be a time-consuming process, as the goal is for the player who clears it to place their own Pokemon and reap rewards like valuable coins and the team bonus from spinning the gym's PokeStop. However, there are some selfish players who wait until the gym is cleared before swiftly inserting their own Pokemon, disregarding the efforts of others. This is a frustrating experience that many long-time players have encountered at least once.

Similarly, it is considered good etiquette to refrain from immediately challenging and removing a player who has just claimed a gym. Engaging in such behavior is arguably just as unfavorable as sniping the gym seat, as both actions undermine the fairness of the game.

Unwritten Pokemon GO Rule #3: Support Frequented Businesses

Unlocking the Hidden Secrets: Mastering the Unwritten Rules of Pokemon GO

Pokemon GO has a positive impact on players by encouraging them to explore their communities. In their quest for raids, gyms, and Pokemon clusters, players discover new places and become regulars at locations with abundant PokeStops and gyms. However, some players only utilize these areas without contributing to local businesses. To address this issue, many Pokemon GO players advocate for supporting these businesses. It is crucial for these establishments to view Pokemon GO as a valuable tool that attracts customers, rather than a nuisance that attracts individuals seeking free spaces for extended periods of time.

Pokemon GO is available now for mobile devices.