Unlocking Secrets in Baldur's Gate 3: Navigating Thrumbo’s Beach House Basement

Discover the method to access the Counting House Safe n°6 Key by operating the lever in the basement of the Beach House in Baldur's Gate 3. Explore the hidden depths of Thrumbo’s Beach House for valuable treasures.
Baldur's Gate 3 is a large RPG game that is based on Dungeons & Dragons. In Act 3, players can finally explore the iconic city of Baldur's Gate. This city is much bigger than the locations in the first two acts and is full of hidden secrets.
The Counting House is the main bank in Baldur's Gate, and it has a series of safes filled with rare valuables. These safes are tough to open with lockpicking skills. Fortunately, players can discover hidden keys scattered throughout the city to unlock them. To get the Counting House Safe n°6 Key, players must interact with a lever in the basement.
Thrumbo Location
The world map with the beach house highlighter - Thrumbo Location
After encountering the Mystic Carrion in Philgrave's Mansion, players will be tasked with locating Thrumbo. To find Thrumbo, head to the southernmost area of the Lower City, beyond the Heapside Strand fast travel point. Descend the stairs and turn right to reach the docks. Be prepared for an attack by Sahuagin enemies the first time you visit this seaside location.
baldur's-gate-3-thrumbo - Head up the stairs to find Thrumbo at the beach house labeled Vonayn's House in game
To find Thrumbo, head up the stairs to the beach house labeled Vonayn's House in the game. He is hiding in the wardrobe at coordinates (X:56, Y:-120). Open the wardrobe to speak to him and make a choice between siding with the undead servants or Mystic Carrion.
Enter the Basement
baldur's-gate-3-hatch - Enter the Basement
As you complete this task, keep an eye out for the hatch located outside on the front patio. This hatch will lead you to the house's basement, but be cautious as there are three trip wire traps set up in the hallway. If any party members have a keen perception, they may spot these traps and alert you. It's advisable to bring along a rogue with high dexterity to safely disarm these traps.
Using the Basement Lever
At the end of the hall, beyond the traps, you will come across a dead end. There is a lever hidden on the wall, illuminated by the sky above. Unfortunately, you won't be able to reach it by jumping or squeezing into the space, and spells like telekinesis or Mage Hand won't do the trick either. The simple solution is to use a ranged attack on the lever. Surprisingly, this will flip the lever despite the fact that it may not seem to make sense from a physics standpoint.
In the hall, the wall to the right will open up to show a hidden area. Inside, you can find the Counting House Safe n°6 Key on the right side. It's located in the backpack near the bed and safe. Be cautious of the booby-trapped chest on the left side, which contains a small amount of gold.
Editor's P/S:
The article provides a comprehensive guide to locating the elusive Counting House Safe n°6 Key in Baldur's Gate 3. The detailed instructions and clear visual aids make it easy to follow and locate the key. The article effectively captures the immersive experience of exploring the vast city of Baldur's Gate and engaging in its intricate puzzles.
However, it could benefit from additional context on the significance of the Counting House and the importance of acquiring the key. Providing more information about the rewards or consequences associated with obtaining the key would enhance the reader's understanding and motivation to embark on this quest.