Unlocking Astarion's True Self: A Guide to Ascend in Baldur's Gate 3

Unlocking Astarion's True Self: A Guide to Ascend in Baldur's Gate 3

Discover the secret method to help Astarion ascend and see himself in the mirror in Baldur's Gate 3. Follow the Pale Elf Quest and make pivotal decisions to unlock Astarion's true vampire form.

The Heartbreaking Struggle of Astarion

In the world of Baldur's Gate 3, Astarion, the charismatic vampire, faces a profound struggle that goes beyond his immortality and need for blood. For over two centuries, he has been denied the simple pleasure of seeing his own reflection in a mirror. The torment of forgetting his human appearance weighs heavily on him, making his journey all the more poignant.

astarion doing the ritual in baldurs gate 3

astarion doing the ritual in baldurs gate 3

Players who wish to aid Astarion in this personal quest will need to tread a path filled with sacrifice and pivotal choices. The Pale Elf Quest holds the key to unlocking Astarion's true self, but the cost of this transformation is significant. It is a journey that will test the resolve of those who seek to help Astarion reclaim what was lost.

astarion seeing himself in baldurs gate 3

astarion seeing himself in baldurs gate 3

The Path to Ascension

To initiate Astarion's ascension and allow him to see himself in the mirror, players must embark on the Pale Elf Quest in Baldur's Gate 3. This quest will lead them to the pivotal moment at Szarr Palace in Act 3, where a crucial decision must be made.



After a challenging battle against Cazador, Astarion will seek the players' cooperation in a significant ritual. Agreeing to merge their tadpoles is the key to unlocking Astarion's true vampire form and granting him the ability to see his reflection once more. However, refusal or interruption at this critical juncture will lead to dire consequences, including Astarion's departure from the party or hostility towards the players.



Once the ritual is complete, Astarion's transformation into a true vampire is realized. He no longer depends on blood for sustenance, can walk freely in the sunlight, and, most importantly, can behold his reflection once more. Players can witness Astarion's reaction by guiding him to any mirror after leaving the Palace.

Baldur's Gate 3 Cazador Boss Guide Radiant Damage Moonbeam

Baldur's Gate 3 Cazador Boss Guide Radiant Damage Moonbeam

The Journey to Interrupt Cazador's Ritual

To set Astarion on the path to ascend, players must reach Szarr Palace and interrupt Cazador's ritual. The journey begins at the Lower City Central Wall waypoint, where players must navigate to a specific location to encounter Cazador's soldiers.

astarion complementing himself in baldurs gate 3

astarion complementing himself in baldurs gate 3

After overcoming the initial obstacles, players will come across a mysterious door with cryptic writing. The discovery of a special book, the Kozakuran Dictionary, is crucial for deciphering the inscription and progressing further into the Palace. This leads to a confrontation with Cazador and the pivotal moment where players must ensure Astarion sees the scars on his back without interruption.


The journey to help Astarion ascend and see himself in the mirror is a testament to the depth of storytelling and character development in Baldur's Gate 3. It is a narrative thread that resonates with the emotional journey of Astarion and the impact of player choices on his fate. While the path to ascension is fraught with sacrifice and difficult decisions, the reward lies in witnessing Astarion embrace his true self and reclaim a part of his identity that was lost to him for centuries.