Unlock The Secrets of Baldur's Gate 3: Insider Tips to Reach the Main City!

Unlock The Secrets of Baldur's Gate 3: Insider Tips to Reach the Main City!

Discover the various strategies to infiltrate Wyrm's Rock Fortress and unlock your passage to the majestic city of Baldur's Gate Explore bribery, acquiring passes, creative arrests, daring leaps, and exploit spells, abilities, and glitches for an unforgettable adventure!

Act 3 of Baldur's Gate 3 begins with players on the outskirts of the renowned city, Baldur's Gate. However, their progress towards the city is hindered by the formidable Wyrm's Rock Fortress. In order to delve deeper into Act 3, players must discover a means of entering Wyrm's Rock. Similar to other significant quests in Baldur's Gate 3, there exist multiple challenging approaches to achieve this objective. Nevertheless, each method will eventually result in the drawbridges lowering and allowing passage forward.

Bribe the Guards

Unlock The Secrets of Baldur's Gate 3: Insider Tips to Reach the Main City!

Players may feel a sense of unease following the incident at the South Span Checkpoint, regardless of its outcome. However, the Flaming Fist guards stationed at the drawbridge are open to speaking with the party without harboring any suspicions. It should be noted, however, that the bridge will not be lowered for a Baldurian as Gortash's coronation is currently underway on the fortress's top floor.

The most straightforward course of action for players is to utilize Persuasion in order to offer a bribe to the Flaming Fist guards. Nevertheless, this approach is ill-advised for two reasons. Firstly, the Persuasion check required is exceptionally challenging with a DC of 25. Secondly, even in the event of a successful persuasion, the price of the bribe amounts to a hefty sum of 20,000 gold. Such an amount could potentially deplete the funds of even the most affluent parties, and the sole advantage gained from this venture is access to Wyrm's Rock. Considering the existence of more cost-effective means to reach the fortress, players should steer clear of this method even if they possess 20,000 gold.

Get a Pass

Unlock The Secrets of Baldur's Gate 3: Insider Tips to Reach the Main City!

Engaging in various quests in Rivington allows players to obtain two essential passes that gate guards cannot ignore. One pass is obtained by solving the Open Hand Temple murder, while the other is obtained through investigating suspicious toys.

To quickly acquire the Open Hand Temple pass, players should enter the temple and encounter the hollyphant investigator. Afterwards, they should proceed to the Fraygos Flophouse on the South Span Bridge. On the top floor, they should unlock the wardrobe to reveal a secret room, where they can find the Bloodstained Parchment. Presenting this parchment to the hollyphant, who can now be found across the street at Sharess' Caress, will result in players receiving the Lower City Pass. This pass will grant them access to Wyrm's Rock by opening its gates.

Get Arrested

Obtaining the necessary clearance for the suspicious toys requires some additional effort. Players are required to thoroughly explore the basement of Arfur's Mansion, where they must locate and retrieve the Blackmail Letter. Additionally, they must discreetly enter the Requisitioned Barn and carefully examine the box containing the toy bears. Once both tasks have been accomplished, players should confront Arfur and utilize intimidation tactics to extract valuable information. In response, Arfur will provide the party with an exclusive invitation to the highly anticipated coronation event.

Unlock The Secrets of Baldur's Gate 3: Insider Tips to Reach the Main City!

Located on the lowest level of the fortress, the prison in this region is situated atop Wyrm's Rock. To gain entry beyond the drawbridge, an effective strategy involves orchestrating the party's arrest and subsequently executing a daring prison break. This can be achieved by taking advantage of the South Span Checkpoint or intentionally getting caught in the Requisitioned Barn. It is important to note that only a single party member needs to be apprehended for this plan to succeed.

To escape the prison cell, players must interact with the skull on the shelf at the back wall. The skull can free the prisoners but will only do so if they answer two riddles correctly. Failing to answer the riddles will teleport them next to the guards. The correct answers are "a shadow" and "an anvil."

After successfully leaving the cell, the party must remain hidden for two minutes in real-time. If they fail to do so, they will be forced to fight their way out of the prison. A good hiding spot is on the other side of a broken wall near the main intersection of the prison. When the "on the lam" condition ends, players have two options for escaping the prison: either by breaking a wall in the prison's storeroom or by using Deception to convince the guards that they are just visitors.

Leap Across

Unlock The Secrets of Baldur's Gate 3: Insider Tips to Reach the Main City!

Starting from a position east of the drawbridge, the Baldur's Gate 3 group has a clear view of a natural pathway running along the base of Wyrm's Rock Fortress. By taking a leap, they can inflict approximately 30 to 40 points of damage. However, at this stage of the game, the party should have the ability to withstand the fall. Alternatively, players can mitigate this damage by utilizing Feather Fall spells or potions, as well as other spells like Misty Step and Dimension Door.

Once the party has successfully reached this lower path, they have two options for advancing. They can either navigate around the fortress's east side, locating a crack that leads to the prison (hidden behind a weak wall in the storehouse), or they can proceed around the west side, where they will discover a wooden platform and a set of vines that ascend to the fort's Audience Chamber. To gain entry, the party will need to either pick the lock or forcefully break open a door. Inside, the Flaming Fist guard will not attack or apprehend them. However, they will become hostile if players attempt to open any of the interior doors. Therefore, it is advisable to hide and await their departure before proceeding.

Spells, Abilities, and Glitches

Unlock The Secrets of Baldur's Gate 3: Insider Tips to Reach the Main City!

In case of any failures or when players are feeling particularly inventive, there are several approaches to utilize spells and abilities to bypass the drawbridge in a more straightforward manner.

Although the drawbridge renders the area beyond it "invisible" to spells such as Misty Step and Dimension Door, characters in Baldur's Gate 3 who possess the ability to fly through Bestow Flight and other similar abilities can effortlessly pass through the bridge as if it does not exist.

Characters can traverse the ledge underneath the statue to the west of the drawbridge. If a party member possesses a strong jumping ability, they can leap through the gap between the bridge and the wall.

Additionally, a party member with good jumping skills can ascend to the roof located southwest of the drawbridge. From there, a triple jump can be used to cross over to the upper level of Wyrm's Rock. It is worth noting that the balcony is slightly elevated compared to the roof, thus preventing any potential injury from falling.

The rooftop is conveniently positioned for a Dimension Door spell to reach the southwest corner of the upper fort level.

Upon a party member reaching the Audience Chamber or the main passage in Wyrm's Rock, the Steel Watch will cease hostilities and Gortash will propose an alliance to the party. Players are free to respond as they wish, but the encounter will conclude amicably and both drawbridges of Wyrm's Rock will be lowered. From this point forward, players will have unrestricted access to the city of Baldur's Gate until the game concludes.

Baldur's Gate 3 is available now on macOS and PC, and it's coming to PS5 on September 6.
