Unleashing the Epic Power: Discover the Mightiest Dragon in House of the Dragon

Discover the colossal might of Vhagar, the magnificent dragon in House of the Dragon Unveil its awe-inspiring birth and legendary riders Explore Vhagar's captivating role in the captivating Dance of Dragons Get ready for an epic journey into the world of House of the Dragon
In House of the Dragon season 1, episode 7 "Driftmark," Prince Aemond Targaryen successfully acquires the largest dragon in the Seven Kingdoms but suffers the loss of an eye during a battle against Daemon's girls and Rhaenyra's sons. His grandfather and Hand, Otto Hightower, recognizes the value of having Vhagar on the Greens' side, declaring, "What Aemond has achieved in winning Vhagar for our cause... the boy was correct. It is worth far more than what he sacrificed."
Upon hearing these words, Aemond's mother, Alicent Hightower, who is grieving over her child's injury, finds some comfort. By securing the mightiest dragon in existence, young Aemond significantly advances the Greens' chances of triumph in the impending war for succession between King Viserys' offspring from his two wives.
The imposing stronghold of the Dragon beast, Vhagar, is a formidable she-dragon that has ruled the skies of Westeros since the era of Aegon the Conqueror. Notably, Vhagar was the trusted mount of Aegon's older sister-wife, Visenya Targaryen, both during and after the Conquest. Together with their third sibling, they introduced three dragons to Westeros during their invasion. While Aegon's dragon, Balerion the Black Dread, passed away from old age under King Jaehaerys I Targaryen's reign and Rhaenys' dragon, Meraxes, met its demise in the First Dornish War due to an arrow, Vhagar survived. The triumphs of Aegon relied upon the might of these three dragons, which were instrumental in their scorching displays of power upon adversaries in critical battles like the Field of Fire. Moreover, these dragons served as intimidating deterrents in regions such as the Vale. Given Vhagar’s seasoned experience in warfare, its rider Aemond staunchly boasts, "'Tis I... who rides the largest dragon in the world..."
Vhagar's Birth And Riders
Vhagar, the dragon, was born on Dragonstone during a chaotic period known as the Century of Blood, which followed the devastating Doom of Valyria. The dragon was named after a god from the Valyrian Freehold, and among its known riders after Visenya was Prince Baelon Targaryen. Vhagar also formed a bond with Lady Laena Velaryon, who tragically commanded the dragon to burn her alive as she realized her imminent death in childbirth. In addition to being used during Aegon's Conquest, Queen Visenya deployed Vhagar in a punitive campaign against the Dornish known as Dragon's Wroth, which lasted for two years. During this time, Aegon and Visenya unleashed their dragons to burn down every Dornish stronghold, except for Sunspear and its shadow city, in retaliation for the assassination of Queen Rhaenys during the First Dornish War. Eventually, Vhagar was entrusted with the task of lighting the funeral pyre of Aegon the Conqueror in 37 AC.
The she-dragon, known as Vhagar, played a crucial role in the Faith Militant uprising within Game of Thrones lore. This insurgency was sparked by the Faith's opposition to Targaryen marriage practices, considering them to be unacceptable and abhorrent. The rebellion began when Aenys II arranged the marriage of his daughter, Rhaena, to his son, Aegon. Even during Maegor's reign, which was marked by ruthless tactics, the Faith's rebellion persisted.
During the Faith Militant uprising, Queen Visenya's dragon, Vhagar, unleashed fiery destruction upon the seats of minor houses such as Blanetree, Deddings, Lychester, Terrick, and Wayn in the Riverlands. Following this event, Vhagar remained riderless for twenty-nine years until Queen Visenya passed away suddenly in 44 AC. Vhagar then stayed on Dragonstone and later took residence in the Dragonpit in King's Landing until Baelon the Brave claimed her as his own.
Vhagar, along with dragons Caraxes and Vermithor, were utilized by the Targaryens during the Fourth Dornish War. When Balerion, the largest among them, died in 94 AC, Vhagar became the sole surviving dragon from Aegon's Conquest. This fact is likely to be explored in an upcoming Game of Thrones prequel. The series House of the Dragon showcases Vhagar still in mourning at Driftmark when young Aemond Targaryen establishes a bond with her. Vhagar is nearly as colossal as Balerion was during the Conquest and currently holds the title of the oldest dragon to soar through Westeros' skies. Despite the immense size of Vermithor and Caraxes, both belonging to Daemon Targaryen, Vhagar remains unchallenged in terms of power and grandeur.
Vhagar In The Dance
In House of the Dragon season 1, episode 10 "The Black Queen," Vhagar made an appearance outside Lord Borros Baratheon's fortress of Storm's End. Aemond, the rider of Vhagar, had successfully secured Lord Borros' support for their cause by defeating the Black faction. Meanwhile, Lucerys Velaryon, who had flown to Storm's End on a dragon as Queen Rhaenyra's messenger, was rejected and forced to leave. As Lucerys rode away, his uncle Aemond chased him on Vhagar in the skies above Shipbreaker Bay. However, during the chase, Arrax breathed fire at Vhagar, causing her to lose control and disobey her rider. In a tragic turn of events, Vhagar caught up to Lucerys and killed him in midair.
The aggression and fury displayed by Vhagar highlight a warning that King Viserys I Targaryen had given to his daughter, Rhaenyra, earlier in House of the Dragon. He had cautioned her about the illusion of controlling the dragons, emphasizing that they were a power that mankind should never have tampered with. Viserys had cited Valyria's downfall as an example of what could happen if they disregarded their own history. This foreshadowing is significant because it foretells the devastating consequences that the power struggle, known as the Dance of the Dragons, would have on the once-mighty Targaryen dynasty, nearly bringing it to the brink of destruction.