Unveiling the Mysteries of House of the Dragon: Origins of the Dragonseeds

Unveiling the enigmatic Dragonseeds of House of the Dragon: Discover their pivotal role in the captivating Dance of the Dragons saga
In House of the Dragon season 1, episode 10, "The Black Queen," Daemon Targaryen evaluates the dragons on both his side and the enemy's side, urging the Greens to prepare for aerial battles in their upcoming war against Aegon. He confidently states that the Greens possess three dragons (Vhagar, Sunfyre, and Dreamfyre), while the Blacks have a total of six dragons, including his own mount Caraxes. However, Daemon mistakenly assumes that Princess Rhaenys' dragon, Meleys, is aligned with their cause, unaware that she has yet to declare support for Rhaenyra.
Despite Rhaenyra's hesitations, Daemon eagerly pushes for war, disregarding her concerns and focusing on their numerical advantage. He informs the council that the dragon Seasmoke remains riderless on Driftmark, and two other dragons, Vermithor and Silverwing, are without riders on Dragonmont. Additionally, Daemon mentions three wild dragons nesting on Dragonstone, bringing their dragon count to thirteen compared to the Greens' four. When Rhaenyra questions who will ride the unclaimed or wild dragons, Daemon fails to provide a solution, remaining focused solely on his war strategy.
While Rhaenyra's question remains unanswered, Prince Jacaerys Velaryon will later propose the idea of employing baseborn dragonriders in House of the Dragon's future.
The First Night
Jacaerys Velaryon's idea to search Dragonstone for Dragonseeds can be traced back to the Targaryen marriage tradition known as the First Night. The Targaryen patriarch, Lord Aenar, escaped the Doom of Valyria after heeded his daughter's prophetic dream. He relocated his household and dragons to Dragonstone, a volcanic island off the east coast of Westeros. The Targaryens, with their Valyrian blood, prospered and eventually conquered Westeros through Aegon Targaryen.
The First Night tradition originated during the Targaryen migration to Dragonstone. The common people of Dragonstone idolized their Valyrian rulers, who possessed distinct features like platinum or silver hair and varying shades of purple or light blue eyes. The Targaryens were regarded as almost god-like figures. Within their social structure, a Lord of Dragonstone had the right to exercise the First Night, allowing him to sleep with a newlywed bride on her wedding night. While the bride was considered fortunate, any child conceived from such unions, known as Dragonseeds, received extravagant gifts from their father. These children, who inherited Valyrian traits, eventually became known as seeds themselves.
The Wise King, Jaehaerys I's Queen, Alysanne Targaryen, became aware of numerous disturbing stories surrounding the First Night marriage tradition. Troubled by this information, she promptly brought it to the attention of the small council, who agreed to cease the practice. Despite the general consensus in the Seven Kingdoms that the First Night tradition was abhorrent, some Targaryens persisted in its implementation with the wives of fishermen and similar individuals. Amidst the chaos of the Dance, Prince Jacaerys Velaryon, Rhaenyra's eldest son, harbored suspicions that Dragonstone harbored individuals known as Dragonseeds, who possessed a trace of Targaryen blood in their veins. The significance of these individuals lay in their ability to bond with riderless and untamed dragons, thus enabling them to fight alongside the Blacks in the Dance.
Dragonseeds In The Dance of The Dragons
In HBO's House of the Dragon, the issue of unclaimed dragons takes center stage, with Prince Jacaerys finding a solution during the civil war. Recognizing the urgent need for more dragonriders, he presents enticing offers, including knighthood for any man capable of mastering a dragon. Additionally, Jacaerys declares that the sons of these brave men will be granted noble ranks and their daughters will be married off to lords. While numerous men, not limited to the Dragonseeds, are drawn to this extravagant proposal, most fail and meet their demise. Notable Dragonseeds, however, include Hugh Hammer, who forms a bond with Vermithor, Ulf the White, who befriends Silverwing, Addam of Hull, who tames Seasmoke, and a woman named Nettles, who fearlessly rides Sheepstealer.
It is still uncertain whether these candidates who achieved success had the bloodline of dragons, and if that enabled them to become skilled dragon masters. Nevertheless, for the duration of the Dance, these individuals (including one woman) are designated as Dragonseeds. Interestingly, in the upcoming naval battle fought in the Gullet for House of the Dragon, dragonriders such as Ulf, Nettles, Addam Velaryon, and Hugh Hammer will fight alongside Jacaerys. Jacaerys will be riding Vermax, accompanied by Ulf the White on Silverwing, Nettles on Sheepstealer, Addam Velaryon on Seasmoke, and Hugh Hammer on Vermithor. At this point, it remains to be seen how the Blacks, under Jacaerys' order, will utilize the Dragonseeds to their advantage.