Unleashing Spider-Man's Ultimate Strategy Against Kraven The Hunter
In Marvel's Spider-Man 2, face the ultimate challenge against Kraven the Hunter Can players outsmart their formidable adversary and ensure this is his final hunt? Get ready for an epic battle!
In Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, Kraven the Hunter has chosen New York City as his hunting grounds. As he continues to conquer and kill dangerous Spider-Man villains, Peter Parker and the Black Suit are determined to finally bring an end to his reign. Players will face off against Kraven during the Anything Can Be Broken main mission, creating an intense and daring battle.
As Kraven prepares for what could be his final hunt, he ensures that it won't be an easy one. He challenges Spider-Man to a potentially decisive showdown, and Peter, influenced by the Symbiote, eagerly accepts in order to save Miles. Kraven possesses great strength and agility, making him an elusive and unpredictable opponent. With his array of tricks, he proves to be one of the most challenging boss fights in Spider-Man 2.
Kraven Phase One
Once Peter escapes from his unbreakable confinement, the boss battle will commence with Kraven wasting no time in launching a devastating assault. He will spring into the air, aiming to strike the ground with a forceful blow. This particular move cannot be evaded; instead, players must use parry to counter it. There should be ample time to successfully parry the attack, so keep an eye on Kraven as he leaps and the yellow circle transforms into red. After effectively countering his attacks, players should utilize the opportunity to deliver powerful punches filled with fury.
Another crucial move to be cautious of is Kraven’s Crush attack. Dodging is the only option available as countering is not possible. Kraven will signal his intent to perform the Crush attack by raising his fist in the air and bringing it down forcefully in an attempt to seize Spider-Man.
In the arena, there are weapons that Kraven can grab and hurl at Spider-Man. Spider-Man has the option to retaliate by throwing these weapons back at Kraven using the L1 + R1 buttons, evade them, or throw them before Kraven can even use them.
Furthermore, Kraven has set up mines in the arena as traps. Players need to be vigilant when Kraven jumps back and raises his right arm, as this signals that he is arming the traps on the floor. These traps are indicated by pulsating red rings, showing the locations where the explosions will occur. It is advisable to steer clear of these areas until the traps explode, then swiftly resume attacking Kraven with full force.
Kraven has the ability to combine different moves in combat, such as a powerful yet slow punch followed by a swift kick. Spider-Man has two options to counter these moves - either dodge them or parry them. After successfully parrying Kraven's attacks three times, he will be momentarily stunned, leaving him vulnerable to a series of attacks from Spider-Man. In order to maximize the damage done during this window, it is recommended to conserve the Focus meter specifically for restoring health.
There is another move to be cautious of, which unfortunately cannot be entirely dodged. Kraven will jump back and retrieve smoke pellets from his vest. He will then rapidly throw these pellets towards Spider-Man, causing his vision to blur and himself to disappear briefly. This is the perfect opportunity to rely on Spider-Sense and press the Circle Button to dodge when the Spider-Sense indicator turns red.
Kraven Phase Two
By understanding this moveset, players can adopt a cautious approach and gradually diminish Kraven's health. The Web-Grabber Gadget proves to be an invaluable tool in this situation as it effectively incapacitates Kraven, preventing him from executing any maneuvers. This allows players to launch their attacks, execute impressive combinations, and utilize the enhanced Symbiote Abilities they have acquired by investing skill points into Peter Parker's power.
Once Kraven's health is depleted, he and Spider-Man will find themselves in a new arena featuring a bell positioned at its center. This bell serves as a crucial trigger, causing Peter and his Symbiote to become temporarily immobilized and susceptible to Kraven's assaults. To prevent the bell from ringing and maintain an advantage, you must utilize your Web-Shooters to securely fasten it in place. Be mindful, as these webs will eventually weaken, giving Kraven the opportunity to strike the bell. Keep a watchful eye on the bell, particularly when Kraven hurls a spear towards it.
While the priority should be on the bell, players should also be wary of Kraven's heavy reliance on stealth tactics during this phase. Kraven often turns invisible using smoke bombs and hides in trees. Players can locate Kraven by following the green laser sight from his sniper rifle. It is advisable to quickly engage him with a Web Strike before he has a chance to shoot, as this weapon is fast and lethal, and offers a limited dodging window.
In the second phase, Kraven possesses cloaking technology, making it challenging to locate him. Players should rely on their Spider-Sense to anticipate his attacks and evade them with well-timed dodges. Occasionally, Kraven may attempt to flank or throw spears, both of which can be dodged by pressing the Circle Button.
Kraven launches a fierce assault, charging at Spider-Man wielding a two-handed axe. He repeatedly swings the weapon, giving players the opportunity to evade or block each strike. Regardless of the defensive strategy employed, Kraven concludes the attack with a powerful overhead slam. To survive this devastating move and create an opening for counterattack, players must successfully block the slam. This will allow them to strike back at Kraven with punches and kicks.
When Kraven finds himself in a precarious situation, he may whistle to summon two mechanical beasts to aid him in the hunt. Players should conserve their special abilities for dealing with these troublesome creatures, as they possess formidable attacks and the ability to suppress Spider-Man's powers. It is crucial to eliminate these enemies, as Kraven will not relent or grant Spider-Man any respite while they are present.
As is customary, the most effective approach for most boss battles in Spider-Man 2 is to engage in close-quarters combat. Utilizing the Symbiote Surge ability with Spider-Man while wearing the Black Suit, players can unleash the true power and fury of the Symbiote by pressing L3 + R3. This enables them to execute devastating attacks without concern for personal safety. Once Kraven's health bar is depleted, a cutscene will commence, bringing this confrontation to a close. However, another boss battle ensues shortly thereafter, featuring a trusted ally.
Marvel's Spider-Man 2
Platform(s) PS5Released October 20, 2023Developer(s) Insomniac GamesGenre(s) Open-World, Action-Adventure