Unleashing Epic Powers: Clive and Joshua in Final Fantasy 16 Surpass All Expectations!

Unleashing Epic Powers: Clive and Joshua in Final Fantasy 16 Surpass All Expectations!

Clive and Joshua defy all expectations in Final Fantasy 16 by surpassing Square Enix's power cap, leaving even Donald Duck in awe Witness their extraordinary feat as they unleash the formidable Zettaflare against the mighty Bahamut

The Eikon battles in Final Fantasy 16 are breathtaking displays that highlight the immense power wielded by the characters and their godly entities, wreaking havoc across the land. Yet, one particular encounter stands out as an instant classic: the battle between Ifrit Risen, an Eikon, and Bahamut, where Ifrit withstands Bahamut's Zettaflare, marking a milestone that was previously achieved by a protagonist in Kingdom Hearts 3.

This clash with Bahamut is not the first time the Final Fantasy series has showcased the mighty Zettaflare, a signature move used to demonstrate the extraordinary abilities of certain characters. However, an amusing exception to the previous instances of this technique can be found in Kingdom Hearts 3, where Donald Duck surprisingly employs it.

Donald Duck as the Strongest Mage in Square Enix History

Unleashing Epic Powers: Clive and Joshua in Final Fantasy 16 Surpass All Expectations!

During the final showdown with Xehanort and his Real Organization XIII in Kingdom Hearts 3, a young Terranort puts the guardians of light at a disadvantage, setting the stage for their potential demise before the actual fight begins. However, Donald Duck intervenes, unleashing a devastating Zettaflare directly at Terranort, seemingly obliterating him and rendering him absent from the timeline thereafter. It is worth noting that this event holds significant context, but the key takeaway is Donald’s ability to wield a spell of such extraordinary power, a feat previously only achievable by god-like beings such as Bahamut.

This unequivocally settles any debates on the strongest mage within the Kingdom Hearts party, disproving Sora's claim that his magical prowess surpasses Donald's. Moreover, it places Donald Duck's power in the Kingdom Hearts series above that of any other protagonist developed by Square Enix, which is particularly remarkable considering his technical classification as a Red Mage. However, as impressive as this accomplishment is, it is surpassed by the Rosfield brothers Clive and Joshua in Final Fantasy 16, who combine their strength to surpass the previous pinnacle of the series' most formidable attack.

Clive and Joshua Knock the Zettaflare Back at Bahamut

Unleashing Epic Powers: Clive and Joshua in Final Fantasy 16 Surpass All Expectations!

In their battle against Bahamut, Clive and Joshua fuse their Eikons to become Ifrit Risen, granting them a tremendous surge in power and merging their identities temporarily. This newfound strength enables them to withstand relentless attacks from Bahamut, even enduring the formidable Zettaflare at the climax of the fight. The display is nothing short of awe-inspiring, establishing Ifrit Risen as one of the most formidable characters in the history of Final Fantasy and Square Enix, having not only survived but also repelled the devastating assault.

Moreover, Ifrit Risen goes beyond mere survival, fearlessly meeting the Zettaflare head-on and emerging unscathed from the other side. This remarkable achievement surpasses even Donald Duck's feats in Kingdom Hearts, showcasing the unmatched might of Clive and Joshua's fused Eikon as they overpower this legendary spell. It should be noted, however, that the Rosfields had to merge their two independent Eikons and likely required prior preparation to endure the Zettaflare as Ifrit Risen.

However, Clive and Joshua's ability to withstand the Zettaflare in their Eikon forms was limited compared to the effort Donald Duck had to exert to cast the spell initially. In his desperate attempt to prevent Terranort's plans, Donald paid a high price, as the spell drained his own life force and caused his heart to become lost, requiring Sora to rescue him from the enigmatic Lich in Kingdom Hearts 3. While neither Clive nor Joshua could complete the task unaided and survive, Donald didn't even survive the act of casting the spell, demonstrating the significant limitations of their respective powers.

PS5 users can now enjoy Final Fantasy 16.