Unleashing Chaos: The Ultimate Final Fantasy 16 Walkthrough

Unleashing Chaos: The Ultimate Final Fantasy 16 Walkthrough

Embark on the thrilling journey in Final Fantasy 16 with our comprehensive walkthrough of the captivating twenty-eighth main scenario quest Discover quick links to explore Rosalith Castle, conquer the formidable Coeurl, rescue Jill, and triumph over the formidable adversary, Hugo

Quick Links

Go to Rosalith Castle

How to Beat the Coeurl

Rescue Jill

How to Beat Hugo

After successfully obliterating another Mothercrystal during the previous main scenario quest in Final Fantasy 16, Clive and his companions are deprived of much-needed respite. Upon returning to the Hideaway, they are greeted with the distressing news of an impending attack on Rosalith by Hugo Kupka and his formidable forces. However, their intentions are not to conquer Rosalith but rather to lure out Clive, ensnaring him in a cunning trap.

As Clive sets foot in Rosalith during the quest "Capital Punishment" in Final Fantasy 16, players must brace themselves for an exhilarating and action-packed endeavor, featuring numerous spectacular battles against formidable bosses. Here's a glimpse of what players can anticipate as they embark on this pivotal main scenario quest.

This walkthrough contains spoilers, so players should proceed with caution.

Go to Rosalith Castle

Unleashing Chaos: The Ultimate Final Fantasy 16 Walkthrough

Proceed along the street in an upward direction to initiate a cinematic sequence. As the path ahead is obstructed, make a right turn and proceed through the gate. Defeat the adversaries scavenging the city and subsequently ascend the nearby ladder. Traverse along the perimeter of the wall and then descend to access an alternate section of the street that was previously barricaded.

Kill the group of adversaries in this vicinity, and subsequently maneuver beneath the debris to access a set of stairs. Ascending to the summit of the staircase reveals a more formidable cluster of foes. Vigilantly observe for instances where an adversary casts Protect, and opt for harnessing magical abilities instead of physical assaults to inflict damage upon them. Traverse through the cramped passageway amidst the array of crates and engage in combat with the subsequent group of adversaries situated on the opposite side.

Unleashing Chaos: The Ultimate Final Fantasy 16 Walkthrough

Go in the left direction and ascend the ladder. Take a left turn and gather the treasures from the chest before proceeding up the stairs. Keep following this path until you reach another gate and pass through it. Ascend the stairs and climb up the wall on the right side to bypass the barricade that is obstructing another set of stairs leading to the entrance of Rosalith Castle. Remember to seize the loot from the chest located to the left of the castle gate. The gate to Rosalith Castle is wide open, however, the courtyard within is heavily guarded by a sizable group of adversaries. Once the weaker enemies have been eliminated, it will initiate a boss fight.

How to Beat the Coeurl

Unleashing Chaos: The Ultimate Final Fantasy 16 Walkthrough

In addition to its slashing and leaping abilities, this boss employs long whip-like tendrils to strike Final Fantasy 16 players. It also unleashes lightning-based attacks, demanding quick reflexes for evasion while maintaining an aggressive approach. Once its health dips below 50%, the boss charges a devastating assault. Swiftly deplete the purple bar to stagger the boss, allowing for maximum damage. Periodically, the boss summons rows of electrified lines; avoid them to minimize harm. Continue assaulting the boss until its eventual defeat.

Rescue Jill

Unleashing Chaos: The Ultimate Final Fantasy 16 Walkthrough

After the cutscenes conclude, proceed by exiting the jail cell and taking a right to ascend a set of stairs leading to the outdoors. Turn right once more and approach the partially ajar door to initiate a cutscene, followed by an encounter with a group of adversaries. Once the initial group has been vanquished, another batch of enemies will emerge. Employing the tried-and-true tactics of evading and incapacitating will prove highly effective against the reinforcements. Once all foes have been defeated, proceed towards the throne room, ensuring that you are fully healed and prepared before entering.

How to Beat Hugo

Unleashing Chaos: The Ultimate Final Fantasy 16 Walkthrough

After the cutscene concludes, players of Final Fantasy 16 will find themselves in a confrontation with Hugo. As the Dominant of Titan, Hugo's main focus lies in close combat, relying on his formidable fists to inflict massive damage. To avoid taking hits, it is advisable to attempt to position oneself behind Hugo. However, cunningly enough, he will try to outmaneuver players when they make such attempts. While this strategy does somewhat hinder his ability to strike players, it is important to remain mindful of one's positioning, as dodging into a corner can inadvertently make it easier for Hugo to land his blows.

At approximately 75% health,

Unleashing Chaos: The Ultimate Final Fantasy 16 Walkthrough

will trigger a Cinematic Evasion sequence, causing players to descend into a fresh battleground. This signifies the beginning of phase two. Hugo will rely less on close-range attacks and instead employ earth-based magic. It is crucial to swiftly withdraw from a large yellow circle that materializes in order to evade potential harm. The same principle applies when Hugo unleashes Weight of the Land, which generates a series of smaller circles across the arena. Furthermore, it is imperative to vacate the path of Hugo's Landslide, a frontal line attack, to dodge being struck. Finally, when Hugo casts Stripmine, one must promptly vacate the illuminated section of the arena.

After Hugo's health drops below 50%, he will start casting Torment, unleashing a barrage of attacks. It's recommended to focus on evading this attack and waiting for it to conclude before resuming the offensive. Towards the end of the battle, Hugo will use Earthen Fist, summoning two massive arms that strike in his current direction. To avoid this attack, position yourself behind him. Continuously dodge his attacks, and victory will soon be achieved. However, despite expectations, there is no Eikon battle coming up. Once the cutscenes conclude, quickly travel to the Hideaway to begin the next main scenario quest. Final Fantasy 16 is now available on PlayStation 5.