Unleash Your Imagination: Unorthodox Builds That Guarantee Epic Role-Playing in Baldur's Gate 3

Unleash Your Imagination: Unorthodox Builds That Guarantee Epic Role-Playing in Baldur's Gate 3

Discover the joy of unconventional character builds in Baldur's Gate 3! Unleash your creativity and immerse yourself in 6 unique and entertaining roles, from a mesmerizing Bard to a righteous Paladin These builds may not pack a punch, but they guarantee a memorable and delightful role-playing experience!


Roleplaying is the most enjoyable way to experience Baldur's Gate 3, focusing on character creation and building a realistic and fun character.

To enhance the roleplaying experience, it is better to select abilities and equipment that are in line with a character's role rather than solely focusing on the most powerful options available. By doing so, players have the opportunity to create one-of-a-kind and enjoyable character combinations, such as a ninja assassin or a druid with a passion for bears, adding layers of depth and excitement to their gameplay.

While min-maxing and conquering Baldur's Gate 3 on the highest difficulty with an optimal build can be entertaining, the true essence of the game, akin to its tabletop ancestor, Dungeons and Dragons, lies in the joy of roleplaying.

To fully immerse yourself in the world of Baldur's Gate 3, the initial key is to fashion a character and build that harmoniously complement each other, providing an enjoyable and authentic experience. Rather than solely focusing on spells, abilities, and equipment that are unequivocally superior, players have the freedom to select options that align with their character's personality and traits.

6 A True Bard

Unleash Your Imagination: Unorthodox Builds That Guarantee Epic Role-Playing in Baldur's Gate 3

The Bard class in Baldur's Gate 3 shines when players embrace a role-playing approach and prioritize spells, weapons, and clothing that align with the essence of being a true Bard. Opting for abilities like Viscous Mockery, Charm, and Tasha's Hideous Laughter that evoke emotional responses, rather than relying solely on traditional magic, allows players to truly embody the Bard experience.

Moreover, instead of seeking armor solely for protection, players can express their Bardic flair by seeking out stylish and vibrant outfits made of luxurious fabrics. When it comes to weapons, lighter options like small crossbows are better suited for Bards who prefer to carry around a musical instrument as their primary focus.

5 Shadow Monk Assassin Ninja

Unleash Your Imagination: Unorthodox Builds That Guarantee Epic Role-Playing in Baldur's Gate 3

Several methods can be used to engage in ninja roleplay in Baldur's Gate 3, with the most common approach being to choose the Way of Shadow Monk subclass and progress to level 5. This unlocks Extra Attack and Stunning Strike abilities. Subsequently, players can multiclass into Rogue to obtain Sneak Strike and gain access to Cunning Actions at level 2 Rogue.

At level 3 Rogue, the real excitement begins as players can select the Assassin Rogue subclass along with its corresponding powers. From this point onward, players are capable of swiftly ambushing targets from the shadows, either eliminating them or rendering them stunned before they can react. Continuing to invest points in Monk is advisable from this stage onward.

4 Barbarian Druid Berserker

Unleash Your Imagination: Unorthodox Builds That Guarantee Epic Role-Playing in Baldur's Gate 3

Barbarians and Druids are among the most durable classes in Baldur's Gate 3, particularly when Druids are able to shapeshift. By starting as a Barbarian and then multiclassing into Druid, players not only increase their resilience by absorbing damage as a Barbarian and gaining the ability to shapeshift, but they also have the opportunity to embrace the role of a berserker.

It is important to note that while in animal form, such as a bear, players cannot activate their rage ability. However, they can activate it beforehand, making themselves more resilient to attacks. It must be acknowledged that this may not be the most optimal Berserker build in BG3, as players would miss out on various critical hit features, and it may not be ideal for certain aspects of the Druid class, like healing. Nevertheless, embodying a creature consumed by primal rage can be immensely enjoyable, and players will uncover unique interactions between these two classes.

3 Brother Bear Beastmaster Druid

Unleash Your Imagination: Unorthodox Builds That Guarantee Epic Role-Playing in Baldur's Gate 3

In Baldur's Gate 3, players have the option to summon beasts as a Beastmaster Ranger or transform into beasts as a Druid. However, by multiclassing, players can simultaneously do both, allowing them to have a bear companion while being a bear themselves.

While this build may not be the most powerful, it offers a highly enjoyable playstyle. Players can pretend to summon the spirit of their deceased sibling in the form of a bear, similar to the concept portrayed in the Disney film Brother Bear. The possibilities for animal combinations are endless, and in co-op mode with three friends also playing as Beastmaster Druids, chaos ensues with a total of eight beasts roaming freely. Solo players can also achieve this by respecing three companions.

2 Know-It-All Divination Wizard

Unleash Your Imagination: Unorthodox Builds That Guarantee Epic Role-Playing in Baldur's Gate 3

Baldur's Gate 3 offers exceptional replay value, although an issue that arises from multiple playthroughs is the revelation of specific plot points and decision consequences. Nevertheless, an effective approach to maximize this aspect is to opt for the School of Divination Wizard subclass.

As a Divination Wizard, gameplay centers around prophecies and the utilization of Portent Dice. For players who enjoy immersing themselves in the role, this subclass allows them to assume the persona of an all-knowing Divination master, leveraging their acquired knowledge from previous playthroughs.

1 No Crime Honorable Paladin

Unleash Your Imagination: Unorthodox Builds That Guarantee Epic Role-Playing in Baldur's Gate 3

In order to strengthen their character in Baldur's Gate 3, players typically scavenge bodies, open chests that don't belong to them, and possibly even coerce innocent individuals they have rescued. For a more difficult experience, players can choose to play as a Paladin with unwavering ethics, refusing to partake in any questionable actions.

Arguably, the most suitable Paladin subclass for this playthrough would be the Oath of Devotion, as players will be obligated to uphold honor, virtue, and defend the vulnerable. To enhance the roleplaying aspect, players can select spells and abilities that are compassionate, and if a specific task in the game necessitates a lock to be picked, players can enlist one of their companions, such as Astarion the Rogue, to do it discreetly while keeping their Paladin unaware.

Baldur's Gate 3 is out now on PC and is set to release on September 6, 2023 for PlayStation 5.