Unleash the Ultimate Tag Team: AEW Fight Forever - Master the Art of Crafting a Dynamic Team, Dominant Finisher, and Electrifying Entrance!

Unleash the Ultimate Tag Team: AEW Fight Forever - Master the Art of Crafting a Dynamic Team, Dominant Finisher, and Electrifying Entrance!

Unleash your creativity in AEW Fight Forever by crafting new tag teams with unique finishers and captivating entrances Learn how to create, customize, and dominate the competition with our comprehensive guide

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Creating A New Tag Team In AEW Fight Forever

Create A Tag Team Finisher In AEW Fight Forever

In AEW Fight Forever, fans of the wrestling shows can now take the opportunity to create their own tag team entrance. With a multitude of tag teams and factions already present, players can explore the exciting world of tag team wrestling and unleash their creativity. Unlike other modern wrestling games, where tag team matches often feel contrived and robotic, AEW Fight Forever offers a refreshing take on tag team events. The matches are filled with chaos and enjoyment, allowing players to fully immerse themselves in the action and take full control of their wrestlers. To delve deeper into this immersive experience, this guide will provide invaluable insights on the process of creating new tag teams and assigning them unique finishing moves.

Creating A New Tag Team In AEW Fight Forever

Unleash the Ultimate Tag Team: AEW Fight Forever - Master the Art of Crafting a Dynamic Team, Dominant Finisher, and Electrifying Entrance!

To form a new tag team in AEW Fight Forever, follow these steps:

On the main screen, highlight the Custom tab.

Select the Team option.

Select New Team.

Select the Members of the team by selecting Member 1 and Member 2.

Profile selection allows players to effortlessly modify their team's name, social media handle, and Announce Name. A selection of appealing names is available, including options such as The Elite, Varsity Blondes, and the recently formed squad, the Blackpool Combat Club.

When it comes to the crowd's response, players can make their choice from cheer, boo, or a mix of both.

Create A Tag Team Finisher In AEW Fight Forever

Unleash the Ultimate Tag Team: AEW Fight Forever - Master the Art of Crafting a Dynamic Team, Dominant Finisher, and Electrifying Entrance!

To create a custom move set for their new team, players should follow these steps using the example of Kenny Omega and Hangman Page:

1. Navigate to the custom team screen.

2. Choose the Move-Set option.

In the Special Moves screen, select Member 1.

Now, players can choose up to three Tandem Finishers.

Under Member 2, players can set up different Tandem Finishers for the second member or keep it the same.

Players can have up to six Tandem Finishers for one tag team.

Create A Tag Team Entrance In AEW Fight Forever

Unleash the Ultimate Tag Team: AEW Fight Forever - Master the Art of Crafting a Dynamic Team, Dominant Finisher, and Electrifying Entrance!

Players can personalize their tag team's entrance by following these steps in the custom teams menu:

1. Choose an Entrance Motion - Players can select from a variety of pre-made entrance motions. More options will become available as they progress in the game.

Advanced settings offer players the option to customize various elements such as hand gestures, props, champion motion, filters, effects, and objects.

Players also have the ability to select their desired entrance music from a diverse selection of tracks. Certain tracks may require unlocking using in-game currency.

Entrance Video - Players have the option to select fresh entrance videos for their teams. Unlocking these videos will require in-game currency.

Once all the necessary elements are set for the team, players can save their tag team to complete the customization process. These are the essential steps for players to create and personalize a new team in AEW Fight Forever.

AEW Fight Forever is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.