Unleashing the Ultimate AEW Battle Plan: Reignite Momentum and Dominate the Wrestling World

Unleashing the Ultimate AEW Battle Plan: Reignite Momentum and Dominate the Wrestling World

Unleash your full potential in AEW Fight Forever! Discover expert strategies to dominate the ring and reclaim momentum with this comprehensive guide Master the art of gaining and regaining momentum for an unstoppable wrestling experience

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How To Gain Momentum In AEW Fight Forever

How To Regain Momentum In AEW Fight Forever

AEW Fight Forever introduces a momentum meter instead of a traditional health bar, distinguishing it from other wrestling games. This feature pays homage to the iconic AKI-developed wrestling titles, specifically those from WCW vs. NWO World Tour through WWF No Mercy on the N64.

Through the implementation of the momentum system, players have the potential to secure victory within a short span of two or three minutes or engage in intense back-and-forth matches lasting ten or fifteen minutes. Similar to the mechanics in WWF No Mercy, mastering the art of gaining and regaining momentum serves as the key to success in AEW Fight Forever. This ability can swiftly shift the tides of a match and create thrilling battles that enhance the enjoyment and replayability of wrestling games. This guide will provide valuable insights on the most effective approaches to acquiring and reestablishing momentum in AEW Fight Forever.

How To Gain Momentum In AEW Fight Forever

Unleashing the Ultimate AEW Battle Plan: Reignite Momentum and Dominate the Wrestling World

In an AEW Fight Forever match, there are multiple tactics to gain momentum advantage. The most effective approach is to consistently launch attacks and engage in grappling with opponents, as this rapidly increases momentum and activates Signature or Special moves in the gauge.

However, it should be noted that an AEW wrestler, regardless of being controlled by the CPU or a human player, will not simply allow the opponent to attack them without retaliating, countering, or fighting back. To acquire momentum effectively, it is crucial to adopt an unpredictable style, blending strikes and grapples, while also refraining from relying heavily on powerful attacks.

Tips For Momentum in AEW Fight Forever

Mix two light strikes with a strong attack followed by a quick grapple.

Strike and grapple opponents on the ground.

Strong grapple attacks - long pressing the grapple button are effective, but it's easier to reverse them.

Use taunts when the opponent is stunned.

High-flying attacks from the top rope, inside and outside the ring, will raise momentum.

Weapon attacks in AEW Fight Forever and using the environment raise momentum and damage the opponent.

How To Regain Momentum In AEW Fight Forever

Unleashing the Ultimate AEW Battle Plan: Reignite Momentum and Dominate the Wrestling World

In AEW Fight Forever, one of the most challenging aspects is recapturing a wrestler's momentum following a punishing beatdown, devastating signature move, or a powerful special move. When a player, whether controlled by the computer or a human player, attempts to pin the opponent, an element of luck comes into play. If the player manages to escape the pin, their next objective becomes reclaiming the offensive position.

Tips To Regain Momentum In AEW Fight Forever

Certain AEW wrestlers possess the Desperation Impulse skill, which can only be utilized one time during a match. This skill becomes active when the player wrestler is grounded, with their momentum bar situated in the danger zone. To activate this skill, the player can either click the R stick or press the space bar on a keyboard. This action will result in a comeback move such as a low blow, a schoolboy pin attempt, and various others.

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When the player's wrestler is in a stunned state on the ground, there is a brief opportunity to roll out to ringside by clicking the right stick or space bar. Rolling out allows the player to regain momentum by performing a taunt, which involves moving the right stick in any direction.

To regain the advantage, it is recommended to utilize powerful strikes like Adam Cole's superkick.

Perform quick grapples and mix ground attacks with strikes to rebuild momentum.

With the wrestler grounded, use taunts to build momentum, but don't get caught in the middle of taunting.

That's everything a player needs to know about gaining and regaining momentum in AEW Fight Forever.

AEW Fight Forever is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.