Unleash the Power: The Ultimate Pokemon Selection for the Epic Sunshine Cup
Discover the ultimate Pokemon lineup for the Sunshine Cup in Pokemon GO! From fiery Magmar and majestic Pyroar to the powerful Vigoroth and versatile Meganium, we've got you covered Don't miss out on Diggersby, Zangoose, Oinkologne, and the unstoppable Swampert!
In Pokemon GO, Niantic regularly introduces battle leagues that pit players against each other. These popular leagues, known as the Great League, Ultra League, and Master League, offer PVP gameplay. The Great League has a CP limit of 1500, meaning only Pokemon with 1500 CP or less can participate. Alongside these leagues, there are Cup events with unique twists, such as the Sunshine Cup.
It's important for Pokemon GO players to be aware that the Sunshine Cup specifically restricts the participation of Charizard. Only Normal, Fire, Grass, and Ground-type Pokemon are allowed in this battle. Despite the CP cap and type restrictions, many Pokemon can still perform exceptionally well within these criteria. Trainers must possess proper knowledge of the metagame and strategically select their Pokemon for the Battle League. Additionally, the Sunshine Cup offers various rewards after every battle. This guide outlines some of the top-performing Pokemon for the Sunshine Cup.
1 Magmar
Best Fast Move: Karate Chop
Best Charged Moves: Fire Blast and Flamethrower
Weaknesses: Ground, Rock, and Water-type
Resistances: Fire, Steel, Bug, Fairy, Grass, and Ice-type
Magmar, a Fire-type Pokemon, boasts an impressive stat spread of 206 Attack, 154 Defense, and 163 Stamina. This makes it a valuable choice for the Great League, despite the limitations on its typing. However, trainers may need to invest a significant amount of time in order to find one.
In battles, Magmar exhibits resistance against Fire, Steel, Bug, Fairy, Grass, and Ice-type moves, making it an exceptional option for the Sunshine Cup. Despite its versatility, Magmar is susceptible to Ground, Rock, and Water-type moves, so trainers should have alternative strategies prepared. With its powerful moves and impressive stat distribution, Magmar has the potential to secure victories for Pokemon GO players.
2 Pyroar
Best Fast Move: Fire Fang
Best Charged Moves: Overheat and Solar Beam
Weaknesses: Fighting, Ground, Rock, and Water-type
Resistances: Ghost, Fire, Steel, Bug, Fairy, Grass, and Ice-type
Pyroar, a combination of Fire and Normal types, boasts impressive stats with an Attack of 221, Defense of 149, and Stamina of 200. This Pokemon proves to be an ideal choice for the Pokemon GO Sunshine Cup due to its versatile moveset and ability to act as a powerful force when utilized effectively.
With its abilities, Pyroar can withstand attacks from various move types, except for Fighting, Ground, Rock, and Water. To maximize damage per second (DPS) with this monster, utilizing moves like Fire Fang and Overheat proves to be extremely advantageous. These moves are particularly effective when used against Grass-type Pokemon.
3 Vigoroth
Best Fast Move: Scratch
Best Charged Moves: Body Slam and Bulldoze
Weaknesses: Fighting-type
Resistances: Ghost-type
Vigoroth, a solo Normal-type Pokemon, possesses the ability to utilize Fighting and Ground-type moves. With an impressive stat distribution of 159 Attack, 145 Defense, and 190 Stamina, it exhibits remarkable endurance and balance.
Although it is solely resistant to Ghost-type moves, Vigoroth is vulnerable only to Fighting-type Attacks in Pokemon GO. However, the advantage lies in the fact that the usage of Fighting-type moves is limited, rendering Vigoroth an ideal selection for the Sunshine Cup. As a considerable tank, Vigoroth can deliver substantial DPS by combining Scratch with Body Slam.
4 Meganium
Best Fast Move: Scratch
Best Charged Moves: Body Slam and Bulldoze
Weaknesses: Fighting-type
Resistances: Ghost-type
When facing Fire-type monsters in the Sunshine Cup, it is advisable for players to avoid selecting Grass-type Pokemon. However, if necessary, there is no better option than Meganium. This formidable creature boasts remarkable endurance and defense, with impressive stat distributions of 168 in Attack, 202 in Defense, and 190 in Stamina. Although its offensive capabilities may be lacking, Meganium possesses exceptional defensive prowess.
When utilizing Meganium in battles, the optimal strategy involves the combination of Vine Whip and Frenzy Plant to maximize damage per second (DPS). While this monster displays resistance to certain attacks, it remains vulnerable to Fire, Bug, Flying, Ice, and Poison-type moves in the realm of Pokemon GO. Additionally, many of Meganium's moves possess the ability to activate the Same Type of Attack Bonus (STAB) effect.
5 Diggersby
Best Fast Move: Quick Attack
Best Charged Moves: Scorching Sand and Hyper Beam
Weaknesses: Fighting, Grass, Ice, and Water-type
Resistances: Ghost, Poison, Electric and Rock-type
Diggersby is a formidable Pokemon, boasting dual Normal and Ground types. With impressive base stats of 112 Attack, 155 Defense, and 198 Stamina, it possesses exceptional endurance and packs a punch with its powerful movesets. This allows Diggersby to secure a spot on the Pokemon list.
In battles, Diggersby proves to be resilient, as it can resist Ghost, Poison, Electric, and Rock-type moves. However, it is susceptible to Fighting, Grass, Ice, and Water-type attacks in Pokemon GO. Utilizing its Normal-type Fast Move, Quick Attack, Diggersby inflicts significant damage while efficiently charging energy for its devastating Charge Attacks. For optimal performance, Diggersby's recommended Charged Moves are Scorching Sand, a powerful Ground-type attack, and Hyper Beam, a potent Normal-type attack, both of which benefit from the STAB effect.
6 Zangoose
Best Fast Move: Shadow Claw
Best Charged Moves: Close Combat and Dig
Weaknesses: Fighting-type
Resistances: Ghost-type
Zangoose, despite being a Normal-type Pokemon, possesses an impressive arsenal of strong offensive moves. With its Attack stat reaching 222, Defense at 124, and Stamina at 177, some trainers may question its defensive abilities. However, given its proficiency as an avid attacker, its somewhat lackluster defense should not be a concern.
In the world of Pokemon GO, Zangoose showcases resistance against Ghost-type moves, but it falls short against Fighting-type moves. To maximize its damage potential, trainers can utilize its Fast Move, Shadow Claw, in conjunction with the Charged Move, Close Combat, resulting in remarkable damage output.
7 Oinkologne
Best Fast Move: Tackle
Best Charged Moves: Body Slam and Dig
Weaknesses: Fighting-type
Resistances: Ghost-type
Oinkologne made its impressive game debut as a formidable force in battles. This Normal-type Pokemon boasts impressive stats with 186 Attack, 153 Defense, and 242 Stamina, emphasizing its endurance capabilities.
While Oinkologne shows resilience against Fighting-type moves, it is susceptible to Ghost-type attacks. The Fast Move Tackle efficiently generates energy, proving crucial in intense battles. Furthermore, Oinkologne's Charged Move, Body Slam, offers a low energy cost while inflicting significant damage. Both of these attacks harness the power of STAB damage.
8 Swampert
Best Fast Move: Mud Shot
Best Charged Moves: Hydro Cannon and Earthquake
Weaknesses: Grass-type
Resistances: Fire, Electric, Steel, Rock, and Poison-type
Swampert, a monster in Pokemon GO, is classified as a dual Water and Ground-type. However, it should be noted that it is vulnerable to Grass-type moves. This formidable creature possesses impressive stats, with 208 in Attack, 175 in Defense, and 225 in Stamina.
Notably, Swampert exhibits significant power and has minimal weaknesses, demonstrating resistance against various move types. Players can exploit its strength by utilizing the combination of the Fast Move, Mud Shot, and the Charged Attack, Hydro Cannon, effectively dealing maximum damage to their opponents.
Pokemon GO is available for Android and iOS.