Unleash the Excitement! Discover the Exclusive July 2023 Community Day Pokemon in Pokemon GO

Discover the highly anticipated Pokemon set to make a splash during the exciting July 2023 Community Day event in Pokemon GO Mark your calendars for an unforgettable day of catching, battling, and exploring!
Pokemon GO has announced that the Water-type Pokemon for the July 2023 Community Day will be Poliwag from Generation 1. During Community Day events, players have the opportunity to encounter a large number of the featured Pokemon, increasing their chances of finding a shiny variant. Additionally, evolving Pokemon during the designated time frame can result in obtaining exclusive moves. As Poliwag has two final evolutions, players will have the chance to obtain two unique featured attacks during the July 2023 Community Day.
When is the Pokemon GO July 2023 Community Day Event?
The Pokemon GO July 2023 Community Day is scheduled for Sunday, July 30th, running from 2:00pm to 5:00pm local time. During this event, Pokemon GO players who evolve their Poliwag into Poliwrath will have the chance to learn the move Counter within the designated time frame or up to five hours after the event concludes. Similarly, those who evolve Poliwag into Politoed during the same period will acquire the attack Ice Beam. Additional event features include a paid Special Research story available for $1.00, 1/4 egg hatching distances, double candy rewards when catching Pokemon, an increased likelihood for trainers at level 31 and above to obtain Candy XL, Lure Modules with a three-hour duration, Incense that lasts for three hours, encounters with Smeargle, an extra Special Trade opportunity, and a 50% reduction in Stardust cost for trades.Sunday, July 30 from 2:00pm to 5:00pm local time
Following the conclusion of the Pokemon GO July 2023 Community Day, players can anticipate a special raid event taking place from 5:00pm to 10:00pm local time. Within this time frame, Poliwhirl, the evolved form of Poliwag, will be featured in 4-star raids. Successfully defeating these raids will cause Poliwag to spawn for a duration of 30 minutes. It is important to note that Remote Raid Passes cannot be utilized for these raids, potentially excluding players in rural areas or those lacking a large group to play with.
Those who actively participate in the July 2023 Community Day and the subsequent raid event will be encouraged to complete numerous Field Research tasks. These specially-themed tasks in Pokemon GO will grant players the opportunity to acquire the King's Rock evolution item, which is vital for evolving Poliwag into Poliwhirl and ultimately, Politoed.
Poliwag may not excite all fans as the featured Community Day Pokemon, but some may find it intriguing due to its two distinct final evolutions. Regardless of personal preferences, the Pokemon GO July 2023 Community Day commences on Sunday, July 30th. You can download Pokemon GO on your iOS or Android mobile devices.