Unearthing the Secrets: Mastering Final Fantasy 16 with Our Epic Walkthrough

Unearthing the Secrets: Mastering Final Fantasy 16 with Our Epic Walkthrough

Unravel the captivating journey of Final Fantasy 16 with our comprehensive walkthrough! Discover ancient ruins, conquer formidable foes like the Iron Giant and Ifrit, and delve into the mysteries of the Apodytery Master strategies to overcome every challenge, including the dreaded Infernal Shadow

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Explore the Ruins

The Apodytery

How to Beat Iron Giant

Continue Exploring the Apodytery

How to Beat Ifrit

How to Beat Infernal Shadow

Main scenario quests in Final Fantasy 16 are typically quite short. However, there are certain quests that stand out for their length, and "Buried Memories" is one of them. Clive, along with Jill and Torgal, finally returns to the remnants of Phoenix Gate after a grueling 13-year absence.

Their purpose is to uncover the truth behind the tragedy that unfolded at Phoenix Gate, and the enigmatic figure in the hood is believed to hold the answers they seek. As players delve into this main scenario quest, they can anticipate a thrilling experience filled with intense action and challenging boss battles. Prepare yourselves, Final Fantasy 16 players, for the gripping journey that awaits in "Buried Memories".

This walkthrough contains spoilers, so players should proceed with caution.

Explore the Ruins

Unearthing the Secrets: Mastering Final Fantasy 16 with Our Epic Walkthrough

Once the cutscene concludes, players of Final Fantasy 16 are advised to carefully navigate the path hugging the edge of the cliff. It won't be long before the unfolding of the main scenario quest is interrupted by yet another captivating cutscene. During this cinematic moment, Clive and Jill will catch sight of a mysterious figure clad in a hood, making his way towards a passageway that descends downwards. Although there are no hidden treasures to be discovered in this particular area, individuals should doggedly pursue the hooded man, descending the stairs and entering an unscathed section of Phoenix Gate, which miraculously survived the intense battle between Ifrit and Phoenix.

The Apodytery

Unearthing the Secrets: Mastering Final Fantasy 16 with Our Epic Walkthrough

After descending into the chamber below, a cinematic sequence will commence. Upon its conclusion, players of Final Fantasy 16 will find themselves in a fresh new area. Progress down the corridor and interact with the door at the opposite end in order to proceed further. This particular door leads to a spacious chamber. As soon as players reach the center of this chamber, another cinematic sequence will be triggered, and they will come under attack by a group of Fallen machines. These adversaries pose little challenge, and players should have no trouble emerging victorious.

Upon reaching the bottom of the ruins via the elevator, another group of enemies will assail the players. Overcome them and continue onward towards another door. Pass through the door and collect the Magicked Ash from the side. In the subsequent chamber, several foes await alongside a treasure chest belonging to the Fallen, brimming with Gil and Sharp Fangs. Follow the path that descends towards yet another door.

Unearthing the Secrets: Mastering Final Fantasy 16 with Our Epic Walkthrough

Beyond the threshold lies a formidable adversary known as a Fallen Guardian; a force not to be underestimated. Although not quite a boss, it is susceptible to staggering. Once the Guardian has been vanquished, be sure to claim the spoils from the nearby chest before pressing on towards the adjacent door. Beyond lies an expansive area, revealing a delightful sight of a Potion and High Potion graciously bestowed upon the ground, awaiting your collection.

In the adjacent room, players will confront a new type of adversary known as Bombs. Bombs are reprised foes in the Final Fantasy series and are infamous for their tendency to explode autonomously after a period of time. It is imperative to dispatch them swiftly; however, if they begin to emit a radiant glow and increase in size, it is advisable to distance oneself in order to avoid sustaining damage when they detonate. Once the Bombs have been eliminated, proceed to the subsequent chamber.

Step on one of the illuminated platforms to activate an elevator that transports players to the upper level. Access the following chamber and confront the Fallen Guardian. As players engage in battle with this foe, additional adversaries will materialize on the left and right sides. It is recommended to dispatch them expeditiously before resuming the fight against the Fallen Guardian. Similar to the strategy employed against Garuda, the Fallen Guardian can be incapacitated by executing a well-timed takedown.

How to Beat Iron Giant

: Advancing Through the Chambers

Before embarking on your next adventure, it is crucial to ensure that you are in optimum condition, especially since a formidable horde of adversaries awaits in the subsequent chamber. Take a moment to tend to any wounds or replenish your energy before venturing forth. With renewed strength, proceed through the adjacent chamber and continue onwards into the one that lies beyond. By traversing these chambers, you will ultimately reach your destination and be rewarded with a captivating cutscene, followed by an exhilarating encounter with a formidable boss.

Unearthing the Secrets: Mastering Final Fantasy 16 with Our Epic Walkthrough

The gargantuan Iron Giant is a formidable adversary, capable of inflicting significant damage with its colossal weapon and possessing an extensive attack range owing to its size. Furthermore, the Iron Giant exhibits astonishing swiftness in its movements. Players of Final Fantasy 16 ought to closely observe its attack patterns, as the foe's assaults can be evaded with relative ease if one pays careful attention.

Unearthing the Secrets: Mastering Final Fantasy 16 with Our Epic Walkthrough

Once the boss reaches roughly 50% health, it will prepare to unleash a powerful attack. To prevent this devastating assault, the boss's regular health bar will be replaced by a menacing purple bar. Your objective is to deplete this bar swiftly, interrupting the attack before it can be unleashed. Moreover, during this critical window, the boss becomes vulnerable and takes increased damage.

Apart from this formidable attack, the boss lacks any other notable abilities or tactics. Your focus should be on relentlessly damaging the boss while adeptly evading its attacks. With perseverance and well-timed interruptions, you will eventually emerge victorious, bringing down this formidable foe.

Continue Exploring the Apodytery

Unearthing the Secrets: Mastering Final Fantasy 16 with Our Epic Walkthrough

Once the Iron Giant has been vanquished, players will advance to the next level. Two pathways will come into sight, one on the left and the other on the right, both leading to a captivating mural. Before descending, make sure to seize the treasure chest and acquire the High Potion lying on the ground. Proceed towards the mural and prepare to confront a formidable foe known as the Lich. Triumph over this newfound adversary and continue your journey by turning left.

Unearthing the Secrets: Mastering Final Fantasy 16 with Our Epic Walkthrough

Defeat the spawning enemies and activate the device located in the side room to progress. Once done, return to the arena where the Lich was previously battled and head towards the right side. Take out any enemies that appear and activate the device in this room too.

Go back to the arena mentioned earlier and activate the newly appeared device. This will create a bridge, granting players access to the mural located on the opposite side of the chamber. Moving towards the mural will trigger a cutscene, followed by another boss fight.

How to Beat Ifrit

Unearthing the Secrets: Mastering Final Fantasy 16 with Our Epic Walkthrough

Instead of controlling an Eikon, players will now face the formidable Ifrit as Clive. The battle begins with Ifrit unleashing his devastating Crimson Rush attack. Players must skillfully dodge this charge. As Ifrit kneels and unleashes Vulcan Blast, it is imperative to swiftly move away to avoid the fire erupting from the ground. When Ifrit casts Scorched Earth, players must react swiftly and dodge to the right. Additionally, Ifrit has an ability where he hurls fireballs towards the ground in a circular formation. These fireballs are easily avoided with nimble movements.

When Ifrit's health reaches around 20%, he will unleash a powerful attack where he stomps on the ground, creating a circle of flame beneath his foot. Ifrit will alternate between his right and left foot, repeating this attack several times before transitioning to other moves such as Scorched Earth. As Ifrit's health drops below 10%, he will become staggered, presenting players with the perfect opportunity to swiftly finish him off.

How to Beat Infernal Shadow

Unearthing the Secrets: Mastering Final Fantasy 16 with Our Epic Walkthrough

Unfortunately, the celebration of victory over Ifrit is short-lived for Final Fantasy 16 players. Immediately after defeating the Eikon, they are confronted with a formidable opponent - a shadowy reflection of themselves. Known as the Infernal Shadow, this enemy possesses all the same abilities and attacks as players. It is highly agile, constantly moving and teleporting. To survive this encounter, players must be nimble, dodging as much as possible, and strategically stun the boss to create openings for counterattacks.

As the battle progresses and the boss's health dwindles to approximately 60%, a new phase unveils. The Infernal Shadow now wields an arsenal of projectile attacks, making it even more dangerous. Additionally, it unleashes an area-of-effect cleave attack, signaled by a conspicuous cone of fire. Players must position themselves behind the boss to evade this devastating maneuver. Furthermore, when the boss initiates a spell called Hammer and Anvil, it is crucial to move away from its vicinity to avoid severe damage.

At 40% health, the boss unleashes Hellfire, a devastating attack. As pillars of fire erupt in a circular formation around the boss, players are pulled towards him. It is crucial to swiftly move away from the boss and deftly evade the continuous eruptions of fire. Once the attack subsides, it is safe to resume damaging the boss. However, be cautious as the boss will subsequently unleash his other abilities with increased frequency. Shortly after this intense encounter, a captivating cutscene ensues, rewarding players with the highly coveted Limit Break Gauge.

Unearthing the Secrets: Mastering Final Fantasy 16 with Our Epic Walkthrough

In the third phase, players will gradually recover from any inflicted damage and inflict considerably more damage on the boss. This phase is short-lived, as both players and the boss transform into Eikons. Subsequently, a sequence of Cinematic Clashes ensues, resulting in the players emerging triumphant. Following the battle, players are rewarded with a trophy and a series of cutscenes conclude the current main scenario quest.

PlayStation 5 users can now access Final Fantasy 16.