Unearthing the Next Expansion: Final Fantasy 14's Hidden Clues

Unearthing the Next Expansion: Final Fantasy 14's Hidden Clues

Final Fantasy 14's upcoming expansion may have been teased through a cleverly hidden object within The Dark Throne Fans are on the edge of their seats as they speculate on what this could mean for the future of the game

The Dark Throne offers a plethora of hints regarding the upcoming Final Fantasy 14 expansion, but the most significant clue has been cleverly concealed. Endwalker's Void storyline pays homage to the iconic boss fights of Final Fantasy 4, featuring the Four Fiends and Golbez with his Shadow Dragon, and transforms them into independent characters that challenge Endwalker's themes of death and purpose throughout the narrative.

As promised by Naoki Yoshida, the content updates for Endwalker are self-contained, with the Final Days averted and the Hydaelyn and Zodiark story concluding before the end credits of the expansion. The Warrior of Light's journey into the Void serves as both a fresh adventure to commence the next decade-long chapter in Etheirys' story and a convenient way to introduce new players to the beloved Final Fantasy 14 cast.

Players are eagerly anticipating "The Next Big Thing" in Patch 6.4 of Endwalker, but the hints and clues scattered throughout the game only lead to more questions. However, notColdReactive may have uncovered a significant clue in Krile's letter, which includes a suspicious seal that resembles Marilith, the Fiend of Fire from the first Final Fantasy game. Some fans believe the seal could also resemble a dragon, further hinting that the next expansion will take place in Meracydia. Regardless, players are excited to see where the chess pieces will lead.

Erenville's off-handed comments in a scene of Final Fantasy 14 suggest a possible homecoming to the port city of Valnain and the Golmore Jungles of the Viera. With its strategic location, it's reasonable to assume that it could serve as a gateway to Meracydia, potentially even becoming a new capital city or starting zone. While this theory should be taken with a grain of salt, it's supported by strong evidence and players can expect to learn more at the upcoming FanFest on July 28, where they may even face off against a Primal from the upcoming expansion. Final Fantasy 14 is available on PC, PS4, and PS5.