Unbelievable: Pokemon GO Player Discovers Ultra-Rare Pokemon Without Setting Foot Outside

Unbelievable: Pokemon GO Player Discovers Ultra-Rare Pokemon Without Setting Foot Outside

Discover the astonishing tale of a Pokemon GO player who defies all odds by capturing incredibly rare Pokemon without setting foot outside their home Unveiling the extraordinary feat of staying indoors while still conquering the game's most elusive creatures


A Pokémon GO player caught two rare shiny Pokémon without leaving their house, a remarkable feat considering their rarity.

Shiny Pokémon in Pokémon GO are rare color variations that have a 1/500 chance of appearing, making them highly desirable to players. Surprisingly, the player managed to capture both a shiny Zigzagoon and Lechonk within a 24-hour timeframe, defying the extremely low odds of encountering them without venturing outside.

A Pokemon GO player has impressively caught two shiny Pokemon without ever leaving their house. In Pokemon GO, players are typically required to explore their surroundings to track down new creatures, conquer gyms, and complete various tasks. However, this particular player managed to capture rare pocket monsters without taking a single step outside.

In case you're unfamiliar, shiny Pokemon are simply uncommon variants of different colors. The probability of encountering a shiny Pokemon varies across different games, but in Pokemon GO, the chances of encountering a shiny Pokemon are usually around 1 in 500. These odds can be adjusted during Community Days or special events focused on specific Pokemon, but shiny Pokemon remain quite rare in any case. As an example, the featured Pokemon for Pokemon GO's October Community Day is Timburr, which increases players' likelihood of encountering its shiny version. Nevertheless, the chances of catching a shiny Pokemon without even leaving your seat are most likely significantly lower.

Reddit user DanIsNotUrMan shared their shiny Zigzagoon and Lechonk that they captured in their own home with the community. What's even more impressive is that they managed to catch both of them within a 24-hour period. Although the player acknowledges that the stats of these Pokemon aren't exceptional, they are still considered quite rare. Additionally, there are advantages to keeping even 0-star Pokemon in Pokemon GO.

Lechonk is a recently introduced Gen 9 Pokemon in Pokemon GO, making it a relatively new discovery. Unlike some shinies in the game, both Lechonk and Zigzagoon have noticeably different color schemes compared to their normal forms. However, not all shiny Pokemon have such distinct color variations and can sometimes be difficult to differentiate from their regular appearance.

Shiny Pokemon are incredibly rare in the game, but the rarest shinies in Pokemon GO are even harder to come by. Zigzagoon and Lechonk don't fall into this category, but the chances of finding both within 24 hours without leaving your home are extremely unlikely.

Even years after its release, Pokemon GO remains popular among fans due to the regular updates introduced by Niantic and the improved odds of finding shiny Pokemon compared to other games. The ability to transfer these creatures between games using the Home app means that shiny duplicates are not limited to Pokemon GO alone. Regardless of where they end up, capturing a shiny Pokemon always brings joy to fans.

Pokemon GO is available now for iOS and Android mobile devices.