Unbelievable Genshin Impact Raiden Shogun TCG Card Replica Takes Fans by Storm

Unbelievable Genshin Impact Raiden Shogun TCG Card Replica Takes Fans by Storm

Genshin Impact devotee crafts an awe-inspiring replica of the Raiden Shogun TCG card from Genius Invokation, showcasing their remarkable talent and dedication to the popular character

A Genshin Impact enthusiast has crafted an impressive real-life replica of a popular card from the Genius Invokation TCG mode, featuring the renowned Electro Archon Raiden Shogun. The game's community frequently endeavors to recreate in-game items through the creation of 3D character models, weapon replicas, and TCG cards.

Introduced in version 3.3 of Genshin Impact, the Genius Invokation TCG event enables players to engage in battles against other travelers or non-playable characters scattered throughout the world of Teyvat. To emerge victorious in Genius Invokation, players must triumph over all of their opponent's character cards.

A Reddit user named Atramentova has shared an impressive real-life replica of a popular Raiden Shogun character card from Genius Invokation. The design of the 3D card has garnered a lot of love from Genshin Impact fans, as the post received over 3.9k upvotes on the game's main subreddit. Fans have been praising the card's overall quality, with many commenting that it looks incredibly authentic. Some fans even initially mistook it for official game merchandise.

Atramentova is well-known in the Genshin Impact community for creating similar projects that always capture the attention of fans. The creator has even provided simple instructions on how to make this type of card. Fans are advised to print a few copies on thicker paper and carefully cut out unnecessary parts. They can then use thicker foam tape to glue the pieces together, ensuring enough distance between them to achieve the desired 3D effect.

Raiden Shogun, a Character card type with a 3-star rarity, is widely regarded as the most popular character in Genshin Impact's character roster. This is evident from the game's revenue numbers, with three out of the six top-grossing banners featuring Raiden Shogun. This Electro user, who serves as the Inazuma Archon outside of the TCG game mode, offers great flexibility and can be seamlessly integrated into almost any team composition. However, players looking to utilize Raiden Shogun as the main DPS should aim to unlock her second constellation level, as it significantly enhances her damage potential.

Genshin Impact is now available on Mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5. A Switch version is in development.