Unai Emery Exclusive: In-Depth Insights on Tyrone Mings’ Injury, Tactical Mastery, Psychology and Ambitious Future Goals

Unai Emery Exclusive: In-Depth Insights on Tyrone Mings’ Injury, Tactical Mastery, Psychology and Ambitious Future Goals

Unai Emery discusses Aston Villa's tactics and psychology following injuries to Buendia and Mings Discover why Villa remains ambitious Watch Aston Villa vs Everton live on Sky Sports, Sunday at 1pm (kick-off at 2pm)

The Aston Villa season was highly anticipated, with a string of exciting signings that formed the best squad in recent memory for younger supporters. However, this optimism was quickly dampened by a significant loss against Newcastle, coupled with two serious injuries.

The 5-1 defeat itself was already disheartening, but it was made even worse by the cruciate ligament injury sustained by Emiliano Buendia, as well as the same fate befalling talisman Tyrone Mings during the same game. The journey back from St James' Park was a somber one indeed.

After his press conference on Friday, I spoke to Unai Emery in a separate room. I started the conversation by asking if he had ever witnessed a team go through such a string of misfortune. True to form, he responded with the facts instead of resorting to exaggeration.

He mentioned Real Madrid as an example, citing the injuries of Thibaut Courtois and Eder Militao. However, he did acknowledge that the current situation was "strange" and "unusual," and he couldn't overlook the emotional toll it had on his entire squad. "It is always difficult on an emotional level," he added.

The news is devastating, impacting both the players and the team greatly. These valuable players will be absent for an extended period, causing a significant setback. The players share a close bond, communicating daily as friends and teammates. Restoring stability will require ample time.

Following the incident, all eyes turn to one individual for guidance: Emery. As the leader at Villa, he understands the importance of projecting composure. Although it took him some time to process the situation, he eventually responded by setting high expectations. He firmly believes in taking responsibility without making any excuses - that is his motto.

He explains that if we only make excuses during difficult times, the reaction could potentially be even worse. We must always maintain control over ourselves and accept the situation. When we receive news, we must swiftly find solutions. There are opportunities available for other players.

Emery may hesitate to use the mitigating circumstances as an excuse, but they are evident to everyone. It is not just Mings and Buendia who are currently injured, but Alex Moreno and Jacob Ramsey as well, four players who were likely to start. "This is the truth."

The team lost for reasons other than squad depth or the absences of Jhon Duran and Leander Dendoncker.

"Newcastle demonstrated their superiority over us," he acknowledges.

"They exhibited greater speed, strength in the duels, and aggression in attacking, which ultimately led to their victory. We lacked in duels, lacked in runs, and were less aggressive compared to them. This is the underlying reason. Moreover, tactically, we made some incorrect decisions."

Villa's defensive line has faced criticism, but their issues at Newcastle were worsened by the lack of pressure on the ball in the attacking area. It's worth mentioning that Newcastle is one of the most physically intense teams in European football currently.

Additionally, Mings' injury seems to have thwarted the potential use of new signing Pau Torres as a makeshift left-back during the build-up phase. Emery has always valued tactical flexibility, but does this setback now restrict his choices?

He doesn't expect it to significantly change his approach. "We're experimenting with our formation, incorporating two or sometimes a third center-back filling in as a right full-back. Our strategy won't undergo major changes, but we'll strive to enhance our strength within the same structure."

He emphasizes the importance of "developing the players" through his continuous efforts on the training field. Villa's acquisition of Nicolo Zaniolo demonstrates their willingness to tap into the transfer market for squad adjustment. Additional signings may occur before the month concludes.

The absence of Tyrone and Emiliano weakens our squad, and we aim to strengthen it before the transfer window closes. Our goal is to be competitive in all competitions, so we must be prepared for any opportunity to enhance our squad.

Prior to that, we have the upcoming match against Everton, which poses a distinct challenge both tactically and psychologically compared to Villa's previous game against Newcastle. "Firstly, it is different because it is at home." However, we must not underestimate Everton, as they proved their worth by defeating Fulham.

"When did he watch it?" he was asked. "Monday," he promptly answered. While others were still contemplating their defeat, he had already embarked on his own analysis. "Currently, I am revisiting it alongside the club analysts, examining their entire setup. On Sunday morning, I will thoroughly discuss the final intricacies with the players."

Unai Emery Exclusive: In-Depth Insights on Tyrone Mings’ Injury, Tactical Mastery, Psychology and Ambitious Future Goals

Unai Emery Exclusive: In-Depth Insights on Tyrone Mings’ Injury, Tactical Mastery, Psychology and Ambitious Future Goals

Aston Villa


Sunday 20th August 1:00pm

Kick off 2:00pm

Unai Emery Exclusive: In-Depth Insights on Tyrone Mings’ Injury, Tactical Mastery, Psychology and Ambitious Future Goals

Unai Emery Exclusive: In-Depth Insights on Tyrone Mings’ Injury, Tactical Mastery, Psychology and Ambitious Future Goals

According to him, he is merely an individual striving to assemble a team. However, this endeavor has sparked interest, as European football makes its way back to Villa Park, and there is discussion about the potential of winning their first trophy since 1996. Emery's message is clear - he desires unwavering faith from everyone associated with Villa.

"When I send messages, it's to emphasize the importance of raising our level. Our goal is to strive for the highest possible standard and work towards achieving it. This is the message I have for myself, my players, and our supporters.

However, if we fall short, it's important for the supporters to manage their frustration. We will be setting high expectations, but not reaching them immediately doesn't mean we won't eventually get there in the long run."

Watch Aston Villa vs Everton live on We Premier League this Sunday from 1pm; kick-off 2pm