Ultimate Guide: Securing a Room in Elfsong Tavern - Baldur's Gate 3

Secure a cozy haven at Elfsong Tavern in Baldur's Gate, ensuring adventurers can rest in comfort within the city walls, without the need for outdoor camping
In Baldur's Gate 3, the party has frequently had to camp outdoors, enduring various harsh conditions such as seaside cliffs, Underdark caverns, shadow-cursed wastelands, and abandoned farms. Long rests have been unlimited, but each one requires the expenditure of 40 Camp Supplies.
However, once players reach Baldur's Gate itself, the situation changes. The city offers ample amenities for weary travelers like the party, and one option is to purchase the upper floor of the Elfsong Tavern. This not only provides a much more comfortable alternative to camping on the deserted docks, but it also includes a nightly restocking of Camp Supplies, a first in Baldur's Gate 3. Below are the steps for acquiring lodgings.
How to Get a Room
The Elfsong Tavern can be found straight ahead (west) from Basilisk Gate, the entrance to Baldur's Gate. Its location is easily noticeable as the Emperor will task the party with retrieving some misplaced belongings from the tavern's cellar. To obtain these items, players will need to navigate to the kitchen stairs and address a rat problem, but this particular task does not relate to securing accommodations.
For those in search of a place to stay, it is advised to proceed towards the bar situated at the rear of the common room. Barkeeper Alan Alyth will warmly welcome the party and they can inquire about lodging. He is more than willing to offer the entire upper floor for a reasonable cost of 200 gold, despite the Elfsong Tavern being associated with one of the Bhaal murders.
In fact, players have the opportunity to receive a discount from Alan if they are interested. Both Persuasion and Perception skills can be employed, and there may also be a chance to make a conditional Intimidation check. These checks are somewhat challenging, but players who successfully pass them will be able to obtain the rooms completely free of charge "until this killer thing blows over." This offer applies to the remainder of Act 3.
What the Elfsong Room Provides
In addition to
, the primary advantage of leasing the upper level of Elfsong is the availability of comfortable beds for a restful night's sleep. While this aspect does not possess any tangible advantages, the accommodation also boasts a few supplementary amenities.
Firstly, on the right side of the entrance, players will come across a dumbwaiter. During nighttime, players have the option to interact with the dumbwaiter and order a Supply Pack of 40 Camp Supplies for 64 gold. Furthermore, players can utilize any other Camp Supplies they have collected throughout the game. This feature ensures that the party will never have to go to sleep on an empty stomach, as long as they can gather enough gold.
Additionally, while in Baldur's Gate, the Elfsong room serves as a complete replacement for the campsite. To access the rooms, the party can use the door on the second floor, where they'll find the buttons "Go to Camp" and "End the Day." However, instead of being transported to the abandoned dock area that is typically used in the city, these buttons will automatically teleport the party to the Elfsong room.
Similar to other campsites, players can find various items to collect and containers to inspect in the Elfsong room. Notably, the chest adjacent to Withers and the dumbwaiter holds a number of valuable ingots. Additionally, the party's gear is stored in the Traveler's Chest, while the beds provided for long rests are located on the left side of the entrance.
Baldur's Gate 3 is currently accessible on macOS and PC, with a release scheduled for PS5 on September 6, 2023.