Ubisoft Suspends Twitter Ad Campaigns

Ubisoft Suspends Twitter Ad Campaigns

Ubisoft suspends Twitter ads amidst advertiser exodus due to Elon Musk's support of an offensive post, raising concerns about the platform's handling of hate speech

Ubisoft recently joined the growing list of companies pulling their advertising from X (formerly Twitter). This decision follows Apple, Disney, and IBM making the same move after Elon Musk endorsed an extremely antisemitic tweet. The tweet accused members of the Jewish community of "hatred against whites that they claim to want people to stop using against them," which Musk referred to as "the actual truth."

A Ubisoft spokesperson confirmed to Axios that the company had an active ad campaign on X, but that it has now been withdrawn. "We have paused advertising on X," the spokesperson said.

Following its acquisition by Elon Musk in October 2022, X has undergone significant changes, much to the frustration of some long-time users, particularly companies who have utilized the platform for advertising. This discontent has resulted in a sharp decline in ad revenue by nearly 60% as businesses have pulled their ads from the site. Additionally, users have observed a noticeable surge in offensive and harmful content since Musk took over, including inflammatory, racist, homophobic, sexist, and antisemitic posts.

The challenges facing X extend beyond advertising to the gaming sphere as well. In the past year, both Microsoft and Sony have removed the ability for players to share screenshots and gameplay footage directly to X from their PlayStation and Xbox consoles. It remains uncertain whether these decisions were influenced by Twitter's substantial API fee increase or other factors, although Musk has expressed his intention to investigate the removal of these features.

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z fan, I am deeply concerned about Ubisoft's decision to suspend its Twitter ad campaigns. Twitter has become a cesspool of hate speech and misinformation under Elon Musk's leadership, and I do not want to see Ubisoft associated with that platform.

I urge Ubisoft to reconsider its decision and to join the growing list of companies that are boycotting Twitter. By doing so, Ubisoft would be sending a strong message that it does not tolerate hate speech and that it stands with the Jewish community.