Troubleshoot Purified Gem Issues in Pokemon GO

Troubleshoot Purified Gem Issues in Pokemon GO

Master the art of Purified Gems in Pokemon GO battles with ease Learn how to fix the issue of Purified Gems not working for some players and take on bosses like a pro

Pokemon GO players have been collecting Purified Gems to enhance their chances of success in defeating bosses during the Shadow Raid Battle event. However, some players have reported issues when trying to use these gems with other trainers during battles, resulting in frustration and the waste of hard-earned gems.

Shadow Shards can be collected by participating in various battles throughout the game, which can then be used to obtain Purified Gems. To create a Purified Gem, players must gather up to 10 Shadow Shards and use no more than 5 during a Raid Battle. These gems can also be stacked by other trainers to prevent the boss Pokemon from becoming enraged, making them an essential item for any Raid Battle. If you're experiencing problems with Purified Gems while playing Pokemon Go, here's how to fix them.

How To Fix Purified Gems Not Working

Troubleshoot Purified Gem Issues in Pokemon GO

Trainers have reported issues with the effectiveness of Purified Gems during Pokemon Raid Battles. In particular, when encountering enraged Pokemon bosses, the use of Purified Gems can be crucial to avoid wiping out players' Pokemon health bars. However, it has been discovered that the Gems take a few seconds to take effect against the boss, and any attack made during this time will cancel out the effect of the Gem, rendering it useless. This simple fix can make all the difference in successfully defeating a boss during a Raid Battle.

During a boss battle in Pokemon Go, trainers should take advantage of the Purified Gem's effects by monitoring the Pokemon's health bar. It is recommended to save the next attack for a bit longer to increase the gem's effectiveness. Trainers can also stack multiple Purified Gems to benefit the entire team. While there is a limit to the number of gems that can be used in a single battle, working with other trainers can maximize their impact.

Pokemon GO is available now for mobile devices as a free download.