Trending Memes: Lord of the Rings and Moneyball Dominate Social Media

Trending Memes: Lord of the Rings and Moneyball Dominate Social Media

Prepare to be amused as the Lord of the Rings and Moneyball collide in a viral meme storm, conquering social media platforms Discover what lies ahead for the beloved Lord of the Rings franchise

The combination of The Lord of the Rings and Moneyball has given rise to a popular social media meme that has captured the attention of movie enthusiasts. Peter Jackson's trilogy, based on J.R.R. Tolkien's celebrated fantasy novels, was not only a huge hit with audiences, but also received widespread acclaim from critics. The three films collectively earned over $3 billion at the box office and received a staggering 17 Oscars from 30 nominations.

Critics also praised Moneyball upon its release in 2011. Despite earning significantly less than Lord of the Rings, it still made a profit with $110.2 million in ticket sales. The film tells the story of how Billy Beane, the general manager of the Oakland A’s, used sabermetric analysis to turn the team's luck around.

At first glance, the two may seem unrelated. However, a recent surge of memes has pointed out some unexpected connections between them.

Lord of the Rings and Moneyball memes have taken over social media

The internet memes depict The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring’s Council of Elrond as a scene from Moneyball where teams are selected. Similar to Moneyball, an unexpected mix of candidates, including Frodo and his fellow Hobbits, turns out to be a more successful lineup than a team of established stars.

— Jake From Snake Farm (@realSnakeFarm) December 27, 2023

"We have four Halflings in the initial lineup," joked one X user. "This gives us a good selection for Gandalf the Grey, and despite his age and tendency to disappear during the mid-season, he is vital for a playoff run. You'll see."

"There is a widespread lack of understanding within Middle-earth about what is truly going on," wrote another, echoing Jonah Hill’s Peter Brand. "This causes leaders to underestimate the strength of Men and make poor decisions in managing their kingdoms."

"Gandalf may no longer be with us, but there is a possibility of bringing him back through collective efforts," added a third person. "Gollum's IM percentage in Mordor is the highest in Middle-earth. I don't care if the scouts find his voice strange, all I care about is him getting into Mordor."

Additionally, several memes depicted Moneyball's negative portrayal of Oakland A's coach Art Howe, portraying him as The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King's Denethor.

"I'd like Aragorn to wield the sword, Legolas to handle the bow, Gimli to use the axe, Frodo to hold the ring, and anyone other than Boromir to watch his back." "You want Frodo to have the ring?" "That's correct." "But what about his meekness?" "His meekness is irrelevant!"

— Jimmy Shiffer (@Holy_SHIFF) December 27, 2023

What’s next for the Lord of the Rings franchise?

One particular post, imitating the fictionalized voice of Howe, states, "Sending Faramir to Osgiliath is out of the question. I strongly disagree with this decision. Furthermore, I am defending Gondor in a manner that I can articulate in future job interviews."

While a crossover between Lord of the Rings and Moneyball may not be in the works, there are numerous exciting Middle-earth projects for fans to anticipate. Embracer Group and Warner Bros. are collaborating on a new series of Lord of the Rings films. In addition, a second season of Amazon Studios' The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power is in development, with a projected release in 2024.

For the latest Lord of the Rings news and updates, check out Dexerto’s full coverage here.

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z netizen, I find the collision of Lord of the Rings and Moneyball in viral memes to be both amusing and thought-provoking. The unexpected connections drawn between these seemingly unrelated works highlight the creativity and humor of online culture. The memes cleverly play on the strengths and weaknesses of each franchise, creating a unique and entertaining blend.

The memes also offer a fresh perspective on the characters and storylines of Lord of the Rings. By comparing the Fellowship of the Ring to a baseball team, the memes highlight the importance of teamwork and strategy in achieving success. Additionally, the portrayal of Denethor as Art Howe adds a humorous twist to the character's often-serious demeanor. Overall, these memes demonstrate the power of pop culture references and internet humor to engage and entertain audiences in unexpected ways.