Unveiling the Lingering Racism in LOTR Casting?

Unveiling the Lingering Racism in LOTR Casting?

Rings of Power star speaks out on racist casting backlash, revealing discriminatory comments made during auditions Has the film industry moved past such prejudices?

Sophia Nomvete, star of Rings of Power, has spoken out about the racist backlash the show has faced due to its diverse casting. Despite receiving positive reviews from critics and strong viewership, Rings of Power has been met with a 38 percent audience score on Rotten Tomatoes, with some viewers taking issue with people of color existing in Middle-earth. Nomvete, who plays Disa, the first female dwarf of color in Lord of the Rings, revealed in a recent discussion on "The State of Inclusion in Storytelling" that she was "statistically the most attacked castmember of the entire show," and even received racial slurs.

When the cast announcement was made and our faces were revealed, I was bombarded with hateful messages, particularly targeted at me. I was called racial slurs and told that I did not belong on the show because of my weight and skin color. While some messages were politely worded, they still suggested that I resign from the show. However, I refused to give in to these messages and let them dictate my future. Instead, I realized that my role on the show was not just a celebration, but also a form of resistance against the false notion that people like me do not belong on screens or in fantasy spaces. I knew that for the sake of my daughter, the future of our industry, and the next generation, I needed to stand in my power and do justice to my character. So, I approached the showrunners and implored them to make my character more than just a subordinate or a comedic sidekick. I begged them to make her a powerful, sexual force to be reckoned with.

I empathized with the fear and uncertainty expressed in the comments and realized the true purpose of the assignment: to promote understanding and acceptance. Just as we wouldn't dismiss a frightened child, we should approach these unfamiliar perspectives with patience and compassion. Throughout the show, I made it my personal mission to alleviate their fears and educate them that diversity only enhances the storytelling experience. By embracing diversity, not only will our industry thrive, but our world will become a more inclusive and accepting place.

Is The Racist Backlash To The Rings of Power Over?

Unveiling the Lingering Racism in LOTR Casting?

Although the racist backlash to Rings of Power can never be erased from pop culture history, it seems that the cast has moved past the controversy. Recent comments made by the cast suggest that the hate has largely dissipated and is now a thing of the past. The show's production has not been affected by the backlash, with season 2 currently in full swing and scheduled to be released in 2024.

Despite facing initial backlash, Rings of Power received overwhelming support from its fans and industry figures who condemned the hate. Amazon took a strong stand against bigotry and the original Lord of the Rings Hobbit actors, as well as other prominent figures such as Whoopi Goldberg and the Star Wars franchise, expressed their solidarity. This outpouring of love has successfully drowned out the negativity, and Rings of Power season 2 should not have to face the same kind of prejudice.