Unveiling Tolkien's Hidden Lore: 9 Epic Stories Set to Unfold in LOTR: The Rings of Power Season 2

Prepare for an epic expansion in TROP season 2 with captivating tales of Númenor's fall, Annatar's deceit, Sauron's war against the Elves, and the founding of Rivendell Discover the secrets behind the Rings of Power and witness the rise of Barad-Dûr in this thrilling continuation!
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The first season of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power was just the beginning, laying the groundwork for what's to come in season 2. Set in Middle-earth's Segond Age, this Prime Video series has a wealth of canon material to delve into. The initial season focused on establishing a solid foundation for the ongoing narrative. Now, as we enter season 2, it's time to explore the more significant events of the Second Age.
In season 1 of The Rings of Power, we were introduced to Galadriel and witnessed the starting point of her conflict with Sauron. The fact that she was deceived by the Dark Lord throughout the first set of episodes suggests that her hatred towards him (and her potential temptation to join him) will only intensify from here on out. While this storyline was unique to the Prime Video series, it served as a springboard for future canon Tolkien stories. The same can be said for the journeys of Nori and the Stranger, Elrond and the Durin IV, and Elendil and his family. Season 2 of The Rings of Power is where the true tales begin to unfold.
9 The Downfall Of Númenor
8 The Deceit Of Annatar
The downfall of Númenor, depicted overtly in The Rings of Power season 1, involved Queen Míriel witnessing the catastrophic destruction of civilization on the island as a massive wave overcame it. This event aligns perfectly with the established Tolkien canon, and although it may not transpire in season 2, the beginning of Númenor's downfall is inevitably approaching in The Rings of Power. Sauron, assuming yet another captivating guise, will play a pivotal role by arriving on the island and beguiling its inhabitants. Given his fondness for the island demonstrated in season 1 and the conclusion of Halbrand's manipulation of Galadriel, it is highly possible that Númenor will become one of Sauron's next targets.
With the revelation of Halbrand's true identity in season 1 of The Rings of Power, the story of Sauron will now start to unfold. The Dark Lord has numerous mischievous plans in store for Middle-earth, one of which includes the creation of the remaining Rings of Power. However, The Rings of Power has taken a different approach to this storyline, leaving us uncertain about how it will exactly pan out. According to Tolkien's canon, Sauron disguised himself as Annatar, presenting a fair appearance, to deceive the Elves into aiding him in his task. Whether or not Rings of Power follows this path, there is no doubt that Sauron's cunning and trickery will play a significant role in the upcoming episodes of the series.
7 Sauron's War Against The Elves
In Tolkien's The Silmarillion, Sauron devised a plan to establish his dominion over the elves, assuming the guise of Annatar and employing deception as his weapon. While successful in persuading the Smiths of Eregion to his cause, his attempts to manipulate Gil-Galad, Elrond, and Galadriel were thwarted by their astuteness, leading to his expulsion. As a result, the Dark Lord resorted to waging war on the Elves, resolved to assert his rule through sheer force if his Rings of Power failed him. The narrative diverges somewhat in The Rings of Power, but Galadriel's knowledge of Sauron's true identity and her involvement in the forging of the Three Elven Rings restores the story to its canonical roots. In the forthcoming second season of The Rings of Power, the Elves will find refuge from Sauron's influence, prompting the commencement of his war.
6 Pharazôn Becoming King
In The Rings of Power season 1, Pharazôn was introduced as a charismatic and kind character in the Prime Video series. However, it is known to Tolkien enthusiasts that he is ultimately destined to become the last king of Númenor. This implies that in season 2, Pharazôn will need to turn the people against Queen Míriel, which has already been set up by the ruler's unpopular decision to aid Galadriel in season 1. While there is potential for The Rings of Power to alter Pharazôn's fate, the groundwork has already been laid for Sauron to visit Númenor and further push the already precarious conflict within the island city.
5 Elrond Founding Rivendell
In The Lord of the Rings, Elrond assumes the role of the Lord of Rivendell, the most renowned Elvish settlement in Middle-earth. Nevertheless, the character initially introduced in The Rings of Power does not hold this leadership position yet, but it is expected that this change will occur in season 2. When the War of the Elves and Sauron erupts, Sauron will target Eregion (according to The Silmarillion), resulting in the decimation of the Elven city by his forces. It is during this crisis that Elrond will gather the refugees, accompanied by troops from Lindon, and establish the formidable stronghold of Rivendell. Undoubtedly, this moment will be significant in The Rings of Power.
4 The Dwarves Mining Mithril
The Lord of the Rings contains numerous references to the Dwarves' extraction of mithril, and The Rings of Power series followed suit by making this precious ore the focal point of the Khazad-Dûm narrative. Although Tolkien never delved into the Elves' fascination with mithril or the conflict between Prince Durin and Elrond in his original works, it adeptly laid the foundation for the forthcoming canonical events. By the conclusion of The Rings of Power's first season, Durin IV found himself at odds with his father regarding the mining of mithril. Given the prince's willingness to risk losing favor with his king over this matter, it is highly conceivable that season 2 will feature further exploration of mithril mining.
3 The Balrog Of Khazad-Dûm
2 Sauron Building Barad-Dûr
The destruction of Khazad-Dûm by Durin's Bane, the Balrog, was a highly anticipated event in The Rings of Power season 1. The Dwarves of Moria, in their relentless search for mithril, inadvertently discovered the terrifying beast, which later proved to be the cause of Gandalf the Grey's demise in The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. Although the original Tolkien canon states that it was Durin VI, not Durin IV from The Rings of Power, who fell victim to the Balrog, the hints in season 1 strongly suggest a deviation from this timeline, with the unfortunate event potentially occurring two generations earlier.
Upon Halbrand's arrival at the freshly erupted Mount Doom, the "Southlands" insignia was swiftly eradicated, replaced instead by the foreboding name Mordor. This marked a pivotal moment hinting at the impending reign of the Dark Lord in this region, consequentially leading to the creation of the One Ring and the construction of Barad-Dûr, the imposing tower intertwined with Sauron's essence and supremacy. While the pinnacle of the tower, as depicted in the Lord of the Rings films, did not bear Sauron's watchful eye, its foundations were undeniably forged through the power of the One Ring, thus solidifying its profound connection to Sauron's dominion. Thus, if indeed the One Ring is forged within The Rings of Power, it is without a doubt that the ominous dark tower symbolizing Sauron's rule in Mordor shall emerge.
1 The Rings Of Power Being Distributed Across Middle-Earth
In The Rings of Power season 2, additional Rings of Power will be produced and consequently distributed across Middle-earth. The Lord of the Rings narrated the creation of seven Rings for the Dwarves and nine for Men, which Sauron employed to manipulate and corrupt the leaders of these races. As a result, viewers of The Rings of Power will have the opportunity to witness the individuals destined to become the Nazgûl, including the anticipated revelation of the Witch-King of Angmar, who is likely to have appeared in season 1.