The Worst Generation Unleashed: The Astonishing Journey After Sabaody!

The Worst Generation: A Tale of Triumphs, Trials, and Hidden Potential Discover how the 12 notorious pirate crews from Sabaody have fared in the New Age, as some shine as star performers, others face unfortunate circumstances, and a few lay low, waiting for their moment to strike
The Worst Generation is a collection of 12 notorious pirate crews who became prominent between the Golden Age of Piracy and the New Age. They amassed bounties exceeding 100,000,000 berries before the Summit War of Marineford in One Piece. This group includes the crews of the 11 supernovas and the former Warlord of the Sea, Blackbeard, who has now become an Emperor after the death of Whitebeard. After their arrival on the Sabaody Archipelago just before the time skip, these crews have made significant progress in the New World, following their earlier exploits in the first half of the Grand Line.
While some individuals, like Blackbeard, Luffy, Zoro, and the Straw Hat Pirates, have achieved great success in the world of One Piece, others, including Urouge, have faded into obscurity. Most of the Worst Generation crews have played significant roles in the Straw Hats' adventures since returning to Sabaody after the Summit War. Some of these crews have formed alliances with the Straw Hats to confront other supernovas. The reappearance of Jewelry Bonney in the Egghead Island Arc suggests that the remaining crews may play a part in the Final Saga, where important information about the Void Century is being revealed. Considering this, a recap of how these crews have fared after the time skip can provide insights into what lies ahead for them as the story progresses rapidly.
The Star Performers
The Straw Hats and the Blackbeard Pirates have undoubtedly experienced significant growth since the Summit War, as they are now recognized as two of the Four Emperors of the Sea. Luffy's actions on Wano have played a major role in this, as his bounty has doubled to an impressive 3,000,000,000 berries, solidifying his status as one of the most notorious pirates currently sailing the seas. By defeating Kaido, a previous Emperor, and emerging victorious against Charlotte Katakuri with a clash against Big Mom on Whole Cake Island, his reputation has skyrocketed.
Moreover, Luffy's Awakening of the legendary Mythical Zoan fruit, the Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Nika, has gained him the attention of the World Government. Rumors have spread that he may be the reincarnation of Joy Boy, a figure of great significance. Zoro has also seen an increase in renown following his accomplishments in Wano, particularly his defeat of the Lunarian King, resulting in a bounty that surpassed the 1,000,000,000 mark. Their achievements have firmly established them as part of the new generation of Yonko crews in the New World, replacing the previous leaders such as Whitebeard, Big Mom, and Kaido since the Summit War.
The Less Fortunate
Blackbeard has made significant progress in establishing himself as a prominent figure in the pirate world, alongside Luffy and Buggy. With a higher bounty than both of them, Marshall D. Teach and his crew are ranked second only to Shanks and the Red Hair Pirates among the Yonko crews. Additionally, Blackbeard has asserted his dominance over Hachinosu, also known as Pirate Island, following the Rocky Port Incident. He demonstrated his strength by defeating the remaining members of the Whitebeard Pirates in the Payback War and overpowering Trafalgar Law and the Heart Pirates after their departure from Wano. This solidifies his position as one of the Emperors of the Sea. Therefore, it can be said that Blackbeard has been the most successful among the Worst Generation crews, even though he had a head start over the Supernovas who are embarking on their first journey through the Grand Line.
Prior to the Wano Arc, Eustass Kid, Killer, and Trafalgar Law experienced various outcomes. However, during the Raid on Onigashima, their significance became apparent when they played crucial roles in the ultimate defeat of Big Mom. Kid and Killer formed an alliance with Basil Hawkins and together they attempted to overthrow both Shanks and Kaido. Unfortunately, Kid lost one of his arms in the fierce battle against the Red Hair Pirates after their alliance was betrayed. Their former ally chose to side with the Beasts Pirates in Wano, leading to Kid's capture and imprisonment. Fortunately, the timely arrival of the Straw Hats and Heart Pirates provided the support Kid needed to confront an Emperor and emerge victorious. Following their triumph against Big Mom, Kid and Killer resolved to take on Shanks once again. However, this time, Shanks exerted his full power and swiftly defeated Kid and his crew with a single attack, completely obliterating Kid's flagship, the Victoria Punk.
After the Rocky Port Incident, Law rose to the level of Warlord of the Sea, surpassing many of his fellow Supernovas. However, he relinquished this title to join forces with Luffy in the battle against Doflamingo in Dressrosa, seeking vengeance for Donquixote Rosinante, who had taken care of him and bestowed him with the Ope Ope no Mi. Law's impressive achievement of defeating Big Mom alongside Kid was short-lived, as he was ultimately defeated by Blackbeard and narrowly escaped with his life.
Following the Raid on Onigashima, Basil Hawkins was left near death after being defeated by Killer of the Kid Pirates. The fates of both Hawkins and X Drake, the leader of the undercover Marine organization SWORD who had infiltrated the Beasts Pirates, have yet to be revealed. Scratchmen Apoo, who had betrayed Kid and allied with the Beasts Pirates, also suffered defeat during the raid. As for Capone Bege of the Fire Tank Pirates, it is shown in the "Gang" Bege's Oh My Family series of illustrations that he successfully reunited his wife, Charlotte Chiffon, with her sister Lola after defecting from the Big Mom Pirates.
Forgotten Or Biding Their Time?
After the time skip, Jewelry Bonney remained in the background as a minor character. She was initially captured by the Blackbeard Pirates and later by the Marines. However, she managed to escape and infiltrated Pangaea Castle during the Levely in Mary Geoise. Pretending to be the Queen Dowager of the Sorbet Kingdom, her aim was to gather information about her father, Bartholomew Kuma. Kuma had been transformed into a subservient cyborg during the creation of the Pacifista by Dr. Vegapunk and the World Government.
Following the chaotic events of the Levely, in which Nefertari Cobra, the ruler of Arabasta, died, Bonney escaped from Mary Geoise. Eventually, she reached Egghead Island to confront Dr. Vegapunk and question him about his actions towards her father. She was able to witness a portion of her father's memories on the Future Island. However, overwhelmed with emotions, she was unable to process all of them. It is highly likely that Bonney will have a significant role in the Final Saga. The Straw Hats will flee Egghead Island to evade Admiral Kizaru, St. Jaygarcia Saturn, and even a ship from the Blackbeard Pirates.
Lastly, the enigmatic "Mad Monk" Urouge has seemingly vanished from the story. However, there is speculation that, just like Bonney, he may resurface during the Final Saga. Urouge's last notable encounter was with the formidable Big Mom Pirates. He triumphed over Charlotte Snack, a former member of the Four Sweet Commanders, but was subsequently defeated by Charlotte Cracker. It would not be surprising if Urouge aligns himself with or opposes the Straw Hats in the concluding moments of One Piece. There is even a possibility of an alliance forming among the remaining pirates of the Worst Generation, leading to the discovery of Roger's treasure and a monumental transformation of the world.