A Legendary Sequel in Comic Form
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, the beloved fantasy RPG, is set to continue its captivating story in the form of a direct sequel - a five-issue comic book series titled The Witcher: Corvo Bianco. This exciting new series is a collaboration between the renowned Italian artist Corrado Mastantuono and the talented writer Bartosz Sztybor, who has previously contributed to other Witcher comics featuring Geralt.
The Witcher 3 new comic cover
The series is a highly anticipated continuation after the conclusion of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, presenting Geralt and Yennefer, who have developed 'a taste for a slower pace,' emerging from retirement to confront a new threat. With the first issue scheduled for release on May 8, fans can embark on a new adventure with their beloved characters for just $3.99.
The Witcher 3 alternate comic cover
Twitter article posted by Dark Horse Comics
The Canonical Journey Continues
Following the conclusion of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and its expansions, the canonical ending of Geralt and Yennefer retiring at Corvo Bianco has been confirmed as the premise for the new comic book series, The Witcher: Corvo Bianco. This revelation sets the stage for an exciting and immersive continuation of the beloved characters' journey, promising a fresh and captivating narrative for fans and newcomers alike.
The Witcher 3 second comic cover
A Fresh Perspective for Fans
For fans of The Witcher 3, the comic series offers a unique opportunity to delve into a new chapter of Geralt's story and experience the rich world of The Witcher in a fresh and captivating format. The series not only provides a thrilling continuation of the beloved characters' adventures but also serves as a testament to CD Projekt Red's commitment to keeping The Witcher 3 universe vibrant and engaging for its dedicated fan base.