The Unveiling: The Secret Culmination of Star Wars' Mandalorian Jedi Saga

The Unveiling: The Secret Culmination of Star Wars' Mandalorian Jedi Saga

Unveiling the true Mandalorian Jedi of Star Wars since 2014: Sabine's captivating journey from fascination with Ezra's Jedi training to choosing the Jedi path, her foreshadowed Jedi training with the Darksaber, refusing to kill with Ezra's lightsaber, and the intriguing Jedi future set up in Star Wars Rebels' Epilogue


Sabine Wren's interest in Jedi training and her possession of Ezra's lightsaber foreshadow her future as a Mandalorian Jedi in Star Wars Rebels.

Sabine's adoption of a Jedi mentality and refusal to take a life in her confrontation with Gar Saxon highlights her deviation from the customary Mandalorian code. The indications and foreshadowing in Star Wars Rebels strongly imply that Sabine Wren's journey will ultimately guide her towards embracing her role as a genuine Mandalorian Jedi in the upcoming Ahsoka series.

Star Wars has been planning the introduction of a Mandalorian Jedi since 2014. Initially, there were speculations that Grogu, also known as the child, would become the first Mandalorian Jedi in over a thousand years since Tarre Vizsla. However, recent developments in The Book of Boba Fett indicate that another character from the New Republic Era has emerged as the true Mandalorian Jedi. This revelation is strengthened by Grogu's decision to abandon his Jedi training.

The upcoming Ahsoka series, as seen in its trailers, confirms that Sabine Wren was previously apprenticed to Ahsoka Tano after the finale of Star Wars Rebels. This new show will delve into the events that took place during the interim period. There have been hints suggesting that Sabine possesses undiscovered Force abilities, although this is yet to be fully confirmed before the premiere of Ahsoka. Nonetheless, a re-watch of Star Wars Rebels reveals that the narrative choice of Sabine Wren becoming a Mandalorian Jedi, complete with Force abilities, was not a random decision.

Sabine Has Always Been Fascinated By Ezra's Jedi Training

The Unveiling: The Secret Culmination of Star Wars' Mandalorian Jedi Saga

Sabine frequently observes Jedi survivor Kanan Jarrus instructing his apprentice Ezra Bridger in the Star Wars Rebels animated series. As a weapons and explosives expert raised by Mandalorians, it is natural for her to take interest in their sparring sessions. This fascination may also stem from the historical conflict between the Mandalorians and Jedi during the Old Republic era.

Although Sabine's observation of Kanan's training may appear inconsequential at first glance, it holds significant significance for her own journey. After recovering the Darksaber, she receives training from Kanan and later becomes Ahsoka's former apprentice. Notably, she acquires Ezra's lightsaber with a green blade after he disappears into the Unknown Regions in the finale of Star Wars Rebels. This same lightsaber is also seen in the trailers for the Ahsoka show, implying its connection to Sabine.

Sabine Chose The Jedi Way, Not The Mandalorian Way

The Unveiling: The Secret Culmination of Star Wars' Mandalorian Jedi Saga

Kanan Jarrus's influence on Sabine Wren's development in Star Wars Rebels is evident from the beginning, even before her training with the Darksaber in the show's third season. In the Star Wars Rebels episode "The Protector of Concord Dawn," which is part of season 2, Sabine's complex Mandalorian background is explored. Sabine and Kanan are paired together on a mission to establish an alliance with the Mandalorian group called the Protectors.

When the situation becomes hostile, Kanan encourages Sabine to consider alternatives to violence, which goes against her warrior-based Mandalorian culture and upbringing. However, Sabine eventually embraces Kanan's perspective. Together, they manage to capture the leader of the Protectors, Fenn Rau, which leads to an alliance between the early Rebellion and Mandalore, despite Mandalore's current alliance with the Empire. When Sabine informs Hera Syndulla about Rau's capture, Hera expresses surprise and comments that Sabine is starting to sound more like a Jedi than a Mandalorian. Sabine responds by affirming that she was raised correctly, indicating her new and more Jedi-influenced mindset.

This is a pivotal moment for Sabine as she considers her future, demonstrating her deep bond and connection with Kanan. Although not a formal apprentice like Ezra, Sabine still emulated Kanan's teachings and learned from him, especially when he started training her to wield the Darksaber. Therefore, it is not a mere coincidence that in the first Ahsoka trailer, Sabine chooses to cut her hair while facing her helmet, paying homage to Kanan, who did the same thing before his sacrificial act to save the crew of The Ghost in the final season of Star Wars Rebels.

Sabine's Darksaber Training Heavily Foreshadows Her Jedi Future

The Unveiling: The Secret Culmination of Star Wars' Mandalorian Jedi Saga

After reclaiming the legendary Darksaber from Dathomir during Star Wars Rebels season 3, Sabine acquires the support of Kanan, Hera, and Fenn Rau, who encourage her to utilize the weapon and unite the Mandalorian clans against Gar Saxon, the Empire's Imperial Viceroy tasked with suppressing Mandalore. Reluctant due to her distressing past as an Imperial Academy student and the usage of her own creations against her people, Sabine initially struggles to wield the Darksaber. Similarly, Kanan exercises caution during her training, prompting Hera to question if this hesitation stems from Sabine's lack of Force abilities like Ezra.

Kanan's response to Hera provides strong evidence of Sabine's potential latent Force sensitivity. He explains that while the Force resides in all living things, Sabine's Mandalorian upbringing and difficult past have blocked her connection. However, Kanan is amazed by how naturally Sabine handles the Darksaber, a weapon typically used only by Jedi with a strong connection to the Force. This suggests that Sabine may have a greater connection to the Force, which could be developed through Ahsoka's training in the upcoming Star Wars show.

Additionally, the newly painted convor on Sabine's armor in Star Wars Rebels season 3 is significant. This bird is typically associated with Ahsoka and the Force. Furthermore, Sabine unintentionally awakened the Bendu during her training, a Force entity that represents both the light and dark sides. These elements strongly imply Sabine's connection to the Force, a connection she only discovers after the conclusion of Star Wars Rebels.

Sabine Refused To Kill When She Defeated Gar Saxon... With Ezra's Lightsaber

The Unveiling: The Secret Culmination of Star Wars' Mandalorian Jedi Saga

Upon her return to Mandalore, Sabine had the opportunity to restore her reputation within Clan Wren after acquiring the skills to wield the Darksaber. Engaging in a one-on-one battle against Gar Saxon, the Imperial Viceroy who had obtained the Darksaber, Sabine demonstrated her prowess by utilizing Ezra's lightsaber. Disarming Saxon and holding both blades at his throat, Saxon stubbornly refused to surrender, insisting that Sabine would have to kill him. However, Sabine chose a different path, stating that while that may have been the Mandalorian way, it was no longer hers. This moment is made even more impactful by the inclusion of John William's renowned Force theme, underscoring Sabine's shift towards a more Jedi-like approach.

Sabine's display of wielding Ezra's lightsaber and adopting a Jedi-like demeanor serves as a foreshadowing of her future as depicted in the Ahsoka trailers, where she once again wields Ezra's lightsaber. It is worth noting that Saxon was voiced by the late Ray Stevenson in Star Wars Rebels. This is significant because Stevenson also portrayed one of Ahsoka's main adversaries, Baylan Skoll, prior to his unfortunate passing. In the trailers, Sabine is shown engaging in a duel with Baylan's apprentice, Shin Hati, and it appears that Wren is experimenting with the Force during their confrontation.

Star Wars Rebels' Epilogue Set Up Sabine's Jedi Future

The Unveiling: The Secret Culmination of Star Wars' Mandalorian Jedi Saga

The clues in Star Wars Rebels strongly support the possibility of Sabine Wren becoming a Jedi, especially after the Darksaber arc. A re-watch of the animated show easily disproves the idea that her Jedi transformation would be random or unexpected. Star Wars Rebels provides ample setup and foreshadowing for this development. Therefore, it is highly likely that Sabine Wren will become the true Mandalorian Jedi in the Star Wars universe. Fans can expect to learn more about Sabine and her new circumstances when Ahsoka's two-episode premiere streams on Disney+ starting August 23rd.