The Unmasking of Teddi Mellencamp: A Gripping Tale of Triumph Over Melanoma

The Unmasking of Teddi Mellencamp: A Gripping Tale of Triumph Over Melanoma

Teddi Mellencamp bravely shares her skin cancer journey, from diagnosis to melanoma removals Follow her inspiring story as she navigates the challenges and triumphs on her path to recovery

The Unmasking of Teddi Mellencamp: A Gripping Tale of Triumph Over Melanoma

Teddi Mellencamp. Ella Hovsepian/Getty Images

Teddi Mellencamp, diagnosed with skin cancer, has been using her platform to encourage fans to prioritize skin care. In March 2022, Mellencamp disclosed the removal of a mole on her back. In an Instagram statement, the former Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star emphasized the importance of regular skin checks and admitted to having delayed her own due to anxiety for an extended period.

Mellencamp credited fellow Bravo star Kyle Richards with urging her to see a dermatologist after noticing changes in her back. "When @kylerichards18 saw the color changes, she promptly took me to a doctor who quickly diagnosed melanoma and performed a significant removal," Mellencamp disclosed. She then urged others to be proactive about their own skin health.

In a later update, Mellencamp shared the positive news that her melanoma was classified as "in situ," indicating that the cancer cells were confined to the affected skin area and had not spread further.

Continuing, she expressed her earnest hope that by sharing her experiences, she could inspire everyone to prioritize annual skin check-ups. She couldn't bear to think about the potential consequences if she hadn't taken that fateful step. Keep reading below to trace Mellencamp's journey with skin cancer, starting from her initial diagnosis.

October 2022

Mellencamp disclosed her diagnosis of stage II melanoma several months after her initial consultation. In an Instagram post, she shared a melanoma awareness update, recounting her anxiety and her decision to heed the advice of doctors and undergo a skin check after her previous encounter with melanoma. During the check-up, the doctors identified another abnormal spot near the previous one and proceeded to perform a biopsy. The unsettling news arrived in the form of a phone call this morning, confirming the presence of stage 2 melanoma.

She emphasized the importance of adhering to doctors' instructions, urging fans to take them seriously. In her message, she wrote, "The lesson here is if a doctor advises you to come in every 3 months, it is crucial to actually do so. I was very tempted to disregard this advice and question what could possibly happen in just 3 months. However, it turns out that a lot can happen."

Mellencamp shared her past habits of applying baby oil and iodine to achieve a tan as a teenager, without taking proper care by using sunscreen or having her moles checked until she turned 40. Reflecting on this, she expressed how this experience has served as a significant wake-up call for her, as well as for her audience, emphasizing the importance of loving and protecting one's skin.

Mellencamp shared on Instagram that two additional moles she had removed were also diagnosed as melanoma. She expressed concern about the potential risks of attempting surgery due to the high concentration of melanomas in that area. Mellencamp then explained her updated treatment plan, which involved getting a PET scan and consulting with both a hematology specialist and a surgical oncologist.

The Unmasking of Teddi Mellencamp: A Gripping Tale of Triumph Over Melanoma

Courtesy of Teddi Mellencamp/Instagram

October 2022

Mellencamp took to Instagram to share the results of her recent PET scan, providing a glimpse into the areas where her melanomas had been excised. She mentioned that medical professionals believe she may have a genetic predisposition for melanomas, as indicated by the need for wide encision surgery removal and nodal mapping. Additionally, she revealed that a sentinel lymphoid biopsy will be conducted during the surgery, since lymph node involvement cannot be detected solely through a PET scan.

In a later social media update, she openly discussed her recovery after the operation. Mellencamp clarified that she was not seeking sympathy, but rather sharing this update because she found encouragement in receiving messages from people who were getting tested. She expressed gratitude towards her family, friends, and husband for their support during this challenging time. Mellencamp emphasized her determination to conquer this cancer with the help of her remarkable healthcare team. Concluding on a positive and inspiring note, she acknowledged that life has its ups and downs but believes that it is in facing these challenges that we become stronger.

December 2022

Mellencamp proudly revealed her visible scars on her back and shoulders, indicating the successful outcome of her multiple surgeries to remove melanoma. With relief, she shared, "The margins are clear, and I received reassuring results from genetic testing, showing no concerning mutations. Additionally, I recently had a healthy mammogram (which I urge fellow ladies not to neglect). So, bidding farewell to the 11 melanomas and 3 lymph nodes that were once part of my life, I now welcome a newfound sense of tranquility."

The cohost of the "Two Ts In A Pod" podcast continued to express, "It has been truly enlightening to witness how swiftly situations can transform, and this is a valuable lesson that I will always remember and continue to advocate for. I hope nothing more than for each and every one of you to take proactive measures so that you won't have to encounter such circumstances. Let my scars serve as your motivation to prioritize preventive care."

The Unmasking of Teddi Mellencamp: A Gripping Tale of Triumph Over Melanoma

Courtesy of Teddi Mellencamp/Instagram

January 2023

Despite her previous removals, Mellencamp revealed that she had discovered three new spots that required a biopsy. In a recent Instagram post, she emphasized the importance of regular check-ups irrespective of previous melanomas, as she has experienced both white and brown varieties.

Mellencamp also inquired with doctors about a suspicious lump on her neck. The results of the ultrasound revealed irregularities, prompting a choice between a needle biopsy or complete removal. While the doctor initially recommended the biopsy as a starting point, there is a slight possibility that it may not yield conclusive results, necessitating the need for removal. Mellencamp expressed her approach of coping with the situation by focusing on the things within her control, such as keeping up with appointments, conducting self-checks, and actively engaging with her doctors.

May 2023

Mellencamp collaborated with the Melanoma Research Foundation in a joint effort to promote awareness about skin cancer. In a powerful “#GetNaked” campaign photo shoot, she fearlessly bared her biopsy scars, inspiring others to prioritize sun protection. Additionally, she urged her fans to incorporate sunscreen into their daily skincare regimens.

The Unmasking of Teddi Mellencamp: A Gripping Tale of Triumph Over Melanoma

Courtesy of Teddi Mellencamp/Instagram

September 2023

Mellencamp, over a year after being diagnosed initially, shared that another spot that was biopsied has been confirmed as melanoma. Through an Instagram caption accompanying a tearful selfie, she expressed her inability to recall whether this marks the 12th or 13th occurrence. She described reaching a point where these memories are fading, akin to parts of her childhood. Mellencamp admitted to the overwhelming impact on her mental state, having only slept for a mere two hours due to racing thoughts. While the melanoma was detected early, she disclosed the necessity of another surgery in the upcoming week, along with additional biopsies.

One day later, she expressed that the key to addressing her various health concerns was to actively engage in physical activity, release her emotions, and improve her mindset. She further emphasized that allowing negativity to persist will only hinder progress and limit potential. Instead, she urged those facing challenges to remember their strength and strive for more. If you're currently struggling with something, this message is for you.

September 2023

Mellencamp shared on Instagram that after undergoing multiple biopsies, the region on her back where the melanomas are located is too "extensive." This has led doctors to decide against cutting into it. Mellencamp mentioned that she can wait a week to participate in a national event before starting a 5-week immunotherapy cream upon her return. The cream aims to aid the immune system in targeting cancer cells but has potential side effects including fatigue, blisters, and inflammation. She concluded her post by urging her friends to remain proactive in getting their skin checked and expressing confidence in their ability to combat the disease.

In this article

The Unmasking of Teddi Mellencamp: A Gripping Tale of Triumph Over Melanoma

Teddi Mellencamp

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills