The Ultimate Transformation: 26 Epic Alterations in Netflix's Remake of One Piece That Will Blow Your Mind

The Ultimate Transformation: 26 Epic Alterations in Netflix's Remake of One Piece That Will Blow Your Mind

One Piece S1 presents 26 significant alterations to the original manga, including changes in character introductions, plot developments, and key events The remake offers a fresh perspective on familiar faces, introduces new dynamics, and brings unexpected twists to captivate both fans and newcomers

WARNING: This article contains SPOILERS for Netflix's One Piece season 1.


In the Baratie segment, Arlong takes the place of Don Krieg from the original manga, but this change mainly affects the pace of the story rather than the personalities or motivations of the characters.

Not all supporting characters from One Piece, like the Usopp pirates or Johnny and Yosaku, made an appearance in the show. However, Netflix's One Piece live-action series stays true to Eiichiro Oda's original manga while making some changes. Season 1 of One Piece comprises eight episodes, which cover the first 95 chapters of the manga. Given the vast number of characters and locations in the manga, it was anticipated that there would be alterations from the source material. Thankfully, the changes made for the live-action show primarily revolve around pacing rather than fundamentally changing a character's personality or role.

Eiichiro Oda had a hands-on role in Netflix's One Piece series, providing feedback to the producers when necessary. Season 1 of One Piece on Netflix paid homage to the original material by including hidden references and faithfully recreating iconic moments. However, there were significant alterations to the storyline, including the omission of certain characters and the introduction of new locations. Below are the key modifications made in Netflix's Season 1 of One Piece compared to the manga.

26 Garp Conducted Gold Roger's Execution

The Ultimate Transformation: 26 Epic Alterations in Netflix's Remake of One Piece That Will Blow Your Mind

Some significant alterations made for the One Piece live-action series revolve around Garp, who made his initial appearance in Chapter 92 of the manga. In the show, Garp assumes the role of overseeing Gold Roger's execution. This connection is further emphasized in the season finale of One Piece's first season, as Garp reminisces about Roger's dying laughter while gazing at Luffy.

25 Familiar Faces Are Revealed Right Away During Gold Roger’s Execution

The Ultimate Transformation: 26 Epic Alterations in Netflix's Remake of One Piece That Will Blow Your Mind

Gold Roger’s execution was witnessed by several prominent characters from One Piece, including Shanks, Mihawk, and Smoker. However, the initial portrayal of this event in the manga did not feature these notable individuals. One Piece revisited the scene of Roger's demise numerous times, but the live-action series chose to introduce these significant characters from the very beginning.

24 Shanks Is Older During The Execution Flashback

The Ultimate Transformation: 26 Epic Alterations in Netflix's Remake of One Piece That Will Blow Your Mind

23 Shanks Says He Is Going After The One Piece

Gold Roger was executed 22 years prior to the main events of One Piece. Although Netflix’s One Piece maintains this timeline, there is a notable age difference for Shanks between the execution flashback and his manga/anime counterpart. Consequently, Shanks is portrayed as older in the present-day anime compared to his manga depiction.

The Ultimate Transformation: 26 Epic Alterations in Netflix's Remake of One Piece That Will Blow Your Mind

During their time in Windmill Village as depicted in the One Piece manga, Shanks expresses to Luffy that his crew has been there for an extended period. Although bidding farewell to Luffy, Shanks omits divulging the precise destination of his crew. However, in the live-action adaptation of One Piece, Shanks explicitly discloses that their next endeavor involves pursuing the coveted treasure, the One Piece.

22 Luffy Doesn't Get Sucked Into A Whirlpool

The Ultimate Transformation: 26 Epic Alterations in Netflix's Remake of One Piece That Will Blow Your Mind

Present-day Luffy’s introduction in the One Piece show closely mirrors the manga, but with subtle variations. Rather than confronting a regional sea creature and subsequently being engulfed by a whirlpool, Luffy opts to take refuge inside a barrel when his boat starts to sink. Nevertheless, the end result remains unchanged – Luffy discovers himself aboard Alvida’s ship.

21 Zoro Fights The Baroque Works' Mr. 7 On-Screen

The Ultimate Transformation: 26 Epic Alterations in Netflix's Remake of One Piece That Will Blow Your Mind

The portrayal of Zoro's debut in Netflix's adaptation of One Piece differs significantly from the original source material. Rather than encountering the renowned "demon pirate hunter" in Shells Town, viewers are first introduced to Zoro in the solemn setting of Kuina's burial site. Furthermore, Zoro engages in a confrontation with Mr. 7, a member of the notorious Baroque Works organization, who attempts to recruit him. Although this clash did occur in the original narrative, it was merely alluded to in later episodes and was not depicted at the outset of the One Piece series.

20 Nami Is introduced At Shells Town

The Ultimate Transformation: 26 Epic Alterations in Netflix's Remake of One Piece That Will Blow Your Mind

19 Luffy & Koby’s “Fight” Doesn’t Happen

Nami's introduction in the manga occurs in Chapter 8 after the Shells Town arc concludes. However, in Netflix's adaptation of One Piece, Nami is introduced within the first few minutes of the first episode and becomes involved in the Shells Town arc. This mirrors the timeline of events from the One Piece anime, where Nami also made her debut in the first episode.

The Ultimate Transformation: 26 Epic Alterations in Netflix's Remake of One Piece That Will Blow Your Mind

In the live-action show, Koby plays a more significant role in this part of the story compared to the manga. Although his decision to join the Marines at Shells Town aligns with the source material, there is no encounter between him and Luffy. Instead, Koby remains with the Marines and is later questioned by Garp.

18 The Grand Line Map Is Stolen From Marines (Not Buggy)

The Ultimate Transformation: 26 Epic Alterations in Netflix's Remake of One Piece That Will Blow Your Mind

17 Nami Is A Better Fighter Right Away

The map to the Grand Line served as a coveted item in One Piece season 1, with multiple characters in pursuit of it. However, rather than being a pivotal element in the Orange Town arc featuring the antagonist Buggy, the Grand Line map was actually introduced right from the first episode. In a daring move, Luffy and Nami managed to pilfer the map from the clutches of the Marines, although later on, Buggy made attempts to steal it from them.

The Ultimate Transformation: 26 Epic Alterations in Netflix's Remake of One Piece That Will Blow Your Mind

In this part of the story, the One Piece live-action series showcases Nami participating in a greater number of fighting scenes compared to the manga or the anime. Episode 1 introduces Nami's iconic staff, as she joins forces with Luffy and Zoro to confront Axe-Hand Morgan. Additionally, Nami displays her impressive combat skills during the Buggy segment.

16 Garp Is Introduced (And Chases Luffy) Much Earlier

The Ultimate Transformation: 26 Epic Alterations in Netflix's Remake of One Piece That Will Blow Your Mind

15 Luffy Is Smarter Than He Should Be

Garp not only appears in the execution flashback but also plays a significant role throughout the first season of One Piece. In Netflix's adaptation, Garp serves as a prevailing antagonist for the Straw Hats. Unlike the original manga, Luffy's grandfather relentlessly pursues the Straw Hats from Shells Town to Cocoyasi Village. Additionally, Garp's mentorship of Koby and Helmeppo is brought forward in time, occurring at the same time as the Straw Hats' adventures in East Blue.

The Ultimate Transformation: 26 Epic Alterations in Netflix's Remake of One Piece That Will Blow Your Mind

Iñaki Godoy perfectly embodied the vibrant spirit and compassionate nature of Luffy in an incredible way. The live-action rendition of One Piece also beautifully captured Luffy's witty sense of humor. However, it is worth noting that the Netflix adaptation portrayed Luffy as a more intelligent individual compared to his manga counterpart. While Godoy's portrayal maintained the character's spontaneity and innocence, Luffy exuded a certain level of maturity and intellect not commonly seen in the original manga.

14 Luffy & Koby Reunite Twice In One Piece Season 1

The Ultimate Transformation: 26 Epic Alterations in Netflix's Remake of One Piece That Will Blow Your Mind

13 Buggy’s Circus & Chained Villagers Are Not From The Manga

Luffy and Koby cross paths twice in the live-action show, reuniting after the Straw Hat pirate departs from Shells Town. Their first encounter takes place at Syrup Village, followed by a second reunion in the One Piece finale at Cocoyasi Village. However, in the One Piece manga, Luffy and Koby's reunion occurs over 400 chapters later, with Koby playing a significantly more prominent role in this section of the story in the live-action show compared to the manga.

The Ultimate Transformation: 26 Epic Alterations in Netflix's Remake of One Piece That Will Blow Your Mind

The audience's attention is instantly captured by Buffy the Clown in the first season of One Piece. However, the episode featuring him diverges significantly from the corresponding Orange Town arc in the manga. In the live-action adaptation, Buggy assumes the role of a circus owner, with the unfortunate villagers serving as captive spectators. While Buggy and his crew wreak havoc on a village when they first appear in the manga, there is no mention of a circus or individuals held in chains.

12 Buggy vs. The Straw Hats Is Entirely Different

The Ultimate Transformation: 26 Epic Alterations in Netflix's Remake of One Piece That Will Blow Your Mind

11 Zoro Killed Cabaji’s Brother

The encounter between Buggy and Luffy's crew in the Straw Hat pirates significantly deviates from the original source material. In stark contrast to the manga, the entire confrontation unfolds within the confines of Buggy's circus rather than taking place on the streets of Orange Town. Moreover, Buggy's capturing of Luffy, Zoro, and Nami does not occur simultaneously, and the manga's depiction of torturing Luffy by stretching his body is absent. Notably, the dynamic clash between Zoro and Cabaji does not manifest in the live-action adaptation, and secondary characters such as the Mayor and the dog only make fleeting appearances as hidden references.

The Ultimate Transformation: 26 Epic Alterations in Netflix's Remake of One Piece That Will Blow Your Mind

Zoro's rivalry with Cabaji in Netflix's One Piece took on a personal twist. Buggy's chief of staff claimed that Zoro had killed his brother, although this deviation from the original manga storyline raised intrigue. Interestingly, the live-action adaptation omitted the duel between Zoro and Cabaji, opting instead for a swift punch from Zoro after freeing himself.

10 The Usopp Pirates Do No Appear

The Ultimate Transformation: 26 Epic Alterations in Netflix's Remake of One Piece That Will Blow Your Mind

9 Only Two Of Kuro’s Black Cat Pirates Appear

The portrayal of Usopp’s backstory and introduction in Netflix’s One Piece remained remarkably true to its source material. The Syrup Village episodes, which are considered some of the finest in the first season of One Piece, exemplify this faithfulness. However, it is important to note a significant deviation from the manga – the absence of Ninjin, Tamanegi, and Piiman, who make up the "Usopp pirates". These loyal sidekicks of Usopp were not featured or alluded to as Easter eggs in the series.

The Ultimate Transformation: 26 Epic Alterations in Netflix's Remake of One Piece That Will Blow Your Mind

In One Piece season 1, Kuro's plan and motivation remained consistent with that depicted in the manga. However, there was a slight deviation in the climax of the battle between the Straw Hats and the leader of the Black Cat Pirates. Rather than confronting all of Kuro's crew in order to rescue Kaya, Luffy and his companions only engaged in combat with Buchi and Sham.

8 Jango Does Not Appear

The Ultimate Transformation: 26 Epic Alterations in Netflix's Remake of One Piece That Will Blow Your Mind

7 Usopp & Kaya Kiss

While Kuro’s intention to murder Kaya for her family’s fortune remained unchanged in Netflix’s One Piece, the method in which it was to be executed differed. In the manga, Kuro of the Thousand Plans employs Jango, a hypnotist, to mesmerize Kaya. However, in the live-action adaptation, Kuro assumes the persona of the butler Klahadore and cunningly gains Kaya's trust in managing her family's business.

The Ultimate Transformation: 26 Epic Alterations in Netflix's Remake of One Piece That Will Blow Your Mind

The dynamic between Usopp and Kaya in Netflix's One Piece closely mirrors the source material, showcasing the heartwarming stories of the courageous Captain Usopp lifting Kaya's spirits. However, one notable deviation from the manga occurs in Episode 4 of the One Piece live-action series. It features a significant moment where Usopp and Kaya share a kiss, a romantic development that does not occur in the original manga, further solidifying their relationship in the realm of the live-action adaptation.