The Ultimate Moral Dilemma in Baldur's Gate 3: To Kill or Spare Isobel? (Unleashing the Dark Urge)

The Ultimate Moral Dilemma in Baldur's Gate 3: To Kill or Spare Isobel? (Unleashing the Dark Urge)

Should you eliminate Isobel in the Dark Urge storyline of BG3? This comprehensive guide unveils the consequences of killing Isobel and the impact of revealing the truth about the Urge Make an informed decision

BG3: Is It Worth Killing Isobel in Dark Urge Storyline?

: The players will encounter a tough moral dilemma in Act 2 of Baldur's Gate 3 while playing as Dark Urge. They will be faced with the decision of whether to save or kill Isobel, a Cleric of Selune. After a initial encounter and successful rescue mission with Isobel, the butler Sceleritas will present gamers with a quest that offers a tempting reward. However, the objective of the quest is to eliminate the innocent Cleric. This challenging moral choice will significantly impact the Dark Urge storyline in BG3.

The Ultimate Moral Dilemma in Baldur's Gate 3: To Kill or Spare Isobel? (Unleashing the Dark Urge)

Below, readers will find all the ways to complete the quest from the killer butler and the consequences that gamers will face if they choose it:

What if Players Kill Isobel?

Consequences of Provoking Isobel in Last Light Inn and Killing Her

If players decide to return to Last Light Inn and instigate a fight with Isobel, ultimately leading to her demise while simultaneously completing the quest assigned by Sceleritas, a significant consequence they will face is a confrontation with Jaheira, assuming she is still alive. Moreover, progressing with Karlach's quest will present additional difficulties since Dammon will transform into an undead creature and will need to be eliminated.

Choosing this option will result in the loss of lore and campaign progression, leading to the demise of Art Cullagh. Additionally, the Shadow Curse will infiltrate the Last Light Inn, causing the death of several crucial characters necessary for specific questlines.

However, undertaking the task assigned by Sceleritas, the butler's killer, promises a distinct ability to transform into a ravenous beast. Sceleritas Fel will grant players the Slayer Form and request that they carry out the mission by annihilating the Moonmades, the Isobel family.

Telling Isobel the Truth About Urge

If players opt for honesty and decide to reveal their Urge to Isobel, they will be rendered unconscious and securely fastened to a wooden post in order to resist the overpowering temptation. To withstand the Urge, players must succeed in making Wisdom saving throws. Moreover, it is highly recommended for gamers to create a save state before embarking on these saving throws, allowing them to re-roll in case they encounter unfortunate outcomes.

Baldur's Gate 3 is available now on PC and PS5, with an Xbox Series X version also in development.