The Ultimate Guide: Unleashing the Power of Blue Marvel Deck
Elevate your Marvel Snap game with Blue Marvel, a meta-relevant hero boasting incredible synergy with low-cost cards Discover the ultimate deck build to maximize his ability
Blue Marvel is a remarkable S-Tier Ongoing card in Marvel Snap, boasting a Cost of five and a Power of three. Its unique ability to bestow +1 Power to all the cards on the board is truly exceptional. In this concise guide, Marvel Snap players will unearth the secrets of maximizing the potential of this modest yet influential buff, as well as constructing the ultimate setup to harness its power. Prepare to discover the most formidable Blue Marvel deck in the current metagame, along with crucial insights into its synergies, and invaluable strategies for countering opponents who wield it.
The Best Deck for Blue Marvel
Blue Marvel is an excellent choice for an Onslaught-Kazar deck, serving as an ongoing buff card. A powerful lineup can be created by combining Blue Marvel with Onslaught and Ka-Zar, alongside Ironheart, Ant-Man, Angela, Forge, Sunspot, Nightcrawler, Squirrel Girl, Elsa Bloodstone, and She-Hulk. The objective of this setup is to strategically place low-Cost cards on the board and enhance their abilities with a late-game Ka-Zar and Blue Marvel combination. The following table displays the Cost and Power associated with this particular setup.
Card | Cost | Power |
Blue Marvel | 5 | 3 |
Onslaught | 6 | 7 |
Ka-Zar | 4 | 4 |
Ant-Man | 1 | 1 |
Forge | 1 | 1 |
Nightcrawler | 1 | 2 |
Squirrel Girl | 1 | 2 |
Ironheart | 3 | 0 |
Elsa Bloodstone | 2 | 2 |
She-Hulk | 6 | 9 |
Sunspot | 1 | 0 |
Angela | 2 | 2 |
How to Play Blue Marvel
To optimize their gameplay with Blue Marvel, players should focus on placing a maximum number of cards on the board. This strategy is essential because Blue Marvel's Ongoing effect applies to all played cards up to that moment. Furthermore, players should strive to replicate Blue Marvel's ability, whenever feasible, by utilizing cards such as Onslaught.
In our current lineup, our objective is to remove one-Cost cards such as Ant-Man, Forge, Squirrel Girl, Sunspot, and Nightcrawler. We will enhance their abilities with Ka-Zar and maximize their Power with the ultimate combo of Blue Marvel and Onslaught.
Both She-Hulk and Sunspot have passive Power-boosting abilities. Sunspot will utilize unspent Energy points to gain additional Power, while She-Hulk will use these points to decrease her Cost. (Since there are five one-Cost characters in our deck, players will probably save a few Energy points each round.)
How to Counter Blue Marvel
Countering Blue Marvel can be achieved by utilizing anti-Ongoing cards such as Enchantress, who possesses the ability to halt all Ongoing effects within her locations. This effectively weakens cards that have been enhanced by Blue Marvel. Alternatively, players can employ the use of Shadow King and Shang-Chi to effectively combat most Blue Marvel decks.
Marvel SNAP
Platform(s) PC, MobileReleased August 22, 2023Developer(s) Second DinnerGenre(s) Digital Card Game
Editor's P/S
As a Gen Z fan, I am thrilled about the Blue Marvel deck's potential in Marvel Snap. Blue Marvel's synergy with low-cost cards creates exciting gameplay opportunities, making it a formidable force in the current metagame. I appreciate the guide's detailed explanation of the Blue Marvel deck build, highlighting the importance of maximizing the number of cards on the board to fully leverage Blue Marvel's Ongoing effect.
The inclusion of cards like Onslaught and Ka-Zar further enhances the deck's capabilities, providing additional buffs and strategic advantages. I am eager to experiment with this deck and explore different strategies to counter opponents who wield it. Overall, the Blue Marvel deck seems like a powerful and dynamic choice for Marvel Snap players looking to climb the ranks and make a significant impact on the game.