The Ultimate Guide to Unleashing the Power of Level 4 Spells in Baldur's Gate 3

The Ultimate Guide to Unleashing the Power of Level 4 Spells in Baldur's Gate 3

Discover the ultimate power of Level 4 spells in Baldur's Gate 3! Unleash unstoppable forces with Stoneskin, Death Ward, and Banishment Harness the mysteries of Conjure Minor Elemental and Dimension Door Bewilder foes with Confusion and Phantasmal Killer Enhance your abilities with Fire Shield and Greater Invisibility And behold the transformative magic of Polymorph! Dominate the battlefield with these top-ranked spells


Level 4 spells in Baldur's Gate 3 provide a middle ground between weaker spells and overpowered high-level spells, offering reasonable effects for their cost.

Spells such as Stoneskin and Death Ward offer tactical benefits in battle, offering characters protection and an additional opportunity for survival.

Spells like Conjure Minor Elemental and Confusion bestow players an edge by summoning allies or bewildering adversaries, enabling improved positioning and strategic withdrawals.

While spells in Baldur’s Gate 3 can reach up to 6th-Level, their immense power may seem excessive when used thoughtlessly in the game's D&D adaptation. However, lower-level Cantrips and 1st-Level spells may appear insignificant in comparison to the potent effects of the most powerful Baldur’s Gate 3 spells. For spellcasters seeking a balanced approach, Level 4 spells offer a viable option. These spells possess a similar ranking to 6th-Level spells, but their effects are more reasonable in relation to their cost.

When cast, most 4th-Level spells provide strategic advantages without necessarily overpowering the combat. Instead, they enable players to employ specific tactics that secure an upper hand, particularly in challenging battles that require tactical prowess.

10 Stoneskin (Abjuration)

The Ultimate Guide to Unleashing the Power of Level 4 Spells in Baldur's Gate 3

In Baldur's Gate 3, although there are spells that can quickly eliminate characters, most others will rely on traditional melee attacks to cause damage. However, spellcasters who lack high Armor Class can still have some control over their fate by using Stoneskin. This spell transforms the target's flesh into a stone-like substance, reducing all non-magical Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage by half until a Long Rest is taken. While some creatures may still deliver significant damage, the automatic reduction can significantly prolong the caster's survival.

9 Death Ward (Abjuration)

The Ultimate Guide to Unleashing the Power of Level 4 Spells in Baldur's Gate 3

Death can present a significant inconvenience for players in their Baldur's Gate 3 experience. This is particularly true because assisting a fallen ally requires valuable time that could be better spent defeating opponents. Thankfully, Death Ward (Abjuration) provides a solution. By activating this spell, a targeted ally can restore themselves to 1 HP as soon as they reach 0 HP, giving them a valuable second chance at life.

Despite the effectiveness of Death Ward, players may still find that other spells, such as Help and healing spells, are more efficient in aiding a downed ally. Additionally, players who have access to Death Ward likely also have access to the more cost-effective Revivify (3rd-Level Necromancy) spell. Due to this, Death Ward is often considered a last resort rather than an immediate support spell.

8 Conjure Minor Elemental (Conjuration)

The Ultimate Guide to Unleashing the Power of Level 4 Spells in Baldur's Gate 3

In Baldur’s Gate 3 gameplay, players are limited to only four party members. However, Familiars can provide gamers with a significant advantage. While Find Familiar (1st-Level Conjuration) and Spiritual Weapon (2nd-Level Divination) are available in the early game, their limited HP and combat abilities make them less than ideal for prolonged encounters.

Enter Conjure Minor Elemental. This 4th-Level Conjuration spell may appear costly at first, but the increased HP and greater range of attack options offered by Minor Elementals provide a middle-ground solution before players engage in battles with stronger and more expensive 5th-Level to 6th-Level Familiars.

7 Confusion (Enchantment)

The Ultimate Guide to Unleashing the Power of Level 4 Spells in Baldur's Gate 3

Enjoyers of games in the Pokemon franchise are well aware of the frustration caused by the Confusion effect. It has the ability to make Pokemon harm themselves or miss their turns. In a similar vein, the spell Confusion in Baldur's Gate 3 also possesses this impact, but on multiple opponents. When cast, it charms opponents in close proximity, leaving them bewildered and uncertain about their current circumstances.

This enchantment compels the affected targets to aimlessly roam the battlefield for a duration of three turns. During this time, they may randomly attack any creature or even choose to forgo their turns entirely. Employing Confusion against a group of enemies or even a boss provides players with ample opportunity to retreat or strategically reposition themselves.

6 Banishment (Abjuration)

The Ultimate Guide to Unleashing the Power of Level 4 Spells in Baldur's Gate 3

Players engaged in combat against a formidable enemy in Baldur's Gate 3 often find great relief in eliminating the boss-level foe, allowing the rest of the party to swiftly handle the surrounding mobs. The spell known as Banishment serves this purpose by temporarily sending the target to another plane of existence if they fail a CHA Save.

Banishment has a two-turn duration, lasting as long as the caster maintains Concentration. Although relatively brief, this spell grants the party ample time to clear the area or inflict considerable damage on the mobs, ensuring they are fully prepared to deal with the boss once the Banished target returns.

5 Phantasmal Killer (Illusion)

The Ultimate Guide to Unleashing the Power of Level 4 Spells in Baldur's Gate 3

In Baldur’s Gate 3, fans of powerful spells may favor straightforward damaging attacks. One such spell is Phantasmal Killer, a 4th-Level Illusion spell that wastes no time. When cast, it compels enemies to undergo a Wisdom Save, and failing this save will result in the enemies being Frightened. On top of that, any target affected by Phantasmal Killer will suffer 4d10 Psychic Damage each turn.

Being Frightened can prove to be a highly inconvenient condition, as it prevents the affected targets from taking any actions during their turn. Additionally, the fact that Phantasmal Killer requires a Wisdom Save -- often considered to be a less important attribute in D&D -- makes it an especially effective spell against most targets.

4 Fire Shield (Evocation)

The Ultimate Guide to Unleashing the Power of Level 4 Spells in Baldur's Gate 3

In D&D, combat spells that never miss their targets are highly sought after. This is why the Wizard spell, Magic Missile, is so popular despite its weaker damage. The Fire Shield offers a similar advantage as a 4th-Level spell, but instead of targeting enemies, it protects the caster.

Upon casting the spell, the spellcaster gains Resistance to Cold or Fire damage, effectively reducing the damage from these sources by half. However, the spell's true usefulness lies in its reflective aura that lasts for 10 turns. Whenever an enemy successfully hits the caster with Fire Shield, the shield immediately retaliates with 2d8 Fire damage. What sets Fire Shield apart is that these retaliatory attacks do not require a Reaction, allowing the caster to still make Opportunity Attacks against opponents attempting to disengage.

3 Dimension Door (Conjuration)

The Ultimate Guide to Unleashing the Power of Level 4 Spells in Baldur's Gate 3

In a tactical RPG like Baldur’s Gate 3, having access to mobility options can make a significant difference in combat encounters. The ability to move freely can determine whether a battle will be easy or difficult. This is particularly important for characters who rely on powerful but fragile spells, like spellcasters who can greatly benefit from Dimension Door.

Unlike lower-level spells such as Misty Step, Dimension Door offers a unique advantage. It allows a spellcaster to bring along an adjacent ally when teleporting. Furthermore, this spell allows teleportation to any location within the spellcaster's line of sight, with only obstacles like cover limiting its effectiveness. With this handy mobility spell, players can easily retreat or reposition themselves, along with an ally, making it a valuable asset in combat.

2 Greater Invisibility (Illusion)

The Ultimate Guide to Unleashing the Power of Level 4 Spells in Baldur's Gate 3

In Baldur's Gate 3 playthroughs, knowing how to effectively use the Invisibility status effect can be a game-changer. This is particularly true for players who understand its mechanics, as attacking while invisible grants an immediate Advantage to the roll. While regular Invisibility is canceled when players attack or interact with items, Greater Invisibility is more persistent.

When a creature uses Greater Invisibility, it gains Advantage on its attacks and Disadvantage on attacks against it. However, when a creature under Greater Invisibility attacks, they must make a Stealth Check to determine if they remain invisible. Initially, the Stealth Check has a Difficulty Class (DC) of 15, but each time this condition is triggered, the difficulty increases by +1. By combining Greater Invisibility with buffs like Pass Without Trace (+10 to Stealth Checks), combat can be significantly enhanced for Rogues like Astarion, making them extremely efficient.

1 Polymorph (Transmutation)

The Ultimate Guide to Unleashing the Power of Level 4 Spells in Baldur's Gate 3

Players who are enjoying their Baldur's Gate 3 gameplay and have experience playing Dungeons and Dragons understand that not all conflicts need to be resolved through traditional combat. Even if players are faced with enemies, it is not necessary for them to directly confront an incredibly powerful boss. In fact, if a Baldur's Gate player has the ability to use Polymorph, they have no reason to fear a boss that has been transformed into a sheep.

With Polymorph, a target must fail a Wisdom Save or risk being turned into a sheep. This is similar to the Chicken Claw skill in Divinity: Original Sin 2, which can transform even the most formidable bosses into chickens if their stats are weak enough. When it comes to powerful 4th-Level spells, Polymorph is one of the most effective choices, particularly if players also apply debuffs to their target.

Baldur's Gate 3 is currently available on PC with a MacOS and PS5 release slated for September 6, 2023.