The Ultimate Guide to Shenhe Card in Genshin Impact: Unleash the Power of Your Best Decks!

Shenhe, the remarkable addition to Genshin Impact's Genius Invokation TCG, is a valuable support for teams focusing on physical and cryo damage Her arsenal includes the Dawnstar Piercer, Spring Spirit Summoning, and Divine Maiden's Deliverance abilities Unleash her potential with the Mystical Abandon Talent Card Optimal decks include Shenhe alongside Xiao and Venti, Eula and Raiden Shogun, or Mona and Ayaka Elevate your gameplay with the recommended action cards
The Sumeru Arc in Genshin Impact is coming to a close, and players are eagerly awaiting the 3.8 and 4.0 version updates. The 3.7 update introduces new content, including a character named Kirara, hangout quests, and events that expand the game's lore. However, it is the expansion of the Genius Invokation TCG that has caught the attention of dedicated players. While some fans may be disappointed with the lack of other content in this update, TCG enthusiasts are thrilled with the influx of new cards. These new cards have the potential to change the metagame and inspire new strategies and combos.
One of the new playable character cards is Shenhe, who excels as an off-field support character for physical and cryo-focused decks. Her Elemental Skill enhances the damage of each Cryo attack for a certain number of uses by creating an icy quill. Her Elemental Burst summons a creature that deals Cryo damage at the end of each turn, which is great for applying Cryo effects and extending Cryo and Physical damage. When combined, these abilities result in significant damage from Cryo characters.
Shenhe Card & Skills
Normal Attack: Dawnstar Piercer
Obtaining Shenhe's card is a breeze, just like obtaining many other character cards. To add her to your collection, all you have to do is invite her to a Friendly Fracas duel at the Cat's Tail by sending her a Match invitation letter. Additionally, players can acquire her Talent card by completing extra objectives. This means that Shenhe's card is easily accessible, even for newcomers who want to team her up with their favorite characters from the extensive roster of available cards.
Primary Dice | 1 Cryo |
Secondary Dice | 2 Unaligned |
Effect | Deals 2 Physical DMG. |
Elemental Skill: Spring Spirit Summoning
Primary Dice | 3 Cryo |
Effect | Deals 2 Cryo DMG, creates 1 Icy Quill. |
Special Effect | Icy Quill Your character deals 1 increased Cryo DMG (Includes the DMG triggered by Cryo-infused Swirl reactions). Usage(s): 3 |
Elemental Burst: Divine Maiden's Deliverance
Primary Dice | 3 Cryo |
Energy Cost | 2 Energy |
Effect | Deals 1 Cryo DMG, summons 1 Talisman Spirit. |
Special Effect | Talisman Spirit End Phase: Deal 1 Cryo DMG. Usage(s): 2 When this Summon is on the field: Opposing character(s) take +1 Cryo DMG and Physical DMG. |
Shenhe's Talent Card: Mystical Abandon
While Shenhe's talent card may appear limited in its usefulness, it actually proves valuable in various scenarios. This is due to its ability to decrease the depletion of Icy Quill's charges, thereby extending its usage duration. This becomes particularly advantageous for characters who heavily rely on Normal attacks. Consequently, players can avoid frequent swapping to reapply Shenhe's Icy Quill effect, resulting in potential savings of dice and turns that can be redirected towards inflicting additional damage. Ultimately, this talent card offers a substantial advantage for the entire party.
Best Shenhe Decks
As a valuable support character for teams specializing in physical and cryo elements, Shenhe offers valuable utility in various team compositions. It is worth noting that her utility extends beyond just cryo characters. The Icy Quill ability explicitly states that it enhances the damage of cryo-infused swirls, making her a viable option in teams that prioritize swirl reactions. By employing effective strategies and character synergies, certain character combinations, like the examples provided below, can achieve exceptional performance.
Shenhe + Xiao + Venti
Due to Icy Quill's high effectiveness in swirl compositions, Shenhe synergizes exceptionally well with Xiao and Venti. This combination guarantees consistent Cryo application that can be swirled by both Xiao and Venti. Additionally, Xiao and Venti's efficient dice management for character swapping enables Shenhe to easily reapply Icy Quill or apply Cryo as needed. This deck functions as an excellent combo disrupter, forcing opponents to switch characters while dealing significant damage through swirl reactions.
Furthermore, when facing opponents utilizing Hydro characters like Xingqiu or Kokomi, the deck can partially function as a Freeze deck. These characters inadvertently freeze themselves by applying Hydro. It is crucial to frequently swap characters to maximize Xiao's plunging damage output. Though achieving this may prove challenging in certain scenarios, Shenhe's talent card, allowing Normal Attacks to retain a usage once per turn, combined with specific action cards, can yield remarkable results.
Shenhe + Eula + Raiden Shogun
When it comes to characters focused on Physical damage, Eula is definitely one of the top choices. Her exceptional ability to deal Physical damage makes her an excellent partner for Shenhe. Not only does Shenhe provide access to Cryo resonance cards, but she also enhances Eula's damage output with both Physical and Cryo attacks. Additionally, Raiden Shogun adds significant value to this team composition through her supportive abilities. Although the Superconduct elemental reaction works differently in the Genius Invokation TCG compared to the actual gameplay, where it enhances Physical damage, Raiden Shogun can still be utilized for her Electro application and damage potential. However, her main contribution to this team lies in generating additional energy for both characters. To maximize effectiveness, it is recommended for players to activate Raiden Shogun's Elemental Skill and Burst as soon as possible and then switch to Shenhe to utilize her Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst. This rotation allows for rapid damage escalation for Eula while also providing access to Shenhe's powerful Elemental Burst, which can swiftly defeat enemy characters.
Shenhe + Mona + Ayaka
An incredibly powerful team composition featuring Shenhe involves pairing her with Ayaka and Mona to create a formidable strategy focused on freezing enemies. This combination not only consistently freezes enemies, disrupting their combos and providing a defensive advantage, but also has remarkable offensive capabilities due to the synergistic nature of Ayaka and Shenhe's abilities. Similar to the Eula pairing, teaming up Shenhe with Ayaka also benefits from Cryo resonance. However, what truly makes Shenhe invaluable to Ayaka is the fact that Ayaka can infuse her Normal Attacks with Cryo upon swapping in, thanks to her passive ability.
This enables Ayaka to fully utilize Shenhe's kit and talent card, even in situations where dice management becomes challenging. As a result, Ayaka can consistently deal Cryo damage, even with unaligned dice, while benefiting from the enhanced state provided by both Icy Quill and Talisman Spirit's effects. For an optimal rotation, it is recommended that players start with Mona's Elemental Skill to summon her and quickly switch to Shenhe to use her Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst. Then, transition into Ayaka for maximum damage output.
Recommended Action Cards
The recommended action cards may vary depending on the specific team composition, but there are certain cards that are useful for all deck combinations. One important card to use is the Elemental Resonance cards, which provide synergy benefits. Cards like "Timmie," "Varanara," and "The Bestest Travel Companion" help with dice management, while cards like "Katheryne," "Leave It To Me!," "Changing Shifts," and "Dawn Winery" facilitate quick character swapping. Having cards that regenerate energy for characters can also be advantageous, allowing for quicker access to Bursts and maximizing damage output.
It is also important for players to consider using healing cards, especially food cards, as none of the mentioned decks have inherent healing capabilities and are vulnerable to early defeat, especially against decks that can maintain their HP with shields or stall the opponent.
Genshin Impact is now available on Mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5. A Switch version is in development.