The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Healing in BattleBit Remastered

The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Healing in BattleBit Remastered

Master the art of healing in BattleBit Remastered for a chance at victory! Discover advanced techniques to restore health to both yourself and your teammates, going beyond simple bandages Unleash your potential and dominate the battlefield!

BattleBit Remastered combines a semi-realistic approach to combat with the enjoyable and fast-paced run-and-gun style of FPS games. This unique blend appeals to both casual players and those who appreciate a bit of mil-sim elements. However, there are some aspects of the game that regular gamers might overlook, such as the healing mechanic. Many players are currently unaware of the importance of getting fully healed after sustaining damage. To address this, here is a brief Public Service Announcement (PSA) on the proper method of restoring your health in BattleBit Remastered.

How to Heal in BattleBit Remastered

The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Healing in BattleBit Remastered

Players can prevent further health loss by using the bandage option (default key: 3) when they start bleeding after being shot. However, this action only stops their health from decreasing and does not restore it.

In contrast to other first-person shooter games, healing in this game is exclusive to the Medic class. Medics possess medkits that have the ability to fully restore a player's health. To perform healing, Medics need to equip their first-aid kits (default key: 5) and right-click on a wounded teammate.

Teammates should wait a few seconds to fully recover before returning to battle. In the meantime, it is advisable to ask them to remain stationary.

Medics have the ability to heal themselves by pressing the left mouse button, using their healing kits. Another option is to drop medkits by pressing the X key. Once the medkit is on the ground, any friendly player can approach it and heal themselves without needing assistance from the medic. Each player can carry a maximum of two medkits at a time, and any medkit that has been dropped can be retrieved again.

Medics are equipped with 20 bandages, a significantly higher quantity compared to the other classes who possess only 3 or 4. These bandages serve the purpose of stopping bleeding and reviving fallen teammates. It is crucial for players who have been incapacitated to remain down until the Medic completes the healing process, with the exception being if they are revived in a dangerous location and are under enemy attack.

BattleBit Remastered is available now on early access for PC.