The Ultimate Guide to Defeating Lorroakan in Baldur's Gate 3

The Ultimate Guide to Defeating Lorroakan in Baldur's Gate 3

Lorroakan, the formidable wizard in Baldur's Gate 3, relentlessly pursues the Nightsong, leaving players entangled in a battle against his malevolent intentions Learn crucial strategies to triumph: swiftly relocate your party, eliminate his summons tactically, employ Counterspell & Silence to disrupt his magic, prioritize safeguarding Nightsong, and as a last resort, utilize Level 6 spells while saving progress

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Move The Party Away From The Entry Portal ASAP

Take Out Summons One By One, But Keep Lorroakan CC'ed

Prepare Counterspell & Silence To Sever Lorroakan's Magic

Focus On Keeping Nightsong Alive

If all else fails, resort to save scumming and employing level 6 spells.

Lorroakan, the wizard, is an NPC encountered by players in Act 3. To meet Lorroakan, players must enter the appropriate portal on the second floor of Sorcerous Sundries in the Lower City of Baldur's Gate. While players can opt to align with Lorroakan in Baldur's Gate 3, numerous players will undoubtedly find themselves facing off against this formidable adversary due to their own choices and moral inclinations.

Move The Party Away From The Entry Portal ASAP

: Despite the hype surrounding Lorroakan in the game, especially from Rolan, defeating him in BG3 is not a challenging task for players who are aware of the right approach. Navigating through the Lorroakan fight can be tricky due to factors such as the entrance location and his Elemental allies. However, with careful and strategic gameplay, players can bring down Lorroakan within just a few turns.

The Ultimate Guide to Defeating Lorroakan in Baldur's Gate 3

Upon entering the boss room for the Lorroakan fight, the entire party is immediately thrust into combat without any opportunity to re-position. Therefore, it is crucial to swiftly disperse from one another in order to avoid the devastating AoE spells unleashed by Lorroakan. Even the most well-prepared characters can be wiped out if they remain closely grouped together.

Take Out Summons One By One, But Keep Lorroakan CC'ed

When dispersing each member of the party, it is important to remain vigilant for any Opportunity Attacks as you reposition yourself. Additionally, it is advisable to actively avoid engaging with enemies altogether. If the entire party succeeds in their Initiative rolls, separating individuals at greater distances proves to be an effective strategy for achieving optimal combat outcomes. Consider utilizing abilities such as Misty Step to further increase the gap between party members, consequently creating more advantageous angles for launching attacks.

The Ultimate Guide to Defeating Lorroakan in Baldur's Gate 3

In this battle, the support given by a small number of Elementals and Constructs greatly aids Lorroakan. The most effective strategy to tip the scales in the party's favor is to eliminate these Elementals individually. Concentrating on a single enemy is generally more advantageous than gradually reducing the HP of a group of enemies, as it disrupts their Action Economy. Characters with only 1 HP are just as powerful as characters with full HP, thus it is more advantageous to completely remove them and decrease the enemy party's overall number of turns.

An important caveat to this strategy is Lorroakan himself, who should be Crowd Controlled in some way to prevent his extremely powerful spells from being at full effectiveness. To achieve this, spells such as Blind and Darkness can be highly effective in incapacitating him. However, spells that restrict his movement have little to no effect, as he can still cast spells from a distance. The key to subduing Lorroakan while you eliminate enemies one by one is to utilize the Counterspell reaction and Silence.

Prepare Counterspell & Silence To Sever Lorroakan's Magic

The Ultimate Guide to Defeating Lorroakan in Baldur's Gate 3

Counterspell is a crucial spell in encounters with other magic-wielding adversaries. It serves as a Reaction, enabling the complete negation of an enemy's spell, provided they are within range. Utilize Counterspell when facing scenarios where Lorroakan unleashes a powerful area-of-effect spell or targets a party member with a spell that could potentially lead to their demise.

Counterspell is an effective method to hinder Lorroakan's ability to cast spells, but it can only be utilized once per party member during a Short Rest when it has been prepared. On the other hand, the Silence spell can be employed before Lorroakan initiates their spellcasting. This lower-level spell generates a sphere in the designated area, causing complete silence within its range. While this may adversely affect party members who rely on magic, melee fighters can continue to engage Lorroakan in close combat without any hindrance.

Focus On Keeping Nightsong Alive

The Ultimate Guide to Defeating Lorroakan in Baldur's Gate 3

Keeping the Nightsong alive is crucial during the Lorroakan boss fight. Although she is technically immortal, her HP can still be depleted in gameplay. Give the healer's utmost attention to the Nightsong rather than prioritizing other party members. Remember, you can always resuscitate companions with a Scroll of Resurrection, but Aylin cannot be revived.

Nightsong could potentially handle the entire encounter independently, and if players maintain her health and buffs, she might even accomplish it with minimal assistance from the party. Ultimately, after defeating Lorroakan, Nightsong triggers a captivating cutscene that beautifully concludes her storyline in a truly gratifying manner.

If Nothing Else Works, Save Scum And Use Level 6 Spells

The Ultimate Guide to Defeating Lorroakan in Baldur's Gate 3

Cheesing the Lorroakan fight can be done by exploiting the mechanics of save scumming and utilizing powerful high-level Spells. With a mere 68 HP, Lorroakan stands as one of the most frail endgame enemies in Baldur's Gate 3. A combination of Level 6 spells such as Disintegrate, Harm, and Chain Lightning can inflict enough devastating damage in a single strike to completely obliterate him.

After preparing one of these spells as a high-level character or obtaining a Scroll of Disintegrate from the Sorcerous Sundries shop downstairs, engage in the Lorroakan battle with Nightsong. Choose your most Magic-oriented character, press F5 for a quicksave, and then cast the Level 6 spell at Lorroakan. If it misses, simply press F8 to quickload and attempt again. Regardless of how low the likelihood of hitting may be, save scumming allows for any attack to eventually connect with enough patience.

Baldur's Gate 3 is now available on PC and will be released on PlayStation 5 on September 6, 2023. An Xbox Series X|S version is currently being developed.