The Ultimate Guide to Base Pals in Palworld

The Ultimate Guide to Base Pals in Palworld

Discover the top Pals that will help you build and maintain a self-sufficient base in Palworld. From efficient workers to powerful defenders, these Pals are essential for your success in the game.

Introduction to Base Pals

In Palworld, having a strong and self-sufficient base is essential for your survival and success. Your captured companions play a crucial role in generating resources and materials, enabling you to take on higher-level enemies with confidence.

A group of Electric Pals in Palworld

A group of Electric Pals in Palworld

Efficiency is the name of the game when it comes to base automation. The right combination of Pals can make all the difference in the productivity and defense of your base. Let's explore some of the best base Pals that will elevate your gameplay experience in Palworld.

Arsox: The Master of Forges and Cooking Stations

Meet Arsox, the ultimate upgrade to the reliable Foxparks when it comes to operating forges and cooking stations. With their Lv. 2 Kindling proficiency, Arsox can swiftly cook all your food and ingots, especially when paired with advanced workstations.

Arsox Paldeck entry in Palworld

Arsox Paldeck entry in Palworld

To find Arsox, venture into the highlands of the Bamboo Grove, located east of the Quivern's boss arena. Additionally, you can encounter Arsox habitats in the temperate region of the snowy mountain island, providing you with multiple opportunities to add this valuable Pal to your team.

Arsox habitats in Palworld

Arsox habitats in Palworld

Univolt: Powering Up Your Base with Efficiency

Univolts are among the best choices for powering up your Palworld base. With their Lv. 2 Generating Electricity proficiency, they can generate more power than other Pals and assist in wood harvesting. Their strong AOE attacks also make them formidable defenders during raids.

Univolt Paldeck entry in Palworld

Univolt Paldeck entry in Palworld

Similar to Arsox, you can find Univolts in the highlands of the Bamboo Grove and other regions. Keep an eye out for these efficient power generators as you explore the vast landscapes of Palworld.

Univolt locations in Palworld

Univolt locations in Palworld

Penking: The Versatile Base Worker

Penkings are invaluable general base workers with Lv. 2 proficiencies in Watering, Cooling, Handiwork, Mining, and Transporting. While capturing them may be challenging, their versatile skills make them essential for maintaining a well-rounded base.

Penking Paldeck entry in Palworld

Penking Paldeck entry in Palworld

Wild Penkings can be found in the isolated wildlife sanctuary south of the Plateau of Beginnings. Additionally, an Alpha Penking boss presents a formidable challenge to the northwest of the Alpha Chillet by the Fort Ruins.

Penking Locations in Palworld

Penking Locations in Palworld

Bushi: The Lumberjack Extraordinaire

If you're in need of a Pal to harvest wood efficiently, look no further than the Bushis. With Lv. 3 Lumbering proficiency, they excel at gathering wood and also possess Transporting and Kindling skills. These versatile abilities make them a valuable addition to your base.

Bushi Paldeck entry in Palworld

Bushi Paldeck entry in Palworld

Whether you encounter Bushis roaming the southern beach of Mount Obsidian or attempt to capture the Alpha Bushi in the Bamboo Grove, their contribution to your base's resources will not go unnoticed.

Bushi habitats in Palworld

Bushi habitats in Palworld

Bristla: The Guardian of Medicine and Farming

Bristlas are the solution to your medicine and farming needs, with Lv. 2 Medicine Production and basic Planting, Gathering, Handiwork, and Transporting skills. Their presence in your base ensures the well-being of all your Pals and the efficient production of essential resources.

Bristla paldeck entry in Palworld

Bristla paldeck entry in Palworld

You can encounter Bristlas early on by visiting the center of the map. Keep an eye out for these diligent Pals as you explore the diverse landscapes of Palworld.

Bristla habitats in Palworld

Bristla habitats in Palworld

Ribunny: The Master of Weapon and Ammo Production

Despite their adorable appearance, Ribunnies are indispensable for manufacturing weapons and ammunition. Their Skilled Fingers Partner Skill grants them a work efficiency bonus when assigned to a Weapon Workbench, making them essential for mass production.

Ribunny paldeck entry in Palworld

Ribunny paldeck entry in Palworld

You can find Ribunnies to the west of the Plateau of Beginnings and occasionally in the cages of Syndicate camps. Don't underestimate these cute but powerful Pals when it comes to arming your base for success.

Ribunny habitats in Palworld

Ribunny habitats in Palworld