Palworld has gained attention for its unique take on the popular monster-collecting game genre. Dubbed "Pokemon with Guns," the game features creatures known as Pals wielding heavy artillery to take on massive creatures reminiscent of Raid Pokemon seen in recent entries. While Pokemon clones are not uncommon, Palworld stands out with its eye-catching designs and fresh gimmicks that keep the game interesting for players. However, some fans have questioned whether the game's designs are too similar to those of Pokemon, as the Pals bear a striking resemblance to the beloved creatures.
Palworld is Walking A Thin Line with its Pokemon-Like Designs
Although Palworld does feature some unique creatures, there are certain ones that bear a striking resemblance to Pokemon. For instance, one Pal shown in the trailer looks almost identical to Wooloo. While there are some slight differences in the eye designs and the color of the horns, it's hard to deny the similarities between the two. Seeing a group of Wooloo-like creatures wielding heavy weapons is certainly a surprising sight. Admittedly, it may be challenging to design creatures that are based on sheep without them resembling Wooloo to some degree. Nonetheless, there are numerous other Pals that appear to be heavily influenced by Pokemon designs.
In the trailer, players can be seen flying through the air alongside a creature that bears a striking resemblance to Pokemon White's Zekrom. In the water, players ride what appears to be a Gyarados clone, with similar body shape and color scheme, albeit with a few gold accents. There are also creatures that resemble Eevee, fully-black Krookodiles, an angry Liligant, an off-beat Latios/Latias, a statue resembling Lucario, and many more. While these similarities may raise some concern, the trailer is only 58 seconds long, leaving the possibility open for unseen creatures or legendary Pokemon-like creatures to be revealed in the full release. As the project gains more publicity, it's likely that these designs will become a hot topic of discussion among fans.
Palworld launches in 2023 for PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.