The Ultimate Guide to Baldur's Gate 3 Sorcerer Subclasses: Unraveling the Power Within

The Ultimate Guide to Baldur's Gate 3 Sorcerer Subclasses: Unraveling the Power Within

Unleash the power of magic in Baldur's Gate 3! Explore a myriad of Sorcerer subclasses, including Draconic Bloodline (with fire, cold, acid, lightning, and poison variations), Storm Sorcery, and Wild Magic Choose your path and harness raw magical abilities for epic adventures

Players in Baldur's Gate 3 have the opportunity to select from all nine classes featured in the D&D 5e Players Handbook, granting an extensive range of choices for character creation. Furthermore, the selection of subclasses adds to the diversity of characters, as players can opt to choose their subclass either at level 1 or level 2, depending on their class.

Specifically for Sorcerers in Baldur's Gate 3, they have the option to select from three subclasses. During character creation, players can choose their subclass at level 1. The Draconic Bloodline allows players to tap into the power of a draconic ancestor to empower their magical abilities. Storm Sorcerers, on the other hand, utilize elemental forces, such as wind, thunder, and lightning. Lastly, the Wild Magic subclass presents an unpredictable nature, disregarding alliances and unleashing chaos by manipulating luck.

Draconic Bloodline

The Ultimate Guide to Baldur's Gate 3 Sorcerer Subclasses: Unraveling the Power Within

All Variants

The Draconic Bloodline is the initial choice for Sorcerers in the game, presenting three distinct options. Essentially, it comprises several similar choices for players. They have the freedom to select a particular dragon species as their bloodline, granting them corresponding elemental resistances and abilities. As an example, opting for a Red Dragon bloodline would provide resistance against fire. Additionally, players will acquire abilities that enhance the potency of spells aligned with their bloodline's elemental nature. Furthermore, they will automatically acquire a spell that corresponds to their chosen type of dragon.

Red and Brass Draconic Ancestry (Fire)

Draconic Bloodline Sorcerers receive the Draconic Resilience feature upon reaching level 1. This ability grants them an extra hit point each time they level up, along with a significant boost to their armor class by 3 when they are not utilizing any form of conventional armor. This unique attribute empowers them to mitigate damage more effectively compared to other subclasses within the realm of Sorcerers.

White and Silver Draconic Ancestry (Cold)

Players opting for a Red Dragon as their Draconic Ancestry will acquire the spell Burning Hands as an extra first level spell, whereas those who select a Brass Dragon will be bestowed with Sleep instead. Upon reaching level 6, they will gain the ability to resist fire damage and also enhance the potency of their fire-inflicted damage.

Players who opt for a White Dragon as their Draconic Ancestry will acquire Armor of Agathys as an extra first level spell, while those who select a Silver Dragon will be bestowed with Feather Fall instead. Upon reaching level 6, they will obtain cold damage resistance and a surge in the amount of cold damage they inflict.

Black and Copper Draconic Ancestry (Acid)

Blue and Bronze Draconic Ancestry (Lightning)

Players who select a Black Dragon as their Draconic Ancestry will acquire an extra spell at first level, namely Grease, whereas opting for a Copper Dragon will bestow Tasha's Hideous Laughter. Upon reaching level 6, they will gain the ability to endure acid damage with resistance and receive a boost in the amount of acid damage they can inflict.

Green Draconic Ancestry (Poison)

Choosing a Blue Dragon as your Draconic Ancestry grants you the ability to learn Witch Bolt as an extra first level spell. On the other hand, opting for a Bronze Dragon will bestow upon you the power of casting fog Cloud instead. Furthermore, upon reaching level 6, you will acquire resistance against lightning damage and your ability to deal lightning damage will receive a significant boost.

Storm Sorcery

Players who select a Green Dragon as their Draconic Ancestry will acquire Ray of Sickness as an extra spell at the first level. Upon reaching Level 6, they will acquire resistance to poison damage and experience an enhancement in the poison damage they inflict.

The Ultimate Guide to Baldur's Gate 3 Sorcerer Subclasses: Unraveling the Power Within

Storm Sorcerers possess the formidable power of storms coursing through their very veins. Within the immersive world of the D&D 5e tabletop game, these exceptional individuals not only develop a resilience against lightning and thunder damage, but also acquire the ability to briefly soar through the air whenever they cast spells. Remarkably, they even unleash turbulent outbursts of thunder or lightning damage alongside their spellcasting, augmenting the ferocity of their assaults. However, due to the current unavailability of this particular subclass during the early access phase, there is limited information accessible regarding its intricacies.

Wild Magic

The Ultimate Guide to Baldur's Gate 3 Sorcerer Subclasses: Unraveling the Power Within

Wild Magic Sorcerers possess the innate power of ancient chaos, which manifests as a wide range of unpredictable effects when they unleash their spells. Through their "Tides of Chaos" ability, they can grant themselves an advantage on their next Attack Roll, Ability Check, or Saving Throw. However, this advantage comes at the cost of an increased likelihood of experiencing a Wild Magic Surge the next time they cast a spell.

These Wild Magic Surges have the potential to occur whenever the Sorcerer casts a spell of level 1 or higher. They bring forth a multitude of random effects, both beneficial and harmful. For instance, the Sorcerer might unleash a blinding cloud of smoke, infuse their weapon with surging energy, gain the ability to teleport, create a blur to protect nearby allies, or trigger numerous other extraordinary effects.

Wild Magic Sorcerers embody chaos and have the potential to be formidable allies or ongoing risks, depending on the whims of fate.

Baldur's Gate 3 will be released on August 3, 2023, for PC and Mac, and on September 6, 2023, for PS5.