The Ultimate Guide to Automated Ore Farming in Palworld

The Ultimate Guide to Automated Ore Farming in Palworld

Learn how to set up an automated Ore farm in Palworld to streamline the resource mining process and maximize your crafting potential.

Introduction to Ore Farming

In the world of Palworld, Ore is a vital resource that fuels the creation of essential items and structures. Crafting anything of value requires a steady supply of Ore, making it a valuable commodity in the game.

Palworld: Ore

Palworld: Ore

However, the process of mining Ore can be laborious and inefficient due to the scarcity of veins and the weight of the resource. To address this, players can establish an automated Ore farm to streamline the mining process and ensure a steady supply of this valuable resource.

Upgrading Your Palbox

Before embarking on the journey to create an automated Ore farm, players must first upgrade their Palbox to level 10. This unlocks the ability to establish a new base and lays the foundation for setting up an efficient Ore farming operation.

Locating Ore Veins

The next step is to embark on a quest to find a suitable location with abundant Ore veins. This involves venturing into the game world equipped with necessary supplies and weapons to ensure a successful exploration.

Once a suitable location is found, players must strategically position their new base to maximize access to the Ore veins. This involves careful placement of the Palbox to cover as many veins as possible, laying the groundwork for a productive Ore farming site.

Creating a Suitable Environment for Pals

In order to maintain a productive Ore farming operation, it is essential to provide suitable living conditions for the Pals working at the farm. This includes constructing key structures such as the Straw Pal Bed, Berry Plantation, Feed Box, and Chest to ensure the well-being and efficiency of the Pals.

Once the living conditions are set, the final step is to assign Pals with the appropriate Work Suitability to their designated tasks. This includes assigning Pals with at least level 2 Mining to mine Ore, as well as those capable of planting, watering, and harvesting to automate the farming process.