The Ultimate Guide to All the Legendary Zelda Games Available on the Switch

The Ultimate Guide to All the Legendary Zelda Games Available on the Switch

Discover the ultimate collection of The Legend of Zelda games available on the Nintendo Switch From beloved classics to thrilling spin-offs, explore the vast world of Hyrule and embark on epic adventures Uncover the titles already on Switch and anticipate the exciting releases yet to come!

The Legend of Zelda holds a special place in the hearts of gamers, making it one of the most cherished video game franchises in the industry's history. Fortunately, Nintendo has ensured that a significant portion of the Zelda games can be enjoyed on the Nintendo Switch. Alongside Super Mario, The Legend of Zelda stands as one of Nintendo's flagship franchises, consistently receiving high praise from critics for almost every installment in the series.

Nintendo has made a deliberate effort to ensure that many of its Zelda games are playable on the Switch. This has been achieved through various means, including the release of Switch ports for existing Zelda games, the creation of remakes, and the introduction of entirely new experiences for fans to enjoy. Furthermore, Nintendo has utilized its Switch Online service to shine a light on classic Zelda games, making Link's earliest adventures easily accessible to devoted fans.

Here are all the Legend of Zelda games that are currently playable on the Nintendo Switch.

Zelda Games on the Switch

The Ultimate Guide to All the Legendary Zelda Games Available on the Switch

Breath of the Wild

Link's Awakening (2019)

Skyward Sword HD

The release of the Switch marked a turning point for Nintendo after the disappointing sales of the Wii U. One of the key factors that contributed to its success was the inclusion of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild as a launch title. This game received widespread praise for its innovative approach, as it successfully revamped the traditional Zelda formula into an expansive open world experience.

Nintendo released a reimagined version of Link's Awakening, a classic Game Boy game, a couple of years later. This remake showcased a visually striking diorama-like art style, setting it apart from other entries in the Zelda series.

Following the success of the Link's Awakening remake, Nintendo released an HD port of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword two years later. This port addressed the concerns raised by fans regarding the original game. It introduced a new control scheme that did not rely on motion controls and incorporated several quality of life enhancements to enhance the overall gameplay experience.

Nintendo has continued its tradition of releasing a new Legend of Zelda game for the Switch every few years. Following the success of Skyward Sword HD, fans of the franchise were delighted with the arrival of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. Serving as a direct sequel to Breath of the Wild, Tears of the Kingdom takes the open-world concepts of its predecessor to new heights. Similar to Breath of the Wild, this game has received widespread acclaim and has solidified its position as one of the highest-rated video games of all time.

The Ultimate Guide to All the Legendary Zelda Games Available on the Switch

With speculation of a potential Nintendo Switch 2 console looming, it is plausible that Tears of the Kingdom could mark the final prominent Zelda release on the original Switch. Nonetheless, persistent rumors suggest that Nintendo is contemplating bringing the HD editions of The Wind Waker and Twilight Princess to the Switch. It would be rather illogical to retain these ports exclusively on the Wii U, but as of the time of this writing, no official announcement has been made regarding the porting of these Zelda games.

Zelda Games on Switch Online

The Ultimate Guide to All the Legendary Zelda Games Available on the Switch

The Legend of Zelda (NES)

Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link (NES)

A Link to the Past (SNES)

Ocarina of Time (Nintendo 64)

Link's Awakening DX (Game Boy Color)

Majora's Mask (Nintendo 64)

The Minish Cap (Game Boy Advance)

Nintendo's subscription service, Nintendo Switch Online, grants subscribers access to a vast collection of classic Nintendo games. Specifically, the service focuses on offering titles from older systems such as NES, SNES, Nintendo 64, Game Boy, Game Boy Color, and Game Boy Advance.

Unsurprisingly, the Nintendo Switch Online service includes numerous Legend of Zelda games. This encompasses the original Legend of Zelda game on the NES, as well as its sequel, Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link. While the original Legend of Zelda is widely recognized as a groundbreaking and influential game, Zelda 2 did not receive the same level of acclaim. Nevertheless, for Zelda enthusiasts, revisiting the origins of the series could be an enjoyable nostalgic experience.

The Super Nintendo only had one main series Zelda game, which is now available on the Switch Online service. Many Zelda fans consider The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past to be the best game in the long-running series, so it's a great opportunity for franchise fans to easily play it on their Switch console.

In addition, those who have the base version of the Nintendo Switch Online service can also enjoy the Game Boy Color port of The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, known as Link's Awakening DX. This version offers color graphics and other improvements compared to the original, making it the perfect way to experience the classic game if the 2019 remake is not available.

Subscribers of the Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pack, the pricier version of the service, have the opportunity to explore a wider range of Zelda games. This includes the iconic 3D debut of the franchise in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, which is widely regarded as one of the greatest games ever created. Additionally, players can delve into the direct sequel, Majora's Mask, through the Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pack.

Moreover, subscribers of the Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pack can also enjoy The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap. This particular game stands out as the sole original Zelda title for the Game Boy Advance, featuring a unique retro aesthetic inspired by The Wind Waker.

More Zelda games are set to be added to the Switch Online library in upcoming updates, bringing even more excitement for Zelda fans. Specifically, players can anticipate the arrival of The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages and The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons to the Switch Online lineup sometime in 2023.

Zelda Spin-Off Games on the Switch

The Ultimate Guide to All the Legendary Zelda Games Available on the Switch

Cadence of Hyrule: Crypt of the NecroDancer

Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition

Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity

Besides the main series Zelda games, the Nintendo Switch also offers Zelda spin-offs for players to enjoy. These spin-offs include the rhythm game Cadence of Hyrule: Crypt of the NecroDancer, as well as the Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition and Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity. Zelda fans may find Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity particularly intriguing, as its storyline directly connects to the events portrayed in both Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom. For those unfamiliar with these games, they combine elements from the Zelda franchise with gameplay inspired by the Dynasty Warriors series. While it may not appeal to everyone, there is definitely fun to be had, especially when playing in co-op mode.

Zelda Games That Still Need to Come to the Switch

The Ultimate Guide to All the Legendary Zelda Games Available on the Switch

Oracle of Seasons/Oracle of Ages (Coming in 2023)

Four Swords

The Wind Waker

Four Swords Adventures

Twilight Princess

Phantom Hourglass

Spirit Tracks

A Link Between Worlds

Tri Force Heroes

There is a wide range of Zelda games available for the Nintendo Switch, but there are still a few titles that cannot be played on the console. This includes popular games like The Wind Waker and Twilight Princess, which have HD ports that are currently unavailable. However, there is still hope that these missing Zelda games will eventually be released for the Switch. For instance, it has been mentioned that Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons will be added to Switch Online in the future, and there have been rumors from reliable sources that the Switch ports of Twilight Princess and The Wind Waker already exist. Nonetheless, it is unlikely that some of the other Zelda games will ever be made available on Nintendo's latest platform.

Some games that would unfortunately fall into this category include Four Swords, Four Swords Adventures, Phantom Hourglass, Spirit Tracks, A Link Between Worlds, and Tri Force Heroes. Four Swords was previously made available through a Game Boy Advance port of A Link to the Past, while Four Swords Adventures has been confined to the GameCube since its release. Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks are DS games, while A Link Between Worlds and Tri Force Heroes are exclusive to the 3DS. Unless Nintendo decides to bring these games from that era to the Switch Online service, it is highly unlikely that they will be available on the Switch.

However, stranger things have happened, and Nintendo has been making an effort to bring GameCube games to the Switch. As the recently announced Switch port of Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon suggests, Nintendo is also considering giving new life to games in its 3DS library. While Zelda fans eagerly await news on whether these missing titles will ever make their way to the Switch, they can still enjoy plenty of other games in the meantime.