The Ultimate Fate of Gale in Baldur's Gate 3 Unveiled
Discover the myriad conclusions to Gale's captivating story in Baldur's Gate 3 Unveil the different paths he can take, from exploding the orb to pursuing godhood, surrendering his crown, or even embracing his inner Illithid Witness how Gale's fate unfolds in this comprehensive guide
Gale, a mage from Baldur's Gate 3, possessed remarkable abilities that made him closely affiliated with the goddess Mystra. In his fervent quest to impress her, he sought access to immensely powerful and perilous magic, unknowingly leading to the insertion of the Netherese orb into his chest. This orb possesses an immense energy capable of obliterating an entire city. In order to contain this potentially catastrophic power, he must consume magical artifacts.
Initially, this companion frequently implores players of Baldur's Gate 3 to provide him with these artifacts, which can, at times, be bothersome. However, he remains a kind-hearted individual who genuinely wishes to aid others. This selfless nature becomes evident in various endings, where he willingly sacrifices his own human form or even his life for the sake of others.
All Gale Endings in Baldur's Gate 3
Gale Explode The Orb
This will mark the ultimate conclusion for Gale and the entire narrative. As soon as Gale confronts the Elder Brain during Act II, a pivotal moment arises where he can choose to sacrifice himself and obliterate the powerful entity. However, this outcome comes at a significant cost, leading to the demise of the entire party. Moreover, the insidious Illithid plague will persist and gradually seize control over the Sword Coast.
Gale Tries to Become God
In the third Act, Gale will also have the opportunity to sacrifice himself by detonating the Elder Brain. However, in a selfless act, he teleports his companions to safety, ensuring their survival. As a result of Gale's ultimate sacrifice, the Illithid Empire will be vanquished, and the player will be rewarded with a favorable ending.
The story concludes with Gale finally reaching Mystra. Should the player choose either the second or third option in response to her query, she will propose a test. Gale, consumed by his ambition, will tragically meet his untimely demise by failing the test.
Gale Surrenders Crown
Illithid Gale Surrenders Crown
Upon reaching Mystra, Gale will be required to relinquish the Crown, symbolizing his submission. Mystra will explicitly convey his approval of Gale's decision and acknowledge his ability to meet the anticipated standards. Consequently, Gale can henceforth lead a tranquil existence, harboring the hope that one day he might even unite with Mystra.
Should Illithid Gale choose to relinquish the Crown, Mystra will extend an offer to restore his humanity. To accomplish this, he must depart from the realm of mortals and traverse to the sacred realm of Elysium. Should he accept this proposition, he shall ascend as the Chosen of Mystra. However, should he decline, he will still garner the benevolence and favor of the goddess, signifying an equally favorable outcome.
Gale Becomes The Absolute
To gain dominion over the formidable deity, Gale must betray the party, assassinate the Mind Flayer Orpheus, and ascend as the Absolute.
Baldur's Gate 3 is currently accessible on PC and PS5, with an Xbox Series X edition currently being developed.