The Surprising Revelation Behind Mac's Mysterious Name in It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

The Surprising Revelation Behind Mac's Mysterious Name in It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

Unraveling the Enigma: Mac's Puzzling Name in It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Raises Questions About Lore and Continuity


Mac's full name, Ronald McDonald, was revealed in season 7 of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, explaining why he avoided using his full name for so long.

Mac's character has undergone a transformation throughout the seasons, as he navigated his religious convictions and embraced his homosexuality.

When Mac's name was retconned, it also had an impact on his dad's name. Luther was subsequently referred to as Luther McDonald on future episodes of the show. The writers tend to prioritize humor at the expense of maintaining a cohesive canon.

When It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia finally unveiled Mac's complete name, it diverged from the hints offered in previous seasons. Throughout the first six seasons of the show, Mac's full name was never disclosed. It wasn't until the twelfth episode of the seventh season, titled "The High School Reunion," that his name was finally unveiled. Upon arriving at his high school reunion, Mac was provided with a nametag displaying his true identity: Ronald McDonald. The revelation of this name, the same as the McDonald's clown mascot, explained why Mac had avoided revealing his full name for so long.

Mac, portrayed by series creator Rob McElhenney, is arguable the character that has undergone the greatest transformation since the first season. Initially introduced as a karate enthusiast, despite never having taken a single karate lesson, Mac viewed himself as the "Sheriff of Paddy's," safeguarding the bar from undesirable individuals akin to Patrick Swayze in Road House. However, over time, his character evolved to encompass his devout religious beliefs and, in a rare moment of sincere drama for the show, his exploration of his homosexuality. Yet, the most inconsistent aspect of this character remains his name.

Mac's Dad Creates A Name Plot Hole

The Surprising Revelation Behind Mac's Mysterious Name in It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

In season 4, episodes 5 and 6, titled "Mac and Charlie Die," a parole hearing for Mac's dad reveals a discrepancy in Mac's name. The parole papers state his full name as "Luther Mac," implying that "Mac" is his surname and leaving his first name unknown. However, this inconsistency is later rectified in "The High School Reunion" episode, where Mac's full name is revealed as Ronald McDonald. This creates a plot hole as the parole papers, being an official government document, state the family surname as "Mac."

The contradiction in names between Mac and his dad seems illogical. It is possible that Luther legally changed his name as part of a criminal scheme, but it is unlikely that he would choose his son's nickname as his new surname. As Luther is portrayed as indifferent towards Mac, it does not make sense for him to adopt his son's name when seeking a new identity. The Gang refers to Mac's mom as "Mrs. Mac," but it is unclear if this is a genuine nickname or simply a name applied by Mac's friends.

It's Always Sunny Retconned Mac And His Dad's Names

The Surprising Revelation Behind Mac's Mysterious Name in It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

Mac's name and his dad's name were both retconned in It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Luther, who appears on the show after this change, is now known as Luther McDonald. Similar to Family Guy, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is known for altering the established canon of the series for comedic purposes. Despite previously naming Mac's dad Luther Mac, the writers still included the amusing Ronald McDonald gag in the episode "The High School Reunion."