The Profound Impact of Losing Her Father Early: Bellamy Young Reflects on a Formative Journey
Former Scandal actress Bellamy Young reflects on the profound impact of losing her father to hepatic encephalopathy at a young age, describing it as a unique and transformative experience
Actress Bellamy Young revealed how her father's early death empowered her and shaped her into the woman she is today. "Experiencing loss at a young age has made me appreciate life and never take it for granted," said the 53-year-old Scandal alum. Young, who recently partnered with Salix to raise awareness for hepatic encephalopathy (HE), the disease her father suffered from, reflected on her teenage self and expressed regret for not fully understanding and empathizing with his illness.
During her teenage years, Young would frequently respond to her dad with an eye roll and typical teenage angst, unaware of the challenges he was facing. Nevertheless, going through her dad's illness, even without fully comprehending its extent, enabled Young to develop a heightened sense of empathy and compassion.
Reflecting on her experience, she emphasized the importance of recognizing that we never truly understand what someone else is going through. She advised against taking things for granted, as people may be silently battling internal struggles that remain hidden from our awareness.
Young’s father, an auditor, initially received a diagnosis of cirrhosis, a severe form of chronic liver disease caused by excessive drinking. However, his condition progressed to HE, which is characterized by the accumulation of toxins in the liver that spread to the brain, as stated by the Cleveland Clinic. Young and her family were unaware that her father's liver disease would develop into a more critical condition.
"We were unaware that a disease originating in the liver could impact the brain or behavior. Consequently, we were oblivious to the need for symptom identification or vigilant observation. We lacked the knowledge on how to properly care for him during his progression," Young disclosed to Us. "We began to feel ashamed and avoided discussing the matter, ultimately continuing with our lives as if nothing had changed."
It was only when Young's father reached the advanced stage of overt HE that her family finally decided to consult a medical professional to determine the cause of his condition. During that time, Young mentioned that her father was not presented with any treatment options apart from exploring unconventional remedies.
After gaining more knowledge about the disease, Young now possesses a clear understanding of the symptoms to be vigilant of. These include changes in breath odor and memory problems. However, Young reflects on her wish to have possessed this information earlier for the sake of her father. Currently, she is devoted to raising awareness by collaborating with Salix and their recently launched website, This platform provides readers with the opportunity to broaden their understanding of the condition, monitor symptoms, and gain insight from other patients who have encountered similar battles.
Young expressed her desire to ensure that no one feels isolated or bewildered. She admitted to investing significant time in processing her own inadequate response and experiencing guilt over her inability to assist her father. Consequently, she recognizes offering assistance to others as her way of making a difference.
Visit to discover more and gain access to a wide range of educational resources. These resources include an interactive symptom tracker as well as discussion guides designed for both patients and caregivers to utilize during consultations with their physicians.