The Oversight of Karlach: Baldur's Gate 3's Plot Hole

The Oversight of Karlach: Baldur's Gate 3's Plot Hole

Exploring the oversight in Baldur's Gate 3 regarding Karlach's ability to pet animals despite the rules established by the story.


Baldur's Gate 3, the highly acclaimed role-playing video game, has captured the hearts of many players with its immersive storytelling and captivating characters. However, even the most beloved games can have their oversights and plot holes. In the case of Baldur's Gate 3, the popular tiefling barbarian companion, Karlach, has become the center of attention due to a small oversight that has sparked discussions among the game's community.

karlach petting scratch bg3

karlach petting scratch bg3

Karlach's ability to pet animals in the game, despite the established rules of the story, has raised questions about the consistency of her character and the world of Baldur's Gate 3. This oversight has not gone unnoticed by the game's dedicated fan base, who have been vocal about their observations and opinions on the matter. Let's delve into the details of this oversight and explore its implications within the game's narrative and player experience.

karlach petting owlbear

karlach petting owlbear

Karlach's Quest and Character

Karlach, one of Baldur's Gate 3's Origin characters and a recruitable companion, possesses a unique questline that adds depth to her character and offers players the opportunity to engage with her story on a personal level. Her quest begins with the challenge of fixing the engine that sustains her life, a task that presents significant obstacles due to the extreme heat it generates in the Material Plane.

The game establishes the consequences of Karlach's condition, highlighting her inability to touch others without causing harm. This limitation extends to potential romantic interactions, where Karlach's physical condition becomes a barrier to intimacy. Players are required to address this issue by 'fixing' her engine before any form of physical closeness becomes possible. However, fans have found ways to circumvent this restriction, leading to minor interactions by using water to enable brief, albeit restricted, moments of connection.

While the narrative sets clear boundaries for Karlach's physical interactions with other characters, a notable discrepancy arises when it comes to her interactions with animals, particularly the dog Scratch and the owlbear. Despite the established rules, Karlach is inexplicably able to pet these animals without any adverse effects, creating a potential plot hole within the game's storytelling. The discrepancy between Karlach's interactions with people and animals raises questions about the consistency of the game's established rules and the impact of this oversight on player immersion and narrative coherence.

Addressing the Oversight

The oversight regarding Karlach's ability to pet animals in Baldur's Gate 3 has sparked discussions within the game's community, with players expressing varying opinions on the significance of this inconsistency. While some players find it to be a minor immersion-breaking issue, others view it as a notable deviation from the established rules of the game, impacting the coherence of the narrative and character interactions.

The potential impact of this oversight on the overall player experience raises questions about the developer's approach to addressing such inconsistencies in future updates. As Baldur's Gate 3 continues to receive new updates, the possibility of Larian Studios addressing this oversight in a future patch remains uncertain. However, the developer's focus on adding new content, addressing bugs, and prioritizing player concerns suggests that rectifying Karlach's ability to pet animals may not be a high priority at this time.

Despite the oversight, Karlach's character and questline continue to enrich the game's narrative, offering players compelling experiences and meaningful interactions. While the inconsistency in her ability to pet animals may be a point of contention for some players, it does not diminish the overall impact of Baldur's Gate 3's engaging storytelling and immersive world.