The Nostalgic Journey Continues: 10 Unforgettable Ocarina of Time Callbacks
Discover the enchanting world of Tears of the Kingdom, a game that pays homage to the timeless classic, Ocarina of Time Uncover 8 captivating callbacks, from the mesmerizing Cooking Whistle to the iconic Armor of Time Embark on a nostalgic journey that will leave Zelda fans spellbound
Tears of the Kingdom pays homage to the timeless Ocarina of Time by incorporating familiar elements like Link's melodic whistling or humming, reminiscent of the beloved predecessor, as he prepares culinary delights.It would be a daunting challenge to discover a devoted fan of The Legend of Zelda who doesn't harbor a profound affection for Ocarina of Time, or at the very least, someone who doesn't hold cherished recollections of indulging in this now legendary installment during their formative years. As The Legend of Zelda progresses into Tears of the Kingdom, an eagerly anticipated sequel, enthusiasts eagerly turn their attention towards the enduring legacy of Ocarina of Time, widely regarded as one of the finest speed-running games, seeking to unravel the profound impact it continues to exert on the franchise, even after decades.
8 Cooking Whistle
Ocarina of Time has become an iconic entry in the series due to its emotional story, recurring themes, and tight gameplay. The latest title, Tears of the Kingdom, pays homage to its predecessor by incorporating several callbacks. While diehard Ocarina of Time fans will undoubtedly notice these easter eggs immediately, Nintendo has done an excellent job of concealing them from plain view.
Every time Link tosses some ingredients into a pan, he will start to whistle or hum a little melody until the food is finally cooked. However, he does not always stick to the same tune. While Link usually sings the main theme of Tears of the Kingdom, there is also a chance that he will perform a medley of songs from Ocarina of Time, including the beloved "Song of Storms" and "Epona's Song".
Despite its constant presence in plain sight, this elusive hidden easter egg proves to be a subtle treasure that requires keen observation. However, its inclusion of multiple songs rather than just one elevates it to a remarkable addition, serving as a nostalgic reminder of the beloved tunes from Ocarina.
7 Identical Ganondorf Scene
In one of the earliest memory cutscenes, there is a depiction of a cunning Ganondorf bowing respectfully to the Hyrule King while discussing the ancestral origins of the Zonia. However, as he departs, a sense of suspicion lingers in his gaze. This particular moment closely resembles a scene from Ocarina of Time where Link and Zelda clandestinely observe Ganondorf showing reverence to the king, while Zelda warns of his treacherous nature and sinister eyes that betray his trustworthiness.
6 Zelda Gets Spooked
Regardless of which version of Ganondorf it is, his tendency to betray royalty persists, showcasing that he is more than just a villain reliant on physical power. His exceptional intellect enables him to effortlessly gain the confidence of influential individuals.
In the reveal trailer for Tears of the Kingdom, there's a captivating moment where Zelda glances back and locks eyes with the camera. It's soon unveiled that she has detected Ganon, who had seemingly been lifeless, regaining his strength as he lies there in an almost corpse-like state. Similarly, in Ocarina of Time, when Link first encounters Zelda, she pivots around anxiously, her expression filled with astonishment that he managed to successfully surpass the guards.
This is definitely a reference to a highly memorable moment from a previous title, given the obvious camera angle and facial expression. This amusing character trait is consistently present in majority of the games, such as Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess.
5 Underground Secrets
As Tears of the Kingdom commences, Link and Zelda embark on a treacherous journey through an underground cave beneath the majestic Hyrule Castle. Their mission: to unearth a toxic substance that has been ominously seeping out and mercilessly claiming the lives of the Hyrule populace. However, their path takes a dark turn when they are unexpectedly assaulted by a ghastly apparition, leaving them haunted by a pervasive desolation known as Gloom. Amidst the chaos, Zelda mysteriously disappears, leaving Link to confront his newfound affliction alone.
The concept of a secretive subterranean region that guards vital knowledge with significant implications for the narrative is not a novel element within the Zelda series. This pattern was also evident in Ocarina of Time, namely in the depths of the Well and the Shadow Temple. These hidden locations concealed profound revelations about the royal family, intensifying the enigma and fascination surrounding the overarching storyline.
4 Rauru's Name
Although Sage Rauru had a relatively minor role in Ocarina of Time, his distinctively small stature and exaggerated mustache made him truly one-of-a-kind. Interestingly, his name was inspired by a town that Link visits in Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link. Furthermore, the name Rauru reappears in Tears of the Kingdom as a reference to the esteemed first King of Hyrule.
3 Lon Lon Milk
In this iteration, Rauru's role in the story is significantly expanded as he takes on the role of a mentor to Link, providing guidance and support throughout his journey to reunite with Princess Zelda. In Tears of the Kingdom, King Rauru's character is developed in a much deeper manner compared to his portrayal in Ocarina of Time, and he becomes a crucial figure in the overall plot, on par with the importance of Zelda and Link.
Upon closer inspection of the front side of a glass of Fresh Milk in Tears of the Kingdom, players will discover an intriguing image of a hand-drawn cow accompanied by some text. Interestingly, this emblem bears a striking resemblance to the iconic symbol found at the Lon Lon Ranch in Ocarina of Time.
2 Ganon's Iconic Pose
Due to the game's release timing, it is quite challenging to spot the Ocarina logo while consuming a glass of milk. However, the prominent image of the cow remains clearly visible at the center. Regrettably, unlike in Ocarina, where milk has the ability to restore five hearts, the Fresh Milk in Tears of the Kingdom can only restore half a heart. Nevertheless, it can still be combined with other ingredients in cooking to create a nourishing meal, such as a warm and delightful stew.
During the final boss fight in Ocarina of Time, when Link manages to defeat Ganon, an extraordinary pose ensues. Ganon extends his arms and lifts them triumphantly towards the heavens. Interestingly, in this instance, Ganon's pose does not indicate his defeat. Instead, it exemplifies his desperate last-ditch effort to bring destruction upon Zelda and Link by demolishing his own castle.
Nintendo reintroduced this iconic pose in Tears of the Kingdom, as the mummified incarnation of Ganon emerges from beneath Hyrule Castle and raises his arms in the exact same manner as in Ocarina. What adds intrigue is the fact that, akin to its referenced game, this gesture signifies that the formidable villain is not yet vanquished and is poised to unleash even greater havoc.
1 The Armor Of Time
The elf-like green outfit worn by Link in Ocarina of Time can be obtained in Tears of the Kingdom. Although it may pose a challenge, requiring a good selection of weapons and armor, acquiring it is highly worthwhile, particularly for the nostalgic appeal. The four pieces of the Armor of Time can be discovered in the Depths, which can be easily accessed from the Lindor and Gerudo Highlands Skyview Towers.
The armor lacks significant strength, providing only moderate defense against powerful attacks and projectiles. However, its visually appealing design serves as a nostalgic reference to one of Link's iconic costumes. Don't miss the chance to embark on The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, now accessible on Nintendo Switch.