The Netflix Adaptation of Sweet Home: Changes from the Webtoon

The Netflix Adaptation of Sweet Home: Changes from the Webtoon

Exploring the differences between the Netflix adaptation of the popular K-drama Sweet Home and its original webtoon, highlighting the major changes and their impact on the story.


The Netflix adaptation of the popular K-drama Sweet Home has garnered significant attention and praise from fans and critics alike. Based on the webtoon by Kim Carnby and Hwang Young-chan, the series has undergone notable changes across its two seasons, sparking discussions about the alterations from the original source material. In this article, we delve into the significant differences between the Netflix adaptation and the webtoon, exploring the impact of these changes on the story and characters.

The Starving Monster in human form in Sweet Home

The Starving Monster in human form in Sweet Home

The first season of Sweet Home closely follows the plot of the webtoon, while the second season takes an original approach, introducing new storylines and characters. Notably, Sweet Home season 3 has been confirmed for 2024, promising further deviations from the familiar webtoon narrative. The series' evolution and divergence from its source material have raised intriguing questions about the creative liberties taken by the Netflix adaptation and their implications for the overall narrative.

The Muscle Monster in Sweet Home

The Muscle Monster in Sweet Home

Netflix's Modifications

The adaptation of Sweet Home on Netflix has made several significant modifications to the original webtoon, altering character backstories, relationships, and the overall narrative arc. One notable change is the reduction of backstories in the Netflix series, particularly in relation to the explanation of certain monsters' origins. In the webtoon, the backstory of the Starving Monster, a prominent character, is extensively explored, delving into the woman's intense diet and desire to be a celebrity, which led to her transformation into a monster. However, in the Netflix adaptation, the character's backstory is truncated, resulting in a diminished exploration of the factors that caused the monsters to appear.

Song Kang as Cha Hyun-su and Lee Do-hyun as Lee Eun-hyuk in Sweet Home

Song Kang as Cha Hyun-su and Lee Do-hyun as Lee Eun-hyuk in Sweet Home

Furthermore, the incorporation of humor from the webtoon into the Netflix series has been limited. The lighthearted moments present in the original source material, particularly through characters like Cha Hyun-su and Lee Eun-hyuk, are underrepresented in the adaptation, contributing to a tonal shift in the series. Additionally, the introduction of an original main character, Seo Yi-kyung, in the Netflix adaptation, who was not present in the webtoon, has significantly impacted the dynamics and plot progression of the series, offering a fresh perspective on the narrative.

Lee Si-young as Seo Yi-kyung in Sweet Home

Lee Si-young as Seo Yi-kyung in Sweet Home

The characterization of key figures, such as Lee Eun-yu and the friendship between Cha Hyun-su and Lee Eun-hyuk, has been altered in the adaptation, leading to shifts in their interactions and relationships. Moreover, the fates of main characters have been changed, diverging from the outcomes depicted in the webtoon. These modifications have reshaped the dynamics between characters and the trajectory of their personal journeys, presenting a distinct interpretation of the original story.

Go Min-si as Lee Eun-yoo and Song Kang as Cha Hyun-soo in Sweet Home

Go Min-si as Lee Eun-yoo and Song Kang as Cha Hyun-soo in Sweet Home

Impact and Expectations for Season 3

The alterations introduced in the Netflix adaptation of Sweet Home have generated diverse reactions from audiences, with some embracing the changes and others highlighting the discrepancies from the webtoon. As the series progresses towards its confirmed third season, anticipation is high for the continuation of the evolving narrative. The deviations from the webtoon in the first two seasons have set the stage for an exciting trajectory in season 3, where the story is expected to further diverge from the familiar source material, offering new twists and developments for the characters and their journeys.

Song Kang as Cha Hyun-soo and the Eyeball Monster in Sweet Home

Song Kang as Cha Hyun-soo and the Eyeball Monster in Sweet Home

The introduction of original plotlines, such as the involvement of the government and the military, has expanded the scope of the series, adding layers of complexity to the overarching narrative. While these additions have sparked debates about the impact on the core themes of the story, they have also contributed to a sense of unpredictability and intrigue for the upcoming season. With the confirmed release of Sweet Home season 3 in 2024, the series is poised to continue its transformative journey, captivating audiences with its innovative approach and compelling storytelling.

The Blind Monster in Sweet Home

The Blind Monster in Sweet Home